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1、 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务! 第 1 页 共 4 页 2017 考研英语阅读:土耳其驶向往日荣光 每年考研英语阅读篇章很多都取材于经济学人,因此 2017 年考研复习之初,一定要从基础打好,稳扎稳打。 凯程 考研频道分享经济学人文章,希望大家能够多看、多练,提升阅读能力! Turkeys future 土耳其的明天 Forward to the past 驶向往日荣光 Can Turkeys past glories be revived by itsgrandiose Islamist president? 在穆斯林派总统的带领下 土耳其能否恢复往日辉煌 ? Tayyip in

2、 all his pomp 浮夸的埃尔多安。 “ I DONT order you to fight, I order you to die.” With those words Mustafa Kemal Ataturk,founder of modern Turkey, rallied his troops against the British-led forces fighting for theDardanelles in 1915 during the first world war, when Turkey was allied to Germany. Ataturksmen w

3、on the battle for the straits, but the Ottoman empire lost the war. As millions of Turksprepare to mark the centenary of the battle of Gallipolithe bloodiest of the campaignonApril 25th, many will hail it as the moment when the seeds of Ataturks secular republic wereplanted. 第一次世界大战期间,土耳其曾经是德国的盟友,当时

4、的土耳其国父 穆斯塔法凯末尔阿塔土克曾说:“我不强迫你们去战斗,但我命令你们为国家而亡。”彼时正值 1915年,他募集军队与英国为了达达尼尔海峡而战。土耳其人民赢得了这场海峡战斗,但是奥斯曼帝国却输掉整场战争。现在,数以百万计的土耳其的人想要在 4 月 25 号这一天举行这场血淋淋的加利波利战役的百年纪念日 很多土耳其人都将它看成是土耳其共和国的建国基业。 But what remains of his legacy? The question is more urgent as Recep Tayyip Erdogan,Turkeys first popularly elected pres

5、ident, presses for constitutional changes that wouldendow him with executive power. He then hopes to fulfil his dream of a new and assertiveTurkey, where Sunni Islam prevails and the glories of the old empire are revived. Others are lessenthusiastic. “Turkey will become a Middle East-style dictators

6、hip,” predicts Levent Gultekin, aprominent pundit. 但是这场战争留下了何种“遗产” ?这个问题的答案对于土耳其共和国第一任普选总统 埃尔多安来说尤为迫切,体制改革的压力可能会迫使他将自己“捐献”给政府。只有在逊尼派穆斯林占据主流并且 “帝国”恢复往日荣光时,他才能梦想实现他关于一个崭新的,自主的土耳其的愿望。而其他的方面的改革都被放缓。著名品论家 Levent Gultekin 语言“土耳其将成为一个中东类型的独裁国家。” That may be an exaggeration. But Mr Erdogan certainly has gra

7、ndiose ambitions. AtAtaturks farm near Ankara, he has built a garish new presidential complex with 1,150 roomsat a cost of $615m. He has decreed that the old Ottoman language and script, which Ataturkreplaced with a 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务! 第 2 页 共 4 页 roman one in 1928, be mandatory in the imam hatip s

8、chools for Muslim clergythat have nearly quadrupled in number since his conservative Justice and Development party(AK) came to power in 2002. 也许这样的言论太过极端。但是埃尔多安明显有着极大的野心。他在安卡拉附件的Ataturk 农场上建立了一座由 1150 间房间构成的总统府,耗资接近 6.15 亿美元。而自从 2002年由他领导的保守派公正与发展党 (AK 党 )执政之后,他再度启用从 1928 年之后就被罗马文字取代的奥斯曼语言和文字,并且强制要求

9、在那些培养穆斯林教士的伊玛目哈蒂普学校中必须使用该语言 这类学校的数量在他执政期间增加了几乎四倍之多。 To realise Mr Erdogans plans, AK will have to win a fourth general election in a row. One isdue by June. Few doubt that AK will come first. The main opposition, the secular RepublicanPeoples Party (CHP), is a shambles. Still, AK must bag at least t

10、wo-thirds of the seats in the550-member parliament if it is unilaterally to replace the constitution drawn up by thegenerals after they seized power in 1980. It is unlikely to manage that. 但是如若要实现埃尔多安的计划, AK 党需要接下来连续赢得四次大选。其中一次将于今年 6 月进行。考虑到主要的反对党 世俗人民共和党处在一篇狼藉之中, AK 党毫无疑问能赢得大选。不过如果 AK 党想要完全重建自上世纪 8

11、0 年代他们掌权之后构造的国家体制,他们至少要 在 550 个议会席位中占据三分之二以上 要实现这一目标现在还不太现实。 Indeed, Turkeys increasingly autocratic president faces several serious challenges in 2015. Thefirst is to maintain his grip on AK. Signs of internal dissent recently appeared when BinaliYildirim, one of Mr Erdogans trusties, declared that

12、 the president would chair a cabinet meetingon January 5th. This irked Ahmet Davutoglu, the prime minister, handpicked by Mr Erdogan tosucceed him when he switched to the presidency in August. “Matters that concern me and ourpresident can only be announced by him and me,” harrumphed Mr Davutoglu. “N

13、o suchmeeting will take place.” Rumours swirl of a rival “shadow cabinet” of Mr Erdoganssycophants. Moreover, the president is said to want to decide who should be on AKs list ofcandidates in the forthcoming election. 事实上,这位越发独裁的土耳其总统在 2015 年将面对不少严峻的挑战。首当其冲的就是如何维系他在 AK 党内的统治力。不久之前,埃尔多安的前亲信 Binali Yi

14、ldirim 单方面宣称总统将会在 1 月 5号举行一次内阁会议,这一事件表明 AK党内部的分歧正。Binali Yildirim 的言论同时也激怒了总理 Ahmet Davutoglu,后者在埃尔多安去年 8 月执政之后被钦定为他的助手。总理表示“所有与我本人以及总统有关的消息都只能由我们二人亲自宣布,所谓的内阁会议根本是子虚乌有。”关于某个为了对抗埃尔多安的支持者而成立的“影子议会”的谣言也传得沸沸扬扬。更有甚者宣称总统计划指定 AK 党内参与接下来大选的人员名单。 Another big issue is corruption. A small but growing group in

15、AK feel uneasy about thecharges that have been levelled against Mr Erdogan and his inner circle. The governmentsresponse of shifting the prosecutors and police concerned raised eyebrows. A 16-year-oldstudent was briefly detained for calling Mr Erdogan a “thief”. 另一个无法忽视的问题就是腐败。 AK 党内部越来越多人发现要处理针对埃尔多

16、安和他的核心集团的指控并不是那么轻松了。而政府的做法则是更换起诉人和要求涉事警界人员真一只眼闭一只眼。之前有一个 16 岁的学 生因为说埃尔多安是“小偷”而被拘留。 Mr Erdogan says that Fethullah Gulen, an ambitious Sunni cleric and former ally who lives inPennsylvania, was behind calls to investigate alleged corruption at the top, in cahoots with 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务! 第 3 页 共 4 页 “ higher minds” , meaning Israel and the United States, with the aim of toppling the government.Thousands of alleged Gule



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