2015-2016学年高中英语 15.5 sectionⅴ 单元语法突破课时训练 北师大版必修5

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《2015-2016学年高中英语 15.5 sectionⅴ 单元语法突破课时训练 北师大版必修5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2015-2016学年高中英语 15.5 sectionⅴ 单元语法突破课时训练 北师大版必修5(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、单元语法突破.用所给动词的适当形式填空1.You are late.If you (come)a few minutes earlier,you would have met him.答案:had come2.How I wish I (shut)my mouth before I shouted at my mum!答案:had shut3.Its already 6 oclock now.Dont you think its time we (go)home?答案:went4.Had they been more careful,the forest fire (discover)much

2、 earlier.答案:would have been discovered5.Whats your opinion of Mr Lis request that we (spend)half an hour reading English aloud every morning?答案:should spend6.If we (take)the other road,we might have arrived here in time for the meeting.答案:had taken7.Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it (happe

3、n)yesterday.答案:happened8.The doctor recommended that you (not swim)after eating a large meal.答案:shouldnt swim9.But for the help of my English teacher,I (win)the first prize in the English Writing Competition.答案:would not have won10.They (get)two free tickets to Canada,otherwise theyd never have been

4、 able to afford to go.答案:got.根据句意完成下列句子1.如果他来参加会议,我们对他说什么?If he to the meeting,what we say to him?答案:were to come;would2.如果你在这儿生活一段时间,你就会对此改变看法的。If you here for a while,you your mind about it.答案:lived;would change3.你要是处在我的位置,你也会做同样的事的。 you my position,you the same.答案:Were;in;would do 4.如果我们早十分钟出发,我们

5、现在就到那儿了。If we ten minutes earlier,we there now.答案:had started;would arrive/be/get5.你若早点来,你就已经赶上公共汽车了。 you earlier,you the bus.答案:Had;come;would have caught6.我宁愿你没借那些钱给我。I would rather that you me the money.答案:didnt lend7.我多么希望我中学时努力学习了呀!How I wish I hard during my middle school years!答案:had studied8

6、.没有那场暴风雨,农民们就已经获得了丰收。Without the storm,the farmers a good harvest.答案:would have had9.我的建议是我们应该在河边多植树。My suggestion is that we more trees along the river.答案:should plant10.该是你告诉他那件事的时候了。Its time that you him about that.答案:should tell.完形填空Every year I write a letter to my daughter on her birthday.I fi

7、ll it with 1 things that happened to her on unpleasant days or happy days.I add to the letter photos and report cards that would have 2 as the years passed.I have a small 3 in which I keep the things that I want to send my daughter.Every week,I 4 short notes of what I can think of from the weeks eve

8、nts.When her birthday approaches,I 5 that box and find it full of beautiful cards and 6 memories.7 the letter is written and all the treasures are put into the envelope,I seal(密封) it.It then becomes that years 8 letter.On the envelope I always write:A Letter to Ann from Daddyto be opened when youre

9、21 years old.It is a gift of 9 from Dad to her daughter.It is a lasting 10 of her life written as she was actually living it.That tradition of 11 her birthday letters is now one of my duties.As Ann grows 12,I can see that it is a growing and 13 part of her life,too.One day,we were talking about life

10、 in the 14.It went like this:I jokingly told Ann that on her 61st birthday,she will be 15 with her grandchildren and having fun with them;on her 31st birthday,she will be taking her own kids to school;on her 21st birthday,she will be 16 university and will be offered a good job soon.“No,”she said,“I

11、 will be too busy 17.”One of my greatest 18 is to be alive and present to 19 that wonderful time in the future when those letters are 20 and the accumulated(积累的) love walks into her life.1.A.strangeB.unforgettableC.terribleD.natural提示:由下文的thathappenedtoheronunpleasantdaysorhappydays可知,信中所记录的是一些“难忘的(


13、 forB.break downC.fill inD.take out提示:由下文的allthetreasuresareputintotheenvelope可知,作者会把那个小盒子拿出来。答案:D6.A.sweetB.shortC.magicalD.painful提示:由上文的beautifulcards和下文的treasures可知,盒子里盛满了漂亮的卡片和“美好的(sweet)”回忆。答案:A7.A.WhileB.OnceC.BeforeD.Unless提示:由下文的Isealit可知,作者一写好信就将其密封。答案:B8.A.businessB.thank-youC.ChristmasD.



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