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1、,The Title Is Set in 26-Point Arial Bold (three lines max., reduce font size if more),Sub-title, 20-Point Arial Bold This Could Go to Two Lines,Client/Capacity2000 Date14 point bold,:,Sub-title: Section One: 12 - Sub-section, 14 point. 6 - Sub-section Section Two: - Sub-section,Contents,2,Adjust hig

2、hlight box to fit text Following bullets in blue,Agenda (with highlight bars),3,Divider Page 24-point Arial Bold,Bullets are sometimes used for sub-section titles Set in 18-point Arial bold,4,Sub-divider Page 18-point Arial Bold Italic,Bullets are sometimes used for sub-sub-section titles Set in 14-

3、point Arial bold,5,Headline: 24-point bold (adjust to keep to 2 lines, no smaller than 18-point),Kicker text 14-point bold italic. Centre single line; make two or more lines flush left. Box is always 7.25” wide and grows vertically. Margins: 0.15 and 0.10, both boxes checked, anchored to middle. End

4、s with full stop.,Flush left subhead (no bullet), 18-bold italics: Bullet is 18-point bold and begins at the left margin: A dash is 14-point non-bold, and indented once under a bullet (dash icon is an N-dash): A sub-bullet is 14-point non-bold, and indented once under a dash (with smaller icon than

5、18-bullets). Colons are used at the ends of bullets that are followed by dashes: And at the ends of dashes followed by sub-bullets: Full stops are used for all lines of six words or longer.,RUNNING HEAD: 10 BOLD ALL CAPS,Source: The source should be 8-point, non-bold. Punctuate sources: Use semi-col

6、on between sources in the series and always end with a full stop. Note: Text is anchored to the bottom, enabling deletions or additions without having to move the box; box margins 0/.03; 0.10 before paragraph spacing. a. Use lower-case alpha characters for footnote references; call-out for footnotes

7、 should be 12 point using superscript.,6,Text boxes with green lines, no fill, green box for heading,Heading,Body Text Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level,Heading,Body Text Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level,7,Useful icons in blue,Strategy,Dimensions of Growth,Planning f

8、or Growth,Implementation,text,text,text,text,8,Arrows and boxes green,Hello,Hello,Hello,Hello,Hello,9,:,Bubbles and stars blue and orange,Hello,Hello,Hello,Hello,Hello,10,Graphs,11,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Text,Value chain light colours with blue text except on blue background,Text,Te

9、xt,Text,12,Sample Boozeballs,13,Date : 13 May 2000 Time : 08h00 Venue : MAC Consulting Training Room,Agenda,Item 1 AB 00h00 Item 2 CD 00h00 Item 3 EF 00h00 Item 4 GH 00h00 Item 5 IJ 00h00 Item 6 KL 00h00 Item 7 MN 00h00 Item 8 OP 00h00 Item 9 QR 00h00,14,Activities,Review Next Steps of 9 March 1998,

10、1.,15,Bs and Cs of 9 March 1998,Benefits,Concerns,. . .,. . .,16,Objectives,Deliverables,. . .,. . .,. . .,17,:,Activities,CEO,Vulamehlo,Gas Production,Gas Circuit,Utilities,Water & Ash,Monomers & Chemicals,Fuels,Production Integration,Business Development,Engineering Support,Community Affairs / SDB

11、,Material Supply Contracts,SHER,Financial Services,Information Mngement & Logistics,Human Resources,Rosebank / Other,1.,Engineering Support,RACI,18,Charter,To design a logistic system to provide the most efficienty service in the business operation at the lowest possible cost,Deliverables,Deliverabl

12、es,Deliverables,. . .,. . .,. . .,Activities,. . .,19,F d W,T S,N B,R & D,M J,R S,H J,M G,F v T,2/8,9/8,16/8,23/8,30/8,6/9,13/9,20/9,27/9,4/10,11/10,18/10,25/10,1/11,8/11,Timeline,Assemble team A R R Choose architecture A Data format R R A R R Data collection R A/R R R R Analyse data R R A/R Develop

13、 algorithms R R A/R Test algarithms in plant A/R R R R R Test algorithms in gasloop model A/R R R R I R Quantify constrains R A/R R R R R VPC A R R R R R Initial model development R R A/R R R R C Initial model testing R R A/R R R C Refine model A/R R R C Handover A R R C,Timeline,20,Activity,. . . .

14、 . . . . . .,Timeline 2,October,November,30 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31,1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22,21,Activity,Sept 96,Timeline,7. Text goes here,Oct 96,Nov 96,Dec 96,Jan 96,Feb 96,Mar 96,Apr 96,May 96,June 96,Issues Involved,.,(20/9),(25/11),(28/3),Timeline 3,8. Text goes here,.,9. Text goes h


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