专四词汇积累 重点

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1、discrepancy : 差异,不符合,矛盾The discrepancy in their ages didnt affect their love.interchange v 交换,互换;交替发生 n 交换,呼唤; 立体交叉道Workers should interchange labor and repose during the work.discretion n 谨慎;自由剥夺;酌处权at discretion Carrie chose a blouse from two same ones at discretion.at the discretion of A suppleme

2、ntary grant may be awarded at the discretion of school. with discretion Please make your decision with discretion .at the discretion of 由斟酌决定smuggle v 走私,偷运The man tried to smuggle sth valuable through the customs.orient vt 使适应;确定位置 n 东方;O 亚洲,adj 东方的Endeavoring to orient himself , as a surveyor or n

3、avigator might say , the man moved his eyes slowly along its visible length.export-oriented 以.为导向的 cruise v 巡航,游弋;旅行,漫游Government sent the police to cruise around the sea waters.From anywhere between US$10 and $11,you can use the canal bus or a water taxi to cruise the “Venice of the North”.cruiser

4、n 巡洋舰,有船舱的游艇invalid n 病人;残废者 adj 无效的,作废的Damaged or marked ballots were regarded as invalid.trail n 足迹,踪迹; 小径,小路;(人流、车流等)一般,(烟尘等)一缕 v 拖,拖曳;跟踪,尾随;(植物)蔓生The winding trail in the bushes caused the hikers to lose their orientation.It was a town of machinery and tall chimneys, out of which smoke trailed t

5、hemselves for ever and ever.rear n 后部,背面; 饲养,抚养,栽培Alice reared the homeless boy as her own child.crude adj 天然的,未加工的;粗野的,没有教养的;赤裸裸的 n 原油crude oil 原油 Bills crude behavior annoyed his teacher.hysteric adj 竭斯底里的; n hysterics 竭斯底里的发作The star tried to calm down the hysteric audience. 那位明星尽力使情绪异常激动的观众安静下来。

6、ethnic adj 种族的,部族的,民族的The way in which people use social space reflects their social relationships and their ethnic identity.blaze n 火;光辉,灿烂; 迸发,爆发 v 燃烧,冒火焰;发光,放光彩;发怒Nobody knew what had caused him to balze out in anger. provided conj 以为条件,假如provided you have the courage to admit your mistakes, I wi

7、ll forgive you .heave v 举起,拉,拖;投掷;(有节奏的)起伏Lucia flushed with anger, and her bosom began to heave.Ellen was so angry that she wanted to heave Martin outside through the hatch.frail adj 脆弱的,易损坏的,不坚实的;虚弱的,薄弱的A frail disabled man is found beaten to death in his flat in south-east London.frailty n 虚弱,脆弱w

8、ake v 醒来,唤醒;n (行船在水面留下的)船迹,尾流,守夜,守灵in the wake of Airlines around the world have cut services and dismissed staff as their business has plunged in the wake of the crisis.disclose : v (使)显露,揭露,泄露;公开,表明,说出It was suggested that all government ministers should disclose information on their financial int

9、erests.disclosure :n 揭发,透露,公开curb : n 勒马的链条,控制,路缘;控制;路缘 v 给马装上勒马链,勒住马;控制,约束The aim of the agreement was to prevent the improper use of countrys bank secrecy laws, and its effect was to curb severely the system of secrecy.You must keep a curb on your behaviors.Several days later, I was bringing our g

10、arbage bins back from the curb when I noticed an envelope taped to one of the lids.ventilate vt 使通风Eurostar launches an investigation after passengers were stranded for five hours and had to smash windows to ventilate carriages.ventilation 通风设备,空气流通 ventilator n 通风设备, 通风口extent n 范围,广度;长度,程度,限度to so

11、me extent : To some extent , there fore , the principle of serecy had been maintained.initiative n 进取心,首创精神;主动性,adj 起始的,初步的take the initiative : We took the initiative in trying to solve the problem.on ones own initiative 主动地;take the initiative 采取主动,带头,发起nortorious adj 臭名昭著的,名声狼藉的The mayor is a not

12、orious for his bribery and corruption.strangle v 扼死,勒死;抑制,扼杀A father is jailed for life for slitting his three-year-old daughters throat and trying to strangle his son.Isabel tried her best to strangle the unspeakable mute v 定时往返两地;减轻(刑罚);用交换;改变(付款)方式In a big city , people need commute by bus.The co

13、mpany will commute their pension.sane adj 心智健全的,神智正常的;明智的,稳健的Tom is not mad;he is as sane as any other normal person.sanity n 神智正常,心智健康offset n 分支,旁支;补偿,抵消 v 补偿,抵消The company provided extra allowance to offset overtime at weekend.dim adj 暗淡的,昏暗的;朦胧的;迟钝的,愚蠢的 v (使)变暗淡,(使)变模糊,失去光泽Try to dim the light ,

14、 and if you need to , get a desk lamp for other work.We can see the dim outline of the house in the distance.dim & obscuredim 强调光线调暗或清晰度减弱而导致无法看清某物,obscure强调某物体或想法不清楚,也可以用来理解不了某事物,如:an obscure passage.confess v 供认,坦白,承认;忏悔(罪恶等)I must confess that she is really a beauty.Do you have sth to confess to

15、Ken?confess to 承认.confession 忏悔,认错,招供hover vi 飞翔,盘旋,徘徊The plane found the spot and hovered close enough to verify that it was a car.hover 可用于鸟盘旋,人徘徊untie vt 解开,松开The small chimp struggled to untie the ropes of the cage , but to no avail.surge vi 在浪涛中前进,急剧上升,n 向前或向上运动;突然发生,激增I knew Benjamins mother and father well, and have often known the warm surge in the heart of me at the sight of that faithful couple running side by side along the beach.glide n/v 滑动,滑行,滑翔I was attracted by the graceful glide


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