2013年中考英语 知识综合考点精讲精练(四)(无答案) 人教新目标版

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1、2013年中考英语 知识综合考点精讲精练(四)(无答案) 人教新目标版1、 tie n. 领带(=necktie) wear a tie 系领带 tie v. 系 tietiedtied , tying tie.to. 把.系到.上 tie the horse _the tree 把 马栓在那棵树上另 lie v. 平躺 lielaylain , lying lie on the ground 躺在地上 lie v. & n. 撒谎 lieliedlied , lying lie to sb 想某人撒谎 = tell sb a lie lier n. 撒谎者 die v. 死diedieddi

2、ed , dying (adj. dead ; n. death)2. million n. 百万 three _ trees 5 _ people millions of 数百万. _ of trees 数百万棵树 billion 十亿 1.3 billion 十三亿, hundreds of 数百,成百上千. thousands of 数千,成千上万 eg, 1、 This man won _ dollars in the lottery(彩票).A. two millions B. million of C. two millions of D. two million*2、_ the

3、students are from Japan.A. Two hundreds B. Two hundred of C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of hundred, thousand , million, billion (十亿)词前面有数词或several 一词时要不能加s ,反之,则要加s 并与of 连用, 表示数量很多 如:several hundred/ thousand/ million/ billion people几百/千/百万/十亿人; hundreds of trees 上百棵树3. worry n. 烦恼,烦心的事 be full of worri

4、es 充满了烦恼 worried adj. 焦虑的(修饰人)a worried mother 一个着急的妈妈 worrying adj. 令人焦虑的 (修饰物)worrying news 令人担心的消息 worry about = be worried about 担心4.What if .?= What shall I/ we do if . ?Eg, _ _ it rains tomorrow?= What shall we do if it rains tomorrow? 要是明天下雨我们该怎么办?1) What would happen if aliens should come to

5、 the earth?=_ _ aliens should come to the earth?2) What shall I do if I dont have enough time ?= _ _ I dont have enough time ?5. 结构:宁愿做.而不做. would rather +动词原形 +than+ 动词原形= Would+动词原形+rather than +动词原形= Would+动词原形+instead of +doing +. Eg, I would rather do it alone than ask others for help. 我宁愿自己独自做

6、,而不愿意求助别人。= I _ do it alone _ _ ask others for help.= I _ do it alone _ _ asking others for help.1) Her cousin would _ .A. rather make mistakes than study B. gives up rather than make a decision C. stay up instead of go to bed early D. live in the country ranther than the city.2) Qiu Shaoyun would d

7、ie rather than _ . A. to give up B. give up C. giving up D. gave up3)He would rather take a bus to school _ a taxi , for its cheaper. A.to riding B. than riding C. ride D. than ride 4)In such a hot day, I would rather _ at home than _ out under the sun. A. to stay, to go B. to stay,go C. stay, to go

8、 D. saty, go5)I _stay at home _ go to a movie. A. not only;but also B. like, not C. will rather ;than D. would rather; than另 rather.than. 和rather than .宁可。而不是。或 倒不如。注意:rather than 前后一致1 Im tired ranther than bored.2 She cried rather than_(smile). prefer to do sth rather than do sth宁愿做某事而不愿做某事I prefe

9、r to play basketball rather than _ (go) fishing .I prefer to read novel rather than to watch TV.与看电视相比我更喜欢读小说。 Im rather bored than tired.与其说我很疲惫,倒不如说我很厌倦 Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee. 我想喝冷饮,而不想喝咖啡。She likes dogs rather than cats. 她喜欢狗而不喜欢猫。6. rest 常与the 连用,构成the rest ,“其余的,剩下 的”(既可以指剩下的

10、可数名词,也可以是不可数名词) 作主语时,谓语单复数要根据所代的名词可数与否而定The rest of the time _ limited. 所剩余的时间很有限。The rest of the guests _dangcing and chatting 其余的客人正在跳舞聊天。The rest of the food in the fridge _ bad. A. have gone B. Has gone C. are D. have been When they were running on the playground , _students cheered.(欢呼) A. the

11、other of B. the rest of C. another D. Othersthe rest既可代替可数名词,也可代替不可数名词。而another, other, others, the other(s)只能代替可数名词。如: 1). I have done much of the work. Could you please finish _ in two days? A. the rest B. the other C. another D. the others 2). Some of the wheat is from Canada. What about _ ? A. a

12、nother B. the other C. others D. the rest 3).Many students in our class are playing tennis . The rest _ watching them .A. is B. are C. was D. likes 此外,rest n. & v. 休息 rest= have a rest 休息一会 have a short/long rest 短暂的(长长的)休息一会 rest well = have a good rest 好好的休息 Yesterday they had a good rest after wo

13、rk. = Yesterday they _ _ after work .7. A) get along with sb = get on wtih sb 与某人相处 get along well/ badly with = get on well/ badly wtih sb 与某人相处得好(不好)The new student gets along well with the others . _ _ the student get along with the others?He doesnt _ _ anybody in the office. 他和办公室所有的人都合不来。Hes good-tempered , and he can _everyone. A. get along B. get along with C. get away D. get away from B) get along/on (well/badly) with sth 某事进展(顺利/不顺利 ) -_ is he getting along with his s


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