江苏省2013版高中英语 素能提升演练(十四) unit2 译林牛津版必修5

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1、素能提升演练(十四)必修5 Unit 2 . 单词拼写1. The writer of the book is an investment_ (顾问). 2. Their prices are high because_ (生产) costs are very great. 3. The failure of the operation has shaken my _ (信心,相信) in the doctor. 4. The boy is a _ (增光的人) to his parents. 5. It was a bad year for new films, in terms of bo

2、th_ (数量) and quality. 6. The hours of the two examinations _ (冲突). 7. In some Asian countries, such as Thailand, poker is_ (非法的). 8. I sent her a present to show my_ (感谢) for her help. 9. She has her hair done in a _ (特别的) style. 10. Development experts have debated on this question for _ (几十年). . 单

3、项填空1. 2012泉州模拟The 2010 World Expo in Shanghai is more like a platform for cultural exchange, _ people into closer contact with the rest of the world. A. having bringingB. to bringC. broughtD. bringing2. We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems _ the Yangtze River. A. in terms ofB. in

4、 spite ofC. in regard toD. in response to3. 2012庆阳模拟In front of our house _where we used to swim. A. a river liesB. does a river lieC. does lie a riverD. lies a river4. It is dishonest of you to take _ for work that was done by others. A. accountB. creditC. beliefD. measures5. Whats your_ of Frank a

5、s a boss? Honest. A. impressionB. influenceC. respectD. attitude6. I can make an evening dress _ your measure. A. toB. byC. atD. with7. Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree? No, its out of _. A. rangeB. reachC. controlD. distance8. 2012衡水模拟I really appreciate_ to help me with my maths, but

6、 Im afraid that I have no time this week. A. you to offerB. it you offerC. your offeringD. this you are offering9. You didnt lock the back door. You are wrong. I _. A. have locked itB. lock it myselfC. did lock itD. do lock it10. 2012三明模拟Honesty is priceless. Stars, _ , need to take honesty seriousl

7、y. A. in shortB. in returnC. in particularD. in reward11. Youd better fly somewhere in the west. Then you can _ a hire car and travel around. A. take upB. get onC. pick upD. turn on12. The recent information has been put forward _ more high school graduates will be admitted into universities. A. asB

8、. whichC. whileD. that13. 2012衡阳模拟We didnt find the Blacks _ the lecture. No one had told them about _ a lecture the following day. A. attend; there to be B. attending; there being C. attended; there be D. attending; there was14. _ is no doubt that the Dallas Mavericks will defeat the Washington Wiz

9、ards in the next game. A. ItB. AsC. ThatD. There15. As has been reported, more measures _ to make the falling economies recover as soon as possible. A. have takenB. are takingC. will takeD. will be taken. 阅读理解2012长沙模拟As is known, healthy foods can help save your lifeNow, here is a list of healthy fo

10、ods that can save your memoryIt is best that every person knows what he eats, as he takes in, can make or break himself, in terms of healthFish is helpful in regaining back the kind of memory that a person once hasEating fish can help you save the trouble of forgetfulnessVegetables rich in fiber and

11、 other dark and green leafy kinds are very suitable for people who want to avoid mental blocksThese foods contain high units of Vitamin EAnother food that is considered having different effects on preventing this brain deficiency(缺陷) is avocado (鳄梨), which is also rich in Vitamins E and CIt is reall

12、y good to know these healthy foods that can save your memory are always at hand so as to help you in your fight against diseasesSunflower seeds are regarded as Vitamin C-powered seeds and also give you enough energyAs for red wine, do not over consume it, as it is said to have to be taken in moderat

13、e amounts in order to help the bodyOver-drinking can cause illness and like anything elseThis is considered as one of the healthy foods that can save your memory; alcohol can otherwise lose itIt is better to consume colored bread, rice and whole grains for you to get the best out of fiberThese foods

14、 can lower the bodys risk of being infected with Alzheimers diseaseKnowing the healthy foods that can save your memory is living the life that you have longed and desiredAmong the others, the best, of course, is exerciseTaking part in different kinds of exercises, physical activities or sports can keep both your body and mind healthy. 1If you suffer from loss of memory, you_ Ashould eat cucumbers and cabbagesBhad better take in fish in your mealsCcan drink as much wine as


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