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1、1/36,爱,就是,Love is.,音乐:爱情的故事,E-mail文化传播网www.52e-,2/36,无论多么不值得一提的小事,都能留在心底一辈子,这就叫“窝心”。最窝心的爱不是轰轰烈烈,而是点点滴滴小小的爱触动内心最柔软的角落。 上世纪60年代,美国的Kim Casali随手画了些小图片送给未婚夫,作为爱的诠释。没想到,这一画就是十年,一直画到他们结婚。1997年Kim辞世,她的儿子Stefano Casali继续了妈妈的事业为世界诠释爱。如今,Love is系列漫画已经在全球有数百万忠实读者,大家都被这两个小人之间小小的爱深深感动。他们的爱,很小很窝心。 本片献给正在经历爱情的人们,希

2、望这些爱的诠释,能让你们珍惜自己那些小小的、容易忽视的爱,让你被自己所经历的平凡的爱感动,让你发现,原来你的爱,那么窝心。,3/36,感觉彼此的心跳。 feeling each others heart beat,4/36,在家和朋友狂欢一晚后一起收拾房间。 Arranging the house together after a night spent with friends,5/36,刚刚擦干净的地板被他踩脏却并不生气。 being able to keep cool when he makes the floors dirty just after you have cleaned t

3、hem,6/36,她生宝宝不在家的时候自己给自己做饭吃。 cooking for yourself when she is away to give birth to the baby,7/36,自己减肥的时候却给他做美味的甜点。 cooking him a dessert when you are in diet,8/36,讨论什么是对的而不是争辩谁是对的。 deciding on what is correct instead of finding out who is right,9/36,确实很生气但依然原谅。 forgiving even if you are really angr

4、y,10/36,洗发水进她眼睛的时候轻轻递给她毛巾。 giving her the towel when her eyes are filled with shampoo,11/36,她累了不想做饭的时候自己乖乖出去吃比萨。 going out for a pizza when she is too tired to cook,12/36,他晚归的时候帮他热饭菜。 keeping his meal hot when he comes home late,13/36,明知有去无回还是“借”钱给她。 lending her the money that you know will never re

5、turn,14/36,容忍她煲电话粥。 letting her gossip on the phone,15/36,允许他在三明治里放洋葱 letting him put onion in his sandwich,16/36,故意输掉一场比赛。 losing the game, but making a great match,17/36,他忘记约会的时候并不起疑心。 not being suspicious when he forgets an appointment,18/36,母亲节的时候不让她做家务。 not leaving her do the housework on Mothe

6、rs Day,19/36,看感人电影的时候递给她纸巾。 passing her tissue papers if the film is too moving,20/36,在生日蛋糕上插上少于他/她岁数的蜡烛。 pulling candles on the birthday cake counting less than his / her age,21/36,为她拂去眼前的头发。 pulling her hair away from her eyes,22/36,容忍他偶尔的邋遢。 putting up with his occasional stubble,23/36,到处都能看到他的脸庞

7、。 seeing his face everywhere,24/36,宝宝出生前把烟戒掉。 quitting smoking before the baby is born,25/36,红灯停车前偷偷的亲亲。 stealing a kiss when you stop before at the red light,26/36,带她去结婚前你生活过的地方。 taking her to the place you lived before marrying,27/36,告诉她她做得菜真的很好吃,即使事实并不如此。 telling that her new dish is really delic

8、ious, even if its not so,28/36,下雨天心里暖洋洋的大太阳。 the sun shining bright in a rainy day,29/36,当他爱你胜过爱他自己的车。 the time he prefers you over his car.,30/36,蜜月的时候两个人一起生病。 the time when both of you get ill on your honeymoon,31/36,她在婚纱店前放慢脚步。 the time when she slows down in front of the shops selling wedding dr

9、ess,32/36,一杯饮料,两根吸管。 two pipettes in a drink,33/36,用早餐的香味叫醒赖床的他。 waking him up with the smell of a wonderful breakfast on Sunday morning,34/36,洗他脏兮兮的运动服。 washing his sports togs,35/36,两个人一起看电视。 watching TV together,36/36,无法让他/她离开自己的视线。 when you just cant get him out of your sight,更多精彩请点击这里访问http:/www.52e-,


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