2013届高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题09 科技发明话题指导

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1、2013届高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题09 科技发明话题指导实例指导1介绍产品【写作任务】请你根据以下信息提示,介绍一款时尚手机。词数120一lS0左右。1作为高科技产品使用;这款手机在国内外被广泛地使用。 2主要功能:通话、发短信、上网、照相、玩游戏等。3体积小,重量轻易携带:适用于各年龄段人群。 (包括产品的产地,原料、性能、特征、功能,实用性、质量、价格,也可能含有副作用等)达到促销的目的,即卖出产品。怎样才能把产品广告写得吸引人,让人一看就对产品感兴趣呢?下面我就来教你产品推销广告的五步写法,打造产品推销广告吧。 第一步: 开头一定要有吸引力和诱惑力,能一下子吸引消费者的注意力,好

2、的开头是作文成功的关键(此类作文有时有题目,如:Abrief IntroductiontO HaierGroup,有时也可以省略)。 第二步:一旦抓住了读者的注意力,就该趁热打铁劝服他们买自己的产品。介绍产品必须要紧紧围绕开头所提出的引人之处。只说“最好”、“最新”是没什么实际意义的。应该强调特性、质量、原材料,以及和同类产品相比最出彩的地方。 第三步: 通过产品介绍激起读者的购买欲望后,就该进一步加强读者购买的决心了。你可以详细说明并保证产品会给读者带来的好处。 第四步: 到了这一步,所有的努力都指向一个目标:促使客户采取行动、购买产品。这时语气要礼貌、坚决,并提供给客户如何购买产品的指示,

3、以方便客户购买。 第五步: (这一步有时可省略) 这一步是广告作文的收尾工作。告诉读者购买产品的联系方式,如厂家地址、电话号。码、邮箱等。 词语搜索:introduce(介绍);make(制造);sell(销售);best-seller(畅销品athomeandabroad(国内外);popular(流行的);convenlent(方便的);faster(更快);easy(容易的);winfirstpnze(获得一等奖);price(价钱);reasonable(合理的);choice(选择);free(免费);regardas(看待):changeandrefund(更换,退款);buypu

4、rchase(购买);discount(打折);delay(拖延);contact(联系) 句型搜索:1etme introduce(让我介绍);bemadein(产于);be convenlent,fasterandeasytO(做方便、快速和容易);The price is half that of the same type of (价钱是同类产品的一半);Its your best choice(这是你最好的选择);useforfree(用免费);be unsatisfied to your need (不能满足你的需求);Whywait!(不要等了);Dontdelay!(不要犹豫)

5、 组句成篇:串联词语:I think;first of all ; also;too;as well;besides;in addition等 注意两点:一、外形特点 任何一种发明物,都有其自身的外形特点。恰如其分地介绍能使读者对产品的外形有一个清晰的了解,二、主要功能合理而准确地介绍产品功能,是写好此类作文的关键,也是文章的主体。客观而到位的介绍能让读者较为全面地掌握产品的性能。在互联网高速发展和普及的同时,网络成瘾症也随之出现,在青少年中表现得尤其突出,这影响了他们正常的学习、工作和家庭生活,也不利于他们的健康。请根据下面两幅图的内容,写一篇120-150词的英语短文,谈谈自己的看法和观点

6、,并提出科学合理的处理意见和建议。参考词汇:成瘾be addicted to 分析:1. 仔细审题,分析写作任务。从图画和文字提示可以看出,本写作任务属于描述不良社会现象,论述自己观点的半开放型写作。题目要求结合两幅图画的内容,揭示出一个不良现象,并对此现象的影响进行详细地分析,最后还要谈谈自己对此现象的看法和观点,并提出科学合理的建议。2. 观察提示,挖掘有效信息。本题目的写作信息属于文字和图画提示相结合型。两幅图画揭示了网络成瘾症的个别症状,图画中人物的话语也是很好的提示信息;题干中的文字叙述部分提示了重要的信息:互联网高速发展和普及;网络成瘾症的出现;对青少年的影响。初稿:There a

7、re two pictures. One tells us that a child wants to die if his mother doesnt allow him to surf on the Internet. The other one tells us that a boy is so addicted to the Internet that he forgets to eat. Both of them wont listen to their parentsadvice, which makes the parents worried very much. The Int

8、ernet is becoming more and more popular now. Therefore, many people, especially the young, are addicted to it, which affects their studies, work and family life. It is not good for their health. To prevent this from happening again, we should take some measures to educate the young. Ask them to use

9、the Internet in a proper way, for example, to search for useful information. On the other hand, limit their time on the Internet. Only in this way people can make full use of it to make our country develop quicker.教师点评:1. 初稿将题目中给出的内容比较全面地表达了出来,结构比较完整,思路也比较清晰。并且在全面描述图画内容后,正确地分析了该现象及其原因,并提出了自己的见解和建议。尽

10、管出现了个别较为优秀的句子,如:Both of them wont listen to their parentsadvice, which makes the parents worried very much.和Therefore, many people, especially the young, are addicted to it, which affects their studies, work and family life.等。但整体来说,在词语的选择和语句的运用上存在一些缺陷。因此,该文章只能算作一般的文章,达不到优秀的水平。2. 初稿存在的缺陷:(1) 开篇无导入语,很

11、突兀地描述出图画内容,显得不自然。(2) 分析网络成瘾症的影响时,最后一句It is not good for their health.显得与整段隔离,不够连贯。(3) 最后提出建议时,用了很多祈使句,句型单一且语气显得很强硬。而且,最后一句Only in this way people can make full use of it to make our country develop quicker. 应该使用倒装句式,即:Only in this way can people make full use of it to make our country develop quicke

12、r.成稿:As we can see from the pictures, some children are so addicted to the Internet that they would rather die than stop surfing the Internet. Others spend all their time on the Internet and they forget all about food and rest. However, they refuse to take any other peoples advice, including their p

13、arents. With the rapid development and popularity of the Internet, many people, especially the youth, are addicted to it, which affects their studies and work, and sometimes even destroys their family life. Worse still, it is not good for their health, mentally and physically. In my opinion, people

14、should make full use of the Internet, searching for useful information. On the other hand, we should use it in a proper way. Dont waste too much time on it. At the same time, teachers and parents should take measures to educate and protect the youth against the harm caused by it. Powerful sentences:

15、1. The Internet is becoming increasingly popular among people, especially the youth.2. We should take advantage of the Internet in our daily life and school studies. 3. Some people are so addicted to the Internet that they cant go without it even for a minute.4. As the saying goes, everything has two sides. So the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages.实例指导3Science and Technology 初稿:Human beings have had a burning desire to explore outer space for thousands of years. Meanwhile, different opinions have been formed on whether we should explore outer space. Some people, w


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