2015-2016学年高中英语 4.1 section ⅰ warming uppre-readingreading &amp comprehending课时训练 新人教版必修5

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2015-2016学年高中英语 4.1 section ⅰ warming uppre-readingreading &amp comprehending课时训练 新人教版必修5_第1页
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《2015-2016学年高中英语 4.1 section ⅰ warming uppre-readingreading &amp comprehending课时训练 新人教版必修5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2015-2016学年高中英语 4.1 section ⅰ warming uppre-readingreading &amp comprehending课时训练 新人教版必修5(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时训练.单词拼写1.Although he is an a chess player,Davids skills are no worse than a professionals.答案:amateur2.There is only one day before the d so you really should make full use of your time.答案:deadline3.We now face a d:Should we stay or go?答案:dilemma4.I often feel g about not being able to look after m

2、y parents.答案:guilty5.Ann has mastered English grammar and a a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher.答案:acquired6.Im (怀疑的) about the teams chance of winning.答案:sceptical7.We must (更新) our information sources constantly in todays society.答案:update8.The discussion is just meant to (评估) the str

3、engths and weaknesses of other players.答案:assess9.He is one of my p friends in the school.答案:personal10.The tall man was a of killing the millionaire.答案:accused.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.The (edit) told me that he would publish my recent poems in about a month.答案:editor2.I am (delight) to find that most of t

4、he students can speak English fluently now.答案:delighted3.To our surprise,the result of the event is quite (usual) compared with similar ones in the past.答案:unusual4.If you think you have a medical problem,seek (profession) help from your family doctor.答案:professional5.Catherine is a talented musicia

5、n as well as a (photograph).答案:photographer6.Lucy couldnt attend the meeting so her (assist) took her place.答案:assistant7.He shook his head slowly and (deliberate).答案:deliberately8.(2014湖南高考改编题)If Mr.Dewey had been present,he would have offered any possible (assist) to the people there.答案:assistance

6、9.(2014陕西高考改编题)Please send us all the (inform) that you have about the candidate for the position.答案:information10.The police (accuse) him of robbing and put him into prison.答案:accused.翻译句子1.你能把收音机音量关小点儿吗?我不能集中注意力做功课。(concentrate on)答案:Can you turn down the radio,please?I cant concentrate on my less

7、ons.2.我很少如此沮丧。(seldom)答案:I have seldom been so upset./Seldom have I been so upset.3.飞机能否按时起飞取决于天气。(depend)答案:Whether the plane will take off as scheduled depends on the weather.4.公司控告他偷窃。(accused of)答案:The company accused him of theft.5.请仔细核对单子以免发生错误。(so as to)答案:Please check the list carefully so a

8、s to avoid mistakes.课文浓缩To be a good reporter,there are many things to do.They seem easy but are different from our normal opinions.Maybe the followings strongly 1. your life as a reporter.1.Dont go out on a story immediately.Only when you have seen what a reporter does,can you 2. a story by yoursel

9、f.2.You neednt take a camera with you.Because the 3.(profession) photographer with you takes photographs.Your colleagues are very 4. to assist you.3.You need to be curious about covering the story.Only if you have a “nose”for a story,can you 5. all the information you need to know.4.Listening is als

10、o important.You have to listen to the 6.(detail) facts.7. you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says.5.Make use of the trick of the 8.Sometimes recorders are used.It is also useful if a person wants to 9. you.You have the 10. to support our story.答案:1.influence2.cover3.p

11、rofessional4.eager5.acquire6.detailed7.Meanwhile8.trade9.challenge10.evidence.语法填空Many people like to 1. the latest newspaper.But 2. is it produced so quickly?The most important man may be 3. chief editor.He decides 4. to do.Every morning the 5. (journal) are sent to report the events.Sometimes they

12、 need a face-to-face interview with people or do telephone interviews.Meanwhile,the picture editor sends photographer to take the 6. they need.Later in the day,they pass the stories and the 7. (develop) photos to the editor.The chief editor will choose the most important news for the front page.8. e

13、ditors read the stories,make some necessary changes and write headlines for them.9. the newspaper is printed and 10.(deliver) to different places.答案:1.read2.how3.the4.what5.journalists6.pictures/photos7.developed8.Other9.Finally10.delivered.阅读理解A newspaper reporters job can be very interesting.He me

14、ets all types of people and lives quite a busy life.He is on the rush for news all the time;then after several years he may get a desk job,and life becomes a bit more settled.Lets look at his work a little more closely.In a day he may have to interview the prime minister of a foreign country,and the

15、 next day he may be writing about a football match.Sometimes he may be so busy that he has hardly any time to sleep.And at other times he may go on for days looking out for news materials and yet return empty-handed.In the beginning,a reporter has to cover a very wide field.After the early years he becomes more specialized in his work.For example,he may finally be asked to write only on court cases or politics or sports.Some reporters may become so specialized that th


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