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1、 Starter Units 1-31How are you? 用于朋友间的问候 How do you do? 用于初次见面2.Whats this in English? Its a/an3.in+语言:用何种语言。4.an用在以元音音标开头的可数名词或字母之前:an egg/apple/orange/uncle/hour a 用在以辅音音标开头的可数名词或字母之前:a pen/useful book e.g.:There is an “m” and an“a”in the word “man”an:a,e,f,h,i,l,m,n,o,r,s,x, a:b,c,d,g,j,k,p,q,t,u

2、,w,v,y,z,5.如何描述一件物品:Its a/an+颜色+物品=The 物品is+颜色。 Unit 11. be动词的用法:I用am, You用are,Is连着他.她.它,单数用is,复数名词要用are.2. 形容词性物主代词:后面一定要跟名词。我的My,你的Your,你们的Your他的his,她的her,它的its;他/她/它们的their,我们的our。3. 人称代词:放在动词前或句首做主语。我I,你You,他He,她She,它It,我们We,你们You,他/她/它们They;4. 中文名:姓氏在前,名字在后。 英文名:名字在前,姓氏在后,有些中间还有中间名。J:名字:first n

3、ame=given name. 姓氏: last name=family name. 中间名:middle name.6.Chinese name=last name+first name English name=first name+middle name+last name7.Mr/Mrs/Miss+姓氏(last name) The+姓氏复数:表示一家人或夫妇俩,是复数概念。Dear Edward, Im so happy to be your penpal.My name is kelly.Im from Dongguan.I live in Xiangyang Road.I stu

4、dy in middle school.I am in Grade 1.I like playing basketball and swimming.I like pop music. Yours, Kelly重点短语(Unit 1) Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。 answer the question. 回答问题。 telephone number. 电话号码。 last name=family name. 姓氏。 first name=given name. 名字。 ID card. 省份证。 Whats your name? 你叫什么名字? His name is

5、Tony. 他的名字叫Tony。 Her phone number is 1234. 他的电话号码是1234。 Me(Unit 1) My name is Jack. Im a boy.Im 12 years old.Im tall and strong.My favourite colrs are black and white.I like chicken and tomatoes very much.Because they are tasty.My favourite subject is English.Because it is fun. I like listening to m

6、usic and reading books. I like playing basketball,too.My best friend is Tom.We are classmates.I like my new school.Because it is big and beautiful. Unit 21. 指示代词:this表示“这个”,that表示“那个”,是单数概念。 these 表示“这些”,those表示“那些”,是复数概念。(1) 在回答this或that时用it来代替,回答these或those时用they来代替。(2) 在介绍他人时用This is(3) 在电话用语中,称自

7、己为this,称对方为that。2. 一般疑问句:带有Be动词的要把Be动词放句首,用Yes或No来回答。特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词前加一般疑问句。3. 形容词性物主代词:My,Our,Your,Your,His,Her,Its,Their.后面一定要跟名词。名词性物主代词:Mine,Ours,Yours,Yours,His, Hers,Its,Theirs.后面不能跟名词。4人称代词主格:I,We,You,You,He,She,It,They.在句中做主语,放在动词前面或句子开头人称代词宾格:Me,Us, You,You,Him,Her,It,Them. 在句中做宾语,放在动词或介词后面。5.C

8、all sb at(打某个电话号码给某人)6.in the lost and found case 在失物招领处的箱子里。7.Lost(寻物启事):1.标题2.丢失的东西3.失者的名字4.联系电话。8.Found(失物招领):1.标题2.拾到的东西3.询问某物是不是失者的4.联系人5.联系电话。 重点短语(Unit 2)an eraser. 一个橡皮擦。my backpack. 我的书包。his sharpenper. 他的铅笔刀。two dictionaries. 两本字典。call sb at. 打某个电话给某人。in the lost and found case. 在失物招领箱内。a

9、set of. 一套。play computer games. 打电脑游戏。her school ID card. 他的校卡。play baseball. 打棒球。 My School Things(Unit 2) I have many school things.I have a backpack.It is black.It is big.My parents give it to me.I have a new pencil case. It is bule.There are some pens and pencils,an eraser and a ruler in it.I ha

10、ve two dictionaries.One is in English,the other is in Chinese.They are fun and colorful. I like my school things.Because they help me a lot. They are my good friends Unit 31. 向别人介绍某人用:This is或That is,These are或Those are.2. 询问某事物身份时用:Is this/that? Yes,it is./No,it isnt. Are these/those? Yes,they are.

11、/No,they arent.Is he/she? Yes,he/she is. No,he/she isnt.Are they? Yes,they are. No,they arent.3. family tree家谱(1) 表示“家庭”时,是单数可数名词。I have a big family.(2) 表示“家人”时,是集体名词,是复数概念。My family are watch TV.4. thanks for sth. 感谢某事物。 thanks for doing sth. 感谢某人做了某事。thanks for your letter. thanks for helping me.

12、5. the photo of my family=my family photo. 我的全家福。6. 英文书信的格式:称呼:Dear xxx,结束语:Please write me soon.署名:Yours, xxx. 重点短语(Unit 3)family tree. 家谱thanks for sth. 感谢某事物。thanks for doing sth. 感谢你做了某事。my family photo=the photo of my family. 全家福。These are my parents. 这是我的父母亲。Those are my friends. 那些是我的朋友。Is th

13、is your aunt? No,it isnt. 这是你的阿姨吗?不,不是。Is that your cousin? Yes,it is. 那是你的表弟吗?是的。7可数名词单数边复数的规律:(1)一般直接+S.(2)以S,X,ch,sh结尾的通常+es.(3) 以辅音字母+y结尾的改y为i再加es.(4)以o结尾的,有生命力的+es,无生命力的+s.(5)以f,fe结尾的,改f,fe为V再加es.(6) 不规则变化: manmen womanwomen footfeet toothteeth childchildren mousemice(7) 单复数相同:sheep deer。(8)表示民族的名词。 中日不变英法变,其余S加后面。ChineseChinese JapaneseJapanese EnglishmanEnglishmen FrenchmanFrenchmen(9) 有些名词常用复数:glasses,pants,shoes,socks,shorts.(10) 两个名词组成的名词词组常在最后一个名词后面+S.apple trees,twin sisters,girl students. 但如果前面的名词是man或womon时,两个名词都要变复数。two men teachers,three women doctors.


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