广东省2013版高中英语 素能提升演练(二十一) unit1 新人教版必修5

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1、素能提升演练(二十一)必修5 Unit 1. 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空put forward;link. . . to. . . ;apart from;lead to;make sense;expose. . . to;look into;be to blame;defeat;suspect1. This essay is quite good _ a couple of spelling mistakes. 2. I wrote a letter of complaint, and the manager has promised to _ the matter. 3. The

2、re is no doubt that stress can _ physical illness. 4. The police _the man in the red jacket was a criminal, but they didnt have any evidence. 5. I dont think it _ to focus only on providing basic services. 6. A new approach to teaching languages was _ at the meeting last week. 7. These colors will n

3、ot last if they are _ the sun. 8. Scientists now _certain types of cancer _ the amount of junk food that people eat. 9. We were _ 01 in the football game, which made us very upset. 10. It is not the child but his parents who _ for this. . 完成句子 1. I feel it is your husband _ for the spoiled child. (b

4、lame)我感觉对于这个宠坏了的孩子你丈夫应受责备。2. The fact _ made it difficult for him to get a job in that country. (attend)他没上过大学这个事实使他在这个国家找工作变得困难。3. So _ reading a novel that he found time passed quickly in the summer vacation. (absorb )他读小说如此专注,以致他发现暑假时间过得真快。4. Doctor Wang became excited when he thought about helpi

5、ng the poor children_ cholera. (expose)王大夫一想到能帮助那些可能染上霍乱的贫困儿童他就非常激动。5. Its well known to us that in no case _ without having a wide investigation. (conclusion)我们都知道在没有进行广泛的调查之前我们决不能贸然得出结论。6. I think you need some outdoor exercise. Plenty of fresh air will _ . (contribute)我认为你需要户外锻炼,足够的新鲜空气会有利于健康。7.

6、In order to bring up her daughter to be an educated woman, she has no choice but _. (strict)为了把女儿培养成有涵养的人,她别无选择只得对她严格要求。8. Only when I entered the senior high school _ a great interest in poems. (show) 只有当我进入高中时我才开始对诗歌产生浓厚的兴趣。9. I was pleased to find that the apartment _ was in a quiet neighborhood,

7、 with many trees and enough fresh air to breathe. (advertise)我很高兴地发现在报纸上做广告的房屋竟然在环境幽静,绿树成荫,空气新鲜的地方。10. It was his rich experiences _ the success of his novel. (contribute)他丰富的经历对他的小说成功起了很大作用。. 阅读理解 Linus Pauling,the only person who has won two undivided Nobel Prizes,was born in Portland,Oregon. He a

8、ttended Washington High School but because of an unimportant detail he did not receive his diploma until 1962,long after he had received his Bachelors degree in chemical engineering from Oregon State College in 1922. He had chosen to study his major because he could get a good job with it. He won th

9、e Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1954 for his research into the nature of the chemical bond and its application to the explanation of the structure of complex substance. His interest in the “behavior” of molecules(分子) led him from physical chemistry to biological chemistry,especially of the human body

10、. He began with proteins and their main parts,the amino acids(氨基酸),which are called the “building blocks of life”. In 1950,he constructed the first satisfactory model of a protein molecule,a discovery very important to the understanding of the living cell. During World War,Pauling was a member of th

11、e Research Board for National Security,for which he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Merit in 1948. However,the use of the atomic bomb near the end of the war turned Pauling in a new direction. Having long worked on the structure of molecules,he took an immediate interest in the deadly effects

12、of nuclear fallout on human molecular structures. From then on,Pauling protested the production of the hydrogen bombs and supported the prevention of the spread of nuclear weapons. Through his efforts,The Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty,declaring all nuclear tests to be illegal except underground ones,came

13、into effect on October 10, 1963,the same day Linus Pauling was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. 1. From the first Paragraph,we learn that Linus Pauling _ . A. didnt study hard while in Washington High SchoolB. is the only scientist who has won two Nobel PrizesC. was once badly treated in Washingto

14、n High SchoolD. chose to study chemical engineering to earn his living2. Which of the following things did Pauling pay much attention to at first? A. The “behavior” of molecules. B. Physical chemistry. C. Biological chemistry. D. The human body. 3. During World War, Linus Pauling _ . A. had to stop

15、his research because of the warB. made great contributions to the safety of the countryC. joined the army to fight for the safety of the countryD. took part in researching nuclear bombs4. Which of the following is legal according to The Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty? A. The use of nuclear weapons. B. Testing hydrogen bombs on the ground. C. Test


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