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1、Conversation A On the Phone?EILEEN: Hello.?MARTIN: Hello, Eileen.?EILEEN: Martin! Hello.?MARTIN: How are you?EILEEN: Fine. How are you?MARTIN: OK. What are you doing?EILEEN: Were eating.?MARTIN: Can you talk now?EILEEN: Oh, sure. Where are you?MARTIN: Im in Boston. Im coming home on Thursday.EILEEN:

2、 Wonderful. What are you doing?MARTIN: Im watching television.EILEEN: Did you go to the baseball game?MARTIN: I went to the baseball game on Sunday afternoon.?EILEEN: Did you talk to the players?MARTIN: Yes. I talked to some players. It was very interesting. I recorded some players.?EILEEN: Are you

3、writing your story?MARTIN: I wrote it on Monday. May I speak to the children?EILEEN: Of course, Just a minute. Alan, its your father.?ALAN: Hi, dad.?MARTIN: Hi, Alan. What are you doing?ALAN: Nothing.?MARTIN: Nothing? What did you do on Sunday? Did you go to the movies?ALAN: No, we didnt go. I didnt

4、 have any money.?MARTIN: What did you do?ALAN: We watched television.?MARTIN: What did you do on Monday?ALAN: I worked.?MARTIN: Did you go swimming?ALAN: Yes. We went swimming in the evening.?MARTIN: Who went swimming?ALAN: I went with my friends.?MARTIN: Did Sue go swimming?ALAN: No, she didnt.?MAR

5、TIN: What did you do today?ALAN: I worked in the morning?MARTIN: Do you like your work?ALAN: Its OK.?MARTIN: What are you doing now?ALAN: Were eating.?MARTIN: May I talk to Sue?ALAN: Sure. Sure! Dad wants to talk to you. Bye, dad.?MARTIN: Good-bye. Im coming home on Thursday.?SUE: Hello, Daddy.?MART

6、IN: Hi, Sue. How are you?SUE: Fine.?MARTIN: What are you doing?SUE: Were eating.?MARTIN: What are you eating?SUE: I dont know.?MARTIN: You dont know!?SUE: Lets see. Green beans.?MARTIN: Thats all?!?SUE: No. We have meat and potatoes. We had pizza last night.?MARTIN: And you were very happy.?SUE: Yes

7、. I love pizza.?MARTIN: Sue, may I speak to your mother?SUE: OK. Bye, Daddy.?MARTIN: Good-bye.?EILEEN: Hi.?MARTIN: What did you do on Monday?EILEEN: I worked. I went to the shopping mall in the evening.MARTIN: Did you buy anything?EILEEN: Yes. Sue went with me. We bought some clothes.?MARTIN: I went

8、 to the movies last night.?EILEEN: Did you go to the museum?MARTIN: No, I didnt. Are you going to meet me at the airport on Thursday?EILEEN: Yes.?MARTIN: OK. Good-bye.?EILEEN: Good-bye.会话 A 打电话?艾 琳:喂。?马 丁:喂,艾琳。?艾 琳:马丁!你好。?马 丁:你怎么样?艾 琳:很好,你怎么样?马 丁:还可以,你在做什么?艾 琳:我们正在吃饭。?马 丁:现在能讲话吗?艾 琳:噢,当然了。你在哪儿?马 丁:我

9、在波士顿,我周四回家。?艾 琳:好极了,你在做什么?马 丁:我在看电视。?艾 琳:你去看棒球赛了吗?马 丁:我星期天下午去看棒球赛了。?艾 琳:你跟运动员谈话了吗?马 丁:谈了,我跟一些运动员谈了谈,很有趣,我录了一些运动员的谈话。?艾 琳:你在写你的报导吗?马 丁:我周一写的,请让孩子们听电话,好吗?艾 琳:当然可以,稍等一下,艾伦,是你父亲。艾 伦:你好,爸爸。?马 丁:你好,艾伦。你在做什么?艾 伦:什么也没做。?马 丁:什么也没做?你星期天做什么了?你去看电影了吗?艾 伦:没有,我们没去,我没有钱。?马 丁:你做什么了?艾 伦:我们看电视了。?马 丁:星期一你做什么了?艾 伦:我上班了

10、。?马 丁:你去游泳的吗?艾 伦:去了,我们晚上去的。?马 丁:都谁去了?艾 伦:我和朋友一起去的。马 丁:苏去游泳了吗?艾 伦:没有,她没去。马 丁:你今天做什么了?艾 伦:我上午上班。马 丁:你喜欢你的工作吗?艾 伦:还可以。马 丁:你现在做什么?艾 伦:我们在吃饭。马 丁:请让苏来听电话,好吗?艾 伦:当然可以。苏!爸爸想和你讲话。再见,爸爸。马 丁:再见。我周四回家。?苏 :你好,爸爸。?马 丁:你好,苏。你怎么样?苏 :很好。?马 丁:你在做什么?苏 :我们在吃饭。?马 丁:你在吃什么?苏 :不知道。?马 丁:你不知道!?苏 :我看看,青豆。?马 丁:就这个?!?苏 :不,还有肉和土

11、豆。我们昨晚吃的是意大利馅饼。?马 丁:所以你很高兴。?苏 :对,我喜爱意大利馅饼。?马 丁:苏,让你母亲听电话,好吗?苏 :好的,再见,爸爸。?马 丁:再见。?艾 琳:你好。?马 丁:你周一做什么了?艾 琳:我上班了。晚上去了购物中心。?马 丁:你买什么东西了吗?艾 琳:是的,苏和我一起去的,我买了一些衣服。?马 丁:我昨晚去看电影了。?艾 琳:你去博物馆了吗?马 丁:没有,周四你去机场接我吗?艾 琳:去。?马 丁:好,再见。?艾 琳:再见。?Conversation B?MOTHER: Hello.?MARTIN: Hello, mother.?MOTHER: Martin! This i

12、s a nice surprise!?MARTIN: How are you?MOTHER: Fine. How are you?MARTIN: Fine, thanks. How is father?MOTHER: Hes fine.?MARTIN: Is he there?MOTHER: Yes. How is Eileen?MARTIN: Shes fine.?MOTHER: How are the children?MARTIN: Theyre fine.?MOTHER: May I talk to them?MARTIN: No. Im not at home.?MOTHER: Wh

13、ere are you?MARTIN: Im in Boston. Im writing a story about baseball.?MOTHER: Thats very nice. Did you talk to the players?MARTIN: Yes, I did. What are you doing?MOTHER: Were painting the house.?MARTIN: Who is painting?MOTHER: Your father is painting outside. Im painting inside.?MARTIN: Can you do th

14、at?MOTHER: Yes. Its small house.?MARTIN: But youre not young.?MOTHER: Your brother Philip is coming on Saturday. Hes going to help.?MARTIN: Thats good. Did you go to the park last week?MOTHER: No, we didnt. Its too expensive. We worked in the garden.?MARTIN: I phoned on Saturday. Where were you?MOTHER: We went shopping.?MARTIN: What did you buy?MOTHER: We bought paint.?MARTIN: May I talk to father?MOTHER: Yes. Here he is.?FATHER: Hello, Martin.?MARTIN: Hello, how are you?FATHER: Fine. Are you coming to visit?MARTIN: No. Im working.?FATHER: Wh


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