江苏省2013版高中英语 素能提升演练(六) unit3 译林牛津版必修2

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1、素能提升演练(六)必修2 Unit 3. 用下列句型翻译句子1. 他一觉醒了,发现钱包不见了。(不定式作结果状语)_2. 他本想帮助你的,但当时没有时间。(had wanted本想)_3. 据说她要带着妈妈上大学。(be said to据说)_4. 可以肯定的是,他会成功的。(what is certain is. . . 可以肯定的是)_5. 是杨善洲义务植树三十多年。(强调句型)_. 单项填空1. He _ to go to Tsinghua University to study after graduating from high school, so he is working ve

2、ry hard. A. demandsB. defendsC. desiresD. designs2. The noise was so _ that he was so _ that he stayed awake the whole night. A. disturbing; disturbedB. disturbed; disturbingC. disturbing; disturbingD. disturbed; disturbed3. The society was set up to _ endangered species from extinction. AdeserveBpr

3、eserveCobserveDreserve4. Greatly _, the students made up their minds to work at English even harder. AinspiringBinspiredChaving inspiredDto inspire5. Why didnt you go fishing with your friend yesterday? Well, fishing is a hobby which calls for _ patience, which I dont haveA. a large number ofB. a gr

4、eat manyC. scores ofD. a great deal of 6. He is in _ control of the company. I mean, the company is in _ control of him. A. the; /B. /; theC. the; theD. /; /7. 2012潍坊模拟George was responsible for the accident because he didnt give a _ to other drivers. A. noticeB. signalC. symbolD. mark8. The experim

5、ent _ the discovery of a cure for cancer. A. resulted inB. resulted fromC. resulted ofD. resulted by9. Many people swarmed into big cities to seek their _, but most of them failed. A. moneyB. earningsC. salaryD. fortune10. Where did you meet the famous actress? It was in the supermarket _ we went sh

6、opping last Sunday. A. whichB. thatC. whereD. there11. For us Senior Three students, believing that our hard work will _ can strengthen our confidence. A. pay offB. take offC. set offD. put off12. These tax laws which are intended for domestic companies do not _ to foreign companies. A. contribute B

7、. leadC. apply D. fit13. When _ a new word, youd better _ a dictionary. A. come across; refer toB. coming across; consultC. coming across; look upD. come across; consult 14. People have always been curious _ how living things on the earth exactly began. A. inB. atC. ofD. about15. 2012烟台模拟_ amazed me

8、 most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet. A. ThatB. ItC. WhichD. What. 阅读理解2012南京模拟University of Missouri researchers have found evidence that shows those who quit smoking show improvements in their overall personalities. “The data indicate

9、that for some young adults smoking is impulsive, ” said Andrew Littlefield, a doctoral student in the Department of Psychological Sciences in the College of Arts and Science. “That means that 18-year-olds are acting without a lot of forethought and favor immediate rewards over long-term negative con

10、sequences. They might say, I know smoking is bad for me, but Im going to do it anyway. However, we find individuals who show the most decreases in impulsivity also are more likely quit smoking. If we can target anti-smoking efforts at that impulsivity, it may help the young people stop smoking. ”In

11、the study, MU researchers compared people, aged 18 to 35, who smoked with those who had quit smoking. They found that individuals who smoked were higher in two distinct personality traits during young adulthood: impulsivity-acting without thinking about the consequences; neuroticism-being emotionall

12、y negative and anxious, most of the time. Littlefield found that those with higher levels of impulsivity and neuroticism were more likely to engage in detrimental behaviors, such as smoking. However, Littlefield also found that those who quit smoking had the biggest declines in impulsivity and neuro

13、ticism from ages 18 to 25. “Smokers at age 18 had higher impulsivity rates than non-smokers at age 18, and those who quit tended to display the steepest declines in impulsivity between ages 18 and 25, ” Littlefield said. “However, as a person ages and continues to smoke, smoking becomes part of a re

14、gular behavior pattern and less impulsive. The motives for smoking later in lifehabit, craving, loss of control and toleranceare key elements of smoking dependence and appear to be more independent of personality traits. ”Despite the evidence from this study, substance use is still a complex relationship of genetic and environmental factors, Littlefield s


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