江苏省无锡市2014高考英语一轮 完形填空和阅读理解精品训练(20)

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1、无锡市2014高考英语一轮完形填空和阅读理解(精品)训练(20)附答案(2012山西大同学情调研)When I first entered university,my aunt,who is an English professor,gave me a new English dictionary.I was _1_ to see that it was an EnglishEnglish dictionary,also known as a monolingual dictionary._2_ it was a dictionary intended for nonnative learne

2、rs,none of my classmates had one _3_,to be honest,I found it extremely _4_ to use at first.I would look up words in the dictionary and _5_ not fully understand the meanings.I was used to the _6_ bilingual dictionaries,in which the words are _7_ both in English and Chinese.I really wondered why my au

3、nt _8_ to make things so difficult for me.Now,after studying English at university for three years,I _9_ that monolingual dictionaries are _10_ in learning a foreign language.As I found out,there is,_11_,often no perfect equivalence(对应)between two _12_in two languages.My aunt even goes so far as to

4、_13_ that a Chinese “equivalent” can never give you the _14_ meaning of a word in English!_15_,she insisted that I read the definition(定义)of a word in a monolingual dictionary _16_ I wanted to get a better understanding of its meaning._17_ I have come to see what she meant.Using a monolingual dictio

5、nary for learners has helped me in another important way.This dictionary uses a(n)_18_ number of words,around 2,000,in its definitions.When I read these definitions,I am _19_ exposed to(接触)the basic words and learn how they are used to explain objects and ideas._20_ this,I can express myself more ea

6、sily in English.1Aworried Bsad Csurprised Dnervous2ABecause BAlthough CUnless DIf3Abut Bso Cor Dand4Adifficult Binteresting Cambiguous Dpractical5Athus Beven Cstill Dagain6Anew Bfamiliar Cearlier Dordinary7Aexplained Bexpressed Cdescribed Dcreated8Aoffered Bagreed Cdecided Dhappened9Aimagine Brecomm

7、end Cpredict Dunderstand10Anatural Bbetter Ceasier Dconvenient11Aat best Bin fact Cat times Din case12Awords Bnames Cideas Dcharacters13Ahope Bdeclare Cdoubt Dtell14Aexact Bbasic Ctranslated Dexpected15ARather BHowever CTherefore DInstead16Awhen Bbefore Cuntil Dwhile17ALargely BGenerally CGradually

8、DProbably18Aextra Baverage Ctotal Dlimited19Arepeatedly Bnearly Cimmediately Danxiously20AAccording to BIn relation to CIn addition to DBecause of1C从下文可知,学生一般都用双解词典,而一进入大学,姑妈就给作者一本英英词典,因此感到惊讶。2B尽管这本词典是为非本族语学习者编写的一本词典,但是作者的同学没有一个拥有这样的词典。根据句意可知B项正确。3D从下文可知,此处两个分句之间存在承接关系,因此用and,答案为D项。4Adifficult “难的”;

9、interesting “有趣的”;ambiguous “不明确的,模棱两可的”;practical“实用的”。由上下文可知,作者开始用英英词典的时候还是感到困难的,所以A项正确。5Cthus“如此,这样”;even“甚至”;still“仍然,还”;again“再,又”。根据句意可知选C项。6B根据句意,作者习惯使用双解词典。familiar“熟知的,熟悉的”。7A双解词典中的单词用两种语言解释,所以答案为A项。8Coffer to do sth.“自愿做某事”;agree to do sth.“同意做某事”;decide to do sth.“决定做某事”;happen to do sth.

10、“碰巧做某事”。因为双解词典比较容易,而用英英词典则比较困难,所以作者不知道姑妈为什么决定要这样做。故C项正确。9D在大学学了三年的英语后,作者知道了英英词典的好处。imagine “想象”;recommend “建议,推荐”;predict “预言”;understand “理解”。根据句意可知D项正确。10B从下文可知,作者现在认识到英英词典比双解词典好,所以B项正确。11B像作者发现的那样,在两种语言中,两个单词的含义实际上没有绝对的对应。at best“最好,至多,充其量”;in fact“事实上”;at times “有时”;in case “万一”。根据句意选B项。12A此处表示两

11、种语言中的单词意义不能完全匹配,所以用words。13B姑妈宣称说汉语翻译永远不会给出一个英语单词的确切意义。hope “希望”;declare“宣布,宣称”后可直接接宾语从句;doubt “怀疑”,与句意不符;tell要接双宾语。综上所述可知B项正确。14AA项“确切的”;B项“基础的”;C项“被翻译的”;D项“期望的”。根据上一题解析可知A项正确。15C上下文之间为因果关系,所以选C项。therefore“因此,所以”。16A姑妈坚持主张:想更好地理解单词的含义时,还是要看英英词典上的定义。when“当时”,可以是“点”的时间,也可以是“段”的时间,此处表示“点”的时间,而while通常用

12、来表示“段”的时间。17C三年中通过使用英英词典作者逐渐明白了姑妈当初的意图。此处gradually表示一个渐进的过程。18D由下文的2000个单词可知,这本英英词典的词汇是有限的。19A因为本词典词汇量有限,所以这些基本单词会重复出现。A项正确。20DA项“根据,依据”;B项“与有关”;C项“除之外”;D项“因为,由于”。因为作者使用英英词典,因此可以容易地用英语自我表达。*结束Dear editor,Mary is my best friend and she is a very good-hearted girl. Shes always the first to help out ot

13、hers. But her habits make me mad sometimes and she just wont change her ways. For most situations, thats just fine with me, as I know its what makes her who she is. However, sometimes its just so hard for me to bear her behavior. She has recently got a cellphone, but she often borrows mine to make c

14、alls. My phone has a chain with it. She always tries to open it like her own phone. I usually open it for it, but not always, as sometimes Im driving my car, so she needs to get it out of my purse and open it herself. This weekend, we were at a party in a faraway village. She borrowed my cellphone. As it was cold outside, I let her take it outside



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