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1、河南省罗山高中2009届高三三轮复习第二次综合测试英 语第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21_ Chinas growth is not _ threat to others. On _ contrary, it will bring more opportunities to the world.A/; a; the BThe; a; / CThe; /; the D/; a; /22He is alwa

2、ys helping people without expecting anything _.Ain need Bin turn Cin fact Din return23How about the book you are reading now?Excellent indeed. You can find many problems we have come across _ in it.Acovered Bcovering Care referred Dreferred24Determined to stand up and make a living by herself, Frida

3、 began to learn to paint _ she was limited to bed and wheelchair.Abecause Beven thoughCunless Din case25The editor-in-chief asked me to write another article for them, _ about how to prevent bird flu.Athat Bone Cit Dwhich26I think Tom is tolerant, generous and humorous and his girl friend is talkati

4、ve, energetic and easy-going._ What a pair!ACongratulations! BOh, Im glad to hear that.CI couldnt agree more. DIts a pleasure.27We have been in the traffic for an hour by now.YeahIm afraid well never _ it to the conference.Aget Bhave Cdo Dmake28Its amazing that Mike should get such good marks while

5、he does only _ the others.Aas much as half Bhalf as much as Cas many as half Dhalf as many as29Dress yourself up, _ you are unlikely to be allowed in.Aand Bbut Cor Dso30In hot weather, an old tyre can break again easily _ its mended.Awhen Bwhere Cwhich Dthat31“By no means,” declared the captain, “_

6、give way to disappointment.”Awe would Bwe will Cmight we Dshall we32English, as a living language, _ all the time.Right. Who knows what it will be like in the years to come?Awill change Bwas changing Cis changing Dhas changed33I could have been on time for the meeting, but I _ in a traffic jam for o

7、ver half an hour.Ahave caught Bhave been caught Cwas caughtDcaught34It is in the very village, _ Mary was born 35 years ago, _ she will build her first school, _ inspires everyone to help her.Awhere; that; which Bthat; that; thatCthat; when; which Dwhere; when; that35Are you here on business?No, _.T

8、his is my holiday.Afor pleasure Bwith pleasure Ca pleasure DIts my pleasure第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655题各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My daughter performed on behalf of her class in the annual school concert today. She played so 36 that I could not help cheering her. The ve

9、ry 37 reminded me of her experiences of piano practicing.When she was five, we gave her a piano as a birthday present. With great 38 , she began learning it. However, when she was no longer 39 , she became sick of it. 40 , it is a tough job to learn the piano, not to mention the daily routine(常规)of

10、41 .When her first teacher left, my friend 42 me to an American teacher whose way of teaching was completely American. After practicing, she would give my daughter some 43 comments, and then point out what should be 44 . Every time she came, 45 beginning the lesson right away, she would first play s

11、ome 46 . She said, “To learn the piano, you should learn not only the 47 of playing, but more importantly, to 48 the music and love it.”After some time, my daughter became fond of her lessons. Sometimes she 49 would like to 50 a little bit when her skill had reached a certain level.Surprisingly, my

12、daughter said to me one day, “Mom, I was 51 that you didnt give up my piano lessons. Learning it is like climbing a mountain. Youll feel 52 when you are on the way. When you look 53 from where you are, you will realize that you have been making 54 . But if you 55 , youll never take one more step.” T

13、hat was the very thing I wanted to teach her.36AregularlyBsmoothlyCcarefullyDhappily37AmusicBarrangementCsceneDpraise38AunwillingnessBpressureCregretDexcitement39AyoungBfreeCanxiousDcurious40AAfter allBAbove allCIn allDFirst of all41ApracticeBcostCeducationDshow42AledBsentCintroducedDdirected43Ausua

14、lBgoodCinterestingDhumorous44AexplainedBchangedCstoppedDimproved45Aas withBexcept forCinstead ofDthanks to46AjokesBmusicCgamesDsports47AskillsBlevelsCtrainingDsecrets48AfeelBfollowCcreateDread49AonceBevenCstillDthen50Amake upBget backCshow offDgive away51AnervousBexcitedCafraidDlucky52AtiredBeasyCafraidDexcited53AaheadBdownCupDover


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