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《character 文学原理教程课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《character 文学原理教程课件(45页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Character& Characterization,Kinds of Character,Roles in the Novel 1. Hero / Heroine 主角 - The chief / central character of a literary work,Hero / Heroine Carrying Connotation Protagonist 主人公 Sounding Neutral,Protagonist Antagonist 反面角色,对立面 - The rival or opponent against whom the protagonist / hero i

2、s contending.,2. Main / Major Character - One in close and dynamic relation with the hero / heroine. (Close relation does not necessarily mean good relation.),3. Minor Character - One in remote and static relation with the hero. (Not all minor characters are unimportant.),4. Foil (Character) 陪衬 - On

3、e that helps enhance the intensity of the hero by strengthening or contrasting.,Degrees of Development,Round Character 圆形人物 - The complex multidimensional character with the capacity to grow and change.,Round Characterization,A character who is complex and has many sides or traits with unpredictable

4、 behavior and a fully developed personality. Antagonists are usually a round characterization. Example: Like The Green Goblin (Norman Osborn),另一类圆活人物,则企图表现人心的复杂多变,一如动态的塑造,不但免除僵化,令人厌烦之病,而且可以是应任何情节的应球,令人有新奇变化之感,甚至角色在小说中成长,有自主能力去改变结局似的,比方说红楼梦中的宝玉,在裙钗中翻滚,在大官园中流连,爱恨迭起,悲喜无常,最后以出家勘破,作为回归太虚的醒悟之途。, Complex i

5、n temperament and motivation; Represented with subtle particularity; As difficult to describe with any adequacy as a person in real life.,Eg: Hamlet - A typical round character,2. Flat Character 扁平人物 - One who embodies or represents a single characteristic or trait, or at most a very limited number

6、of such qualities.,据Forster的说法,小说中的人物可分成扁平(Flat)人物与圆活人物(Round)。扁平人物有时又被称为类型(types)或漫画人物(caricatures),通常是依循着一个单纯的理念或性质而被创造出来,所以又被归类为静态人物(static),故地展现一项性能特征,比较被动,对任何环境变迁,只是持着一种态度,这样的人物在求易认易记,比方说琼瑶小说(一般言情)中的男女主角似乎总是美丽、潇洒,多情易感,任凭时移境迁,此爱不渝。而鲁迅阿Q正传中的阿Q由于遭遇任何困厄、皆以精神胜利法泰然处之,似乎也是平面人物常用以做讽刺性描述的代表。,Flat Charac

7、terization,A character who has one or two sides, representing one or two traitsoften a stereotype. Flat characters help move the plot along more quickly because the audience immediately understands what the character is about. Example: Like a geeky science professor,Type Character 类型化人物 Stock Charac

8、ter 小丑角色 One-dimensional Character 单一角色 Caricature 漫画人物 - when distorted to create humor, Presented without much individualizing detail; Remaining “stable” or unchanged in outlook and dispositions from the beginning to the end of a work.,Eg: Detective Story Adventure Novel Farce Comedy - In above wo

9、rks, the protagonist usually is a flat character.,1. Dynamic Character - Exhibiting some kind of change as the story progresses. 2. Static Character - Remaining the same from the beginning of a work to the end.,Dynamic Characterization,A character who experiences an essential change in personality o

10、r attitude. Protagonists are almost always dynamic. Example: Stitch, from Lilo and Stitch,Static Characterization,A character who does not change or develop beyond the way in which she or he is first presented. Example: Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird.,Characterization 人物塑造,- The process by

11、 which an author creates, develops, and presents a character.,Characterization,How a writer reveals a characters personality Direct Characterization: Author tells us what the character is like (e.g. deceitful, honest, evil, kind) Indirect Characterization: Physical description Words & thoughts Other

12、 characters thoughts & comments Characters actions,Methods of Characterization,Characterization 1. Through the use of names; 2. Through appearance; 3. By the author; - By telling.,人物构造法(methods of characterization) 基本尚可分为说明(telling)或表演(showing)二种方式,Telling的方式如: 命名:这是描写小说人物性格最简单的方式,比如黑旋风李逵(黑大汉、又粗暴)浪里


14、眉,一双似喜非喜含情目,泪光点点,娇喘微微。娴静时如娇花照水,行动似弱柳扶水。愁眉长叹,泪眼不干,成为黛玉其人的标志。,作者评论:这不但是让读者注意,且受到作者的特别引导,在表H外,附加以造型的内在意涵,比如写黛玉初见宝玉,除了描写其穿金戴玉,绫罗绸缎,面如赋彩,转盼多情之外,作者还以西江月二阙词加以批示: 无故寻愁觅恨,有时似傻如狂。纵然生得好皮囊,腹内原来草莽。潦倒不通庶务,愚顽恰读文章。行为偏僻性乖张,那管世人毁谤。富贵不知乐业,贫穷难耐凄凉。可怜辜负好时光,于国于家无望。天下无能第一,古今不肖无双。寄言纨裤与膏梁,莫效此儿形状。一方面,作者似有意寄寓教化之效,可是更多的目的在补充外表形

15、象描写的不足,甚至为宝玉一生作一个精灵的提点-我们无法以世俗工业去看他,反而要为他敞开一条痴傻狂傲的人生路径。,Characterization 4. Through dialogue; 5. Through action; - By showing.,showing的方式,如: 对话与行动(动作)当我们说对话的时候必然牵涉谁说的、向谁说、说什么,怎么说等四个层面。而说话的同时也然有些动作,包括表情与肢体。所以我们可以发现它类似戏剧表演,不只是说话要像真人在说话的样子,而且必须与两者之间的身份、个性配合,甚至与采取的行动相关。,比如红楼梦中凤姊初见到刘姥姥一段,二人在身份上的富贫、贵贱与性情上的真厚虚伪、骄纵朴拙加以对照。凤姊以低头的无聊举止,配合怎么还不请进来,到怎么不早说复有忙欲起身却犹未起身的动作语言,将凤姊一身骄气表露无遗。而说大户人家不过是个空架子、管事的艰苦难处等,又是权贵家族狡猾势利之处,相形之下,刘姥姥的寒俭、低下,扭捏、粗俗,比如先红了脸再说(勉强的说),见贾蓉逛来,站不是坐不是,有了钱拿不禁喜的眉开眼笑,粗鄙直率的说瘦死的骆驼比马还大呢,却可见人物透过表演方式的突出。,Analyzing Character,Who is the protagonist


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