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1、河南省郑州市新世纪学校2012届高三英语专题总复习精选强化练习题(九十九)词语搭配法。完形填空经常在文章中考查词语的搭配,主要考查动词与名词,动词、名词、形容词与介词之间的搭配。掌握固定搭配是解题的重要手段。One of my fathers favorite sayings as I was growing up was “Try it!” I couldnt say I didnt like _21_,something“某事”。 whatever it might be,_22_直到尝试以后。 I tried it.Over the years Ive come to _23_逐渐意识到

2、。 how much of my success I owe to my _24_认可了父亲的那些话,并作为自己的价值观。acceptance“接受,认可”,与后面的介词as搭配。 of those words as one of my values.My _25_暗示在下文。 job was just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I _26_先试做几年直到确定以后要以什么作为职业。 what I want to do as a career._27_事实上。I believed I would work for a few

3、 years,get married,stay home and raise a family,so I didnt think the job I took _28_不认为第一份工作有多么重要。matter作动词,意为“重要,要紧”。 that much.I couldnt have been more _29_.我的这种想法完全错了。 I mastered the skills of that beginning为25题提供了暗示。 level position and I was given the opportunity to _30_ move up“晋升,升迁”。 through

4、the company into different _31_.不断获得晋升,在公司不同的职位上工作过。 I accepted each new opportunity with the _32_,“带着这样的想法。”“Well,Ill try it;if I dont like it I can always go back to my _33_如果不喜欢新职位就回到原来的职位上去。 position.” But I was with the same company for the past 28 years,and Ive _34_“在一家公司一干就是28年”,说明对每次职位的变动都很喜

5、欢。 every career change Ive made.Ive discovered I _35_由于做过不同的职位,也就拥有了不同的才能。 a large number of different talents and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being _36_be open to doing“乐意做”。 trying new opportunities.Ive also discovered that if I _37_如果我对所做的事情有信心。 wh

6、at Im doing and work hard at achieving my _38_,并努力去实现自己的目标。achieve ones goal是固定搭配。 I will succeed.Thats why Im so _39_“所以我现在加入到CareerF.公司非常兴奋。”第二份工作开始了! to be a part of CareerF.I think _40_对我来说这是一个时机,我一定要取得成功。 has come and I am determined to make it a success.(2009高考全国卷)文章概述人们常说:父亲是一座山,是家人的依靠。父亲的“名言

7、”伴随“我”长大,对“我”以后的工作态度和价值观影响巨大,使“我”终生受益匪浅。难点剖析owe.to.“把归功于”。此处使用了感叹句,使句子显得较难理解。couldnt have been more.表示肯定之意,意为“非常,完全”。注意时态的应用。此处用过去时意为“我的第一份工作已经不再做了,我已离开这家公司。”与下文第二份工作相呼应。长句注解Ive discovered I possess a large number of different talents and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it

8、not been for my being open to trying new opportunities.我发现自己具备许多不同的才能。要不是我乐意尝试新的机会,我可能永远都不会想到我身上还有这些才能。that引导的是一个定语从句,并且从句中使用了虚拟语气。had it not been for.是if it had not been for.的省略式,意为“要不是的话”。I never would have thought是插入语。21.A.everything Bsomething Ceverybody Dsomebody22A.until after Bever since Cso

9、that Dlong before23A.consider Bargue Cinclude Drealize24A.suggestion Bexplanation Cacceptance Ddiscussion25A.hard Bbest Cextra Dfirst26A.determined Bexamined Cexperienced Dintroduced27A.Actually BGradually CFinally DUsually28A.helped Brequired Cexpressed Dmattered29A.careful Bmistaken Cinterested Dp

10、repared30A.look up Btake up Cmove up Dput up31A.situations Bchoices Cdirections Dpositions32A.thought Breply Caction Dadvice33A.easier Bnewer Cearlier Dhigher 34A.permitted Bcounted Corganized Denjoyed35A.show Bpossess Cneed Dgather36A.lucky for Bslow at Copen to Dafraid of37A.think of Bgive away Cb

11、elieve in Dturn into38A.business Bgoal Cfortune Dgrowth39A.excited Bcurious Csurprised Dhelpful40A.dream Btime Cpower Dhonor答案:21.B22.A23.D24.C25.D26.A27.A28.D29.B30.C31.D32.A33.C34.D35.B36C37.C38.B39.A40.B错因分析:(1)24题是很难的一道题。错选的原因就是有的学生不知道此处是考查固定搭配:accept可与介词as搭配,名词acceptance自然也与介词as搭配,意为“认可或接受是,把作为”。(2)30、36和38题也很容易做错,就是因为不懂得这些搭配:move up“晋升,升迁”,be open to“乐于,愿意”,achieve ones goal“实现目标”。


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