江苏省2013版高中英语 素能提升演练(二十四) unit1 译林牛津版选修8

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1、素能提升演练(二十四)选修8 Unit 1. 单词拼写1. If you _ (滥用)something, you use it in a wrong way or for a bad purpose. 2. You can trust us, because we have an excellent _ (名声)for holding weddings and parties. 3. We should try to reform _ (罪犯) rather than punish them. 4. The Korean people set up a _ (纪念碑) in memory o

2、f their heroes. 5. He was _ (绝望的) when he lost all his money. 6. He couldnt _ (抵挡) making jokes about his mistake. 7. It was _ (慷慨的) of you to share your food with me. 8. Today, I _ (打算) to finish reading this book. 9. After his success, he became _ (自负的). 10. The lifeboat was sent out to _ (营救) the

3、 sailors from the sinking ship. . 翻译句子1. 我们一定要使我们的国家变得更加强大。(make sth. +形容词)_2. 她非常腼腆,宁愿死也不愿演讲。(would rather. . . than. . . )_3. 我们当时正在开会,他突然闯了进来。(when连接并列句)_4. 这就是我早早离去的原因。(why引导表语从句)_5. 他讲话结束的时候,听众掌声雷动。(as引导时间状语从句)_. 单项填空1. 2012沈阳模拟We have made _ clear that we are strongly against smoking in the of

4、fice. A. thisB. thatC. itD. one2. He accidentally _ he had stolen something from a shop and had been punished by the guards. Alet outBtook careCmade sureDmade out3. 2012福州模拟But the unpleasant feeling of coldness disappeared at the _ of his students pouring out of their classroom to give him a warm,

5、wordless welcome. A. sightB. sceneC. viewD. sign4. 2012石家庄模拟Almost all the girls in our college _ the handsome mathematics teacher who happens to be single. A. respectB. adoreC. followD. envy5. Hearing the _ cry for help, out rushed the brave young man without wearing his coat in such cold weather.

6、A. curiousB. gentleC. madlyD. desperate6. It has been found that some government leaders _ their power in office to get illegal benefits for themselves. A. employB. takeC. abuseD. achieve7. 2012太原模拟The boy was wandering through the street _ a bike hit him. A. whenB. onceC. whileD. as8. He is in good

7、 health , so he is able to _ disease. A. resistB. causeC. get intoD. suffer from9. 2012莆田模拟After the quarrel, I tried all my best to fix the misunderstanding between us, but all my efforts seemed _ . A. in troubleB. in caseC. in effectD. in vain10. The reason _ he didnt attend the meeting yesterday

8、was _ his child had fallen ill. Athat; whyBwhy; thatCwhy; whyDthat; that11. The manager is so _ to give the poor students so much money. A. meanB. generousC. economicalD. thrifty12. She _ clean out the spare room last week, but it was much too occupied at that time. A. intended toB. was intended toC

9、. had intended toD. has intended to13. I would rather _ the football match last night with my friends; otherwise, I would have finished my homework by now. A. not have watchedB. not watchC. hadnt watchedD. havent watched14. 2012昆明模拟Our company has won a good _ among our customers because our product

10、s are of high quality. A. reputationB. fortuneC. identityD. nickname15. Charles did what he could _ the servant, although he himself was in danger. ArescueBrescuedCto rescueDrescuing. 完形填空2012淮南模拟A new book about Chinese-style tough parenting has caused debate in the US. Amy Chua, the author of Batt

11、le Hymn(颂歌)of the Tiger Mother, is a Chinese-American professor at Yale Law School, also a mother of two. The1methods she used with her daughters would seem2to Westerners. In school her daughters werent allowed to make grades3than As. They had to4playing the piano or violin even four hours a day. Th

12、ere has been wide criticism(批评)of Chuas book in the US. “Its a kind of5, ”said a professor at New York University, “Standards of parenting need to be6. Children need parents to7them, not to force them to do things theyre probably not interested in. ”Now the criticism seems to have8to China. A(n)9exp

13、ert Sun Yunxiao argued Chuas method of10would limit children from developing their full11. “And that, focusing too much on test scores and good degrees, ”Sun said, “parents would12their kids ability fully to develop and to enjoy life. ”13critics might have sympathy for kids experiencing this parenting style, some teenagers quite14it. “I think anyone can do well if they work hard enough, ”said a 17-year-old boy, “A 15mother is there to help her kids work hard. ”Other


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