辽宁省昌图县2016高考英语二轮复习 政治经济文化类完形填空选练(5)

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1、政治经济文化类完形填空选练(5) 2016高考英语完型填空(政治经济文化类) I arrived in the classroom, ready to share my knowledge and experience with 75 students who would be my English Literature class. Having taught in for 17 years, I had no about my ability to hold their attention and to on them my admiration for the literature of

2、 my mother tongue. I was shocked when the monitor shouted, “ !” and the entire class rose as I entered the room, and I was somewhat about how to get them to sit down again, but once that awkwardness (尴尬) was over, I quickly my calmness and began what I thought was a fact-packed lecture, sure to gain

3、 their respect - perhaps their admiration. I went back to my office with the rosy glow which comes from a sense of achievements. My students diaries. However, as I read them, the rosy glow was gradually by a strong sense of sadness. The first diary said, “Our literature teacher didnt teach us anythi

4、ng today. her next lecture will be better.” Greatly surprised , I read diary after diary , each expressing a theme (主题). “Didnt I teach them anything? I described the entire philosophical (哲学的) framework of Western thought and laid the historical for all the works well study in class,” I complained.

5、 “How they say I didnt teach them anything?” It was a long term, and it became clear that my ideas about education were not the same as of my students. I thought a teachers job was to raise questions and provide enough background so that students could their own conclusions. My students thought a te

6、achers job was to provide information as directly and clearly as possible. What a difference! , I also learned a lot, and my experience with my Chinese students has made me a American teacher, knowing how to teach in a different culture. 【小题1】 Athe UK Bthe US CChina DAustralia 【小题2】 Aworry Bidea Cdo

7、ubt Dexperience 【小题3】 Aimpress Bput Cleave Dfix 【小题4】 AAttention BLook out CAt ease DStand up 【小题5】 Apuzzled Bsure Ccurious Dworried 【小题6】 Afound Breturned Cregained Dfollowed 【小题7】 Amore Beven Cyet Dstill 【小题8】 Awrote Bborrowed Ckept Dread 【小题9】 Areplaced Btaken Ccaught Dmoved 【小题10】 ANaturally BPe

8、rhaps CFortunately DReasonably 【小题11】 Adifferent Bsame Csimilar Dusual 【小题12】 Ahappenings Bcharacters C development Dbackground 【小题13】 Ashould Bcan Cwill Dmust 【小题14】 Aimmediately Bcertainly Csimply Dgradually 【小题15】 Athat Bwhat Cthose Dones 【小题16】 Adifficult Binteresting Cordinary Dunusual 【小题17】 A

9、draw Bget Cdecide Dgive 【小题18】 Astrange Bstandard Cexact Dserious 【小题19】 ATherefore BHowever CBesides DThough 【小题20】 Anormal Bhappy Cgood Dbetter 2016高考英语完型填空(政治经济文化类) I was born and raised in Minnesota, the USA, but as an adult I have mostly lived in Europe and Africa. I teach cross-cultural manage

10、ment at the International Business School near Paris. For the last 15 years, Ive studied people in different parts of the world build trust, communicate and make decisions in the workplace. While travelling in Tokyo recently with a Japanese , I gave a shorttalk to a group of 20 managers. , I asked w

11、hether there were any questions or comments. No went up, so I went to sit down. Mycolleague whispered to me, “I think there were some comments, Erin.Do you mind if I try?” I agreed, but I guessed it a waste of . He askedthe group again, “ Any comments or questions”. Still, no one raised a hand, this

12、 time he looked very carefully at each person in the silent audience. Gesturing to one of them, he said, “ Do you have to add?” To my amazement, she “ Yes, thank you.” and asked me a very interesting question. My colleague repeated this several times the audience and asking for more questions or com

13、ments. After the session, I asked my colleague, “ How did you that those people had questions?” He , not sure how to explain it, and then said, “ It has to do with how their eyes are.” He continued, “In Japan, we dont as much direct eye contact as you do in the west. So when you asked if there are a

14、ny , most people were not looking directly at you. But a few people in the were looking right at you and their eyes were bright. That that they would be to have you call on them. I thought to myself I would ever have learned from upbringing in Minnesota. Since then, I try to understanding behavior i

15、n other cultures I encounter, and keep finding the bright eyes in the room. 【小题1】 Awhy Bwhen Cwhile Dhow 【小题2】 Aspecially Bespecially Csilently Dsecretly 【小题3】 Astudent Bfriend Cclassmate Dcolleague 【小题4】 AAt the end BIn details CAt all DIn a word 【小题5】 Amouths Blegs Chands Dheads 【小题6】 Atotally Bnearly Cactually Dfrequently 【小题7】 Abreath Bmoney Ctimes Dtalent 【小题8】 Aso Bbut Cbecause Dand 【小题9】 Anothing Ball Csomething Deverything 【小题10】 Arefused Bagreed Casked Dresponded 【小题11】 Athinking about Blooking up to Clookin


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