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1、Laugh and learn,- 委婉语和忌语,一、蔑称与脏话,二、如厕,三、生老病死,四、婚姻,五、宗教,委婉语与忌语,一、蔑称与脏话,一、蔑称与脏话,1.对黑人的称呼,蔑称:nigger,委婉语:black people coloured people,黑鬼、老黑,语气缓和,但也具轻蔑性,黑色人,有色人种,negro,Nigger构成的词组大都具有贬义:,nigger rich work like a nigger a nigger in the fence,暴富的,做苦工,可疑事、扫兴事 (栅栏里的黑鬼),一、蔑称与脏话,2.对华人的蔑称与委婉语,These two young men

2、 cursed Bloody Chinese at you just now. We got them back and order them to apologize to you. As you know, cursing somebody is against law in Australia.,一、蔑称与脏话,2.对华人的蔑称与委婉语,西方人骂中国人的贬义词:,Bloody Chinese 该死的中国人、臭中国人 Chink 、Chinaman 、Chinee 中国佬 yellow peril 黄祸 yellow skin 黄皮 laundryman 洗衣工(过去,在美国,华人多以洗衣

3、为生) Slant-eyes 斜眼人 (slant 倾斜的, 西方人认为东方人的眼角上斜) Oriental 东方人、亚洲人(尊称应为:easterner 、Asian),3.英语中的粗话,一、蔑称与脏话,表示讨厌和气愤的词语主要有:,How boring ! 真烦人! You are crazy ! 你疯了! Im very upset ! 难受! How annoying ! 真讨厌! Im very annoyed ! 心烦! What do you think you are doing?你究竟在干啥? What a nuisance! 多烦人啦! I cant stand it !

4、我受够啦! I cant put up with all this. 无法忍受。 It makes me sick. 真让我恶心。 This is too much . 太过分啦。 Its disgrace. 真不像话!,二、如厕,不雅之词: W.C. 厕所 toilet 抽水马桶 lavatory 盥洗室、厕所,1.厕 所,比较文雅的表示 : restroom 休息室 bathroom 卫生间 loo 水房 powder-room化妆室 happy-room 快乐室 comfort room舒服室 comfort station舒服站 the necessary 必去地 男厕所用: Men

5、或 Gentlemens ( 先生 ) 女厕所用: Women 或 Ladiess ( 女士 ) 学校厕所用: boys (男) girls(女),二、如厕,2.上厕所文雅表达法,answer the call of nature 去响应大自然的召唤 wash ones hands 洗手 cash a check 提款、取钱 powder ones nose 擦点粉 spend a penny 花一角钱,付卫生费 make oneself comfortable 放松一下 pay a call 访问一下 Where is the restroom ? 休息是在哪? have a BM ( bo

6、wel movement ) 运动一下肠子 do ones duty 值班 do ones official bussiness 办点公事,二、如厕,上厕所文雅表达法,pick some flowers 摘几朵花 get some fresh air 呼吸一下新鲜空气 do a job 干个活 go and see ones aunt 去方便一下,大小便(直译:去看看阿姨,小时自己不会大小便,经常由阿姨擦屁股) pass water 尿尿 (放水) do my number 1 (去一号,指小便) do my number 2 (去2号, 指大便),二、如厕,上厕所文雅表达法,如在课堂上,学生

7、要上厕所,可以委婉对老师说: May I be excused? 我可以请一会假吗? Could you spare me a few minutes? 你给我几分钟好吗?,三、生老病死,生,On that day, in my birthday suit, I was very happy to attend the dance party prepared for me. We danced freely overnight. Its the happiest birthday all my life. e.g. The boys were swimming in the birthday

8、 suits.,三、生老病死,生,Henry: Another lady is Jenry. She doesnt come today. She is in labour this week. Mr Li: I was in labour in China very often during Cultural Revolution(文革期间 ). Henry: How great you are! How many children did you give birth to?,三、生老病死,生,in labour: 分娩、生产 in labour = bear (give birth to

9、) a child (生小孩)的 委婉语、医学专用语 请看下列词组的正确翻译: difficult labour : natural (normal) labour:,难产(不是:艰苦劳动),顺产、自然分娩 (不是:自然劳动、正常劳动),三、生老病死,senior citizens,资深公民、高级公民,Im not young.,老年人,golden ager,老年俱乐部,我不再年轻了。 (委婉表达自己老了),golden ager club,golden age,把退休年龄65岁称为,老,三、生老病死,常见委婉语,三、生老病死,健康的英文表达方式,“你身体很好”正确译法:,You are s

10、ound in body. You have a very good health. You have a strong body. You are very healthy. You are in good health. You are very strong. You look fine.,三、生老病死,病,1.我头痛 My head is painful.( ) I have a headache. ( ) 2. 我嗓子疼 My throat is painful. ( ) I have a sore throat. ( ) 3. 玛丽的两只耳朵都聋了。 Both of Marys e

11、ars are deaf. ( ) Mary is deaf in both ears. ( ) 别打小孩的耳朵。 Dont hit the boys ear. ( ) Dont hit the boy by the ear. ( ) 5. 我腿疼。 My leg is painful. ( ) I hurt in my leg. ( ),用英语表达身体不舒服时,常见的中式英语错误,三、生老病死,胖,gain weight super size person heavyset on the heavy side on the plump well-built stout big heayy s

12、trong big beautiful woman,fat 的委婉语,增加了重量 超大之人 身子重的 重型的 丰满的 健壮的 壮实的 个大的 重的 强壮的 大美女,三、生老病死,胖,a fat price personal fat fry the fat out of sb a fat chance a fat lot chew the fat live on ones own fat The fat is in the fire. fat-head fat-witted,英语中带fat的成语:,很大的代价 多余人员、冗员 榨取某人的油水 微小的机会(反语) 很少(反语) 闲聊、闲扯 吃老本

13、闯祸了、坏事了 笨蛋、呆子 愚蠢、傻的,三、生老病死,死,pass away go to heaven be gone to a better world troubles be over now close ones eyes go to rest, rest in peace was number among the dead be gathered to ones fathers bite the dust go west,死的委婉表达法:,逝世、过世 升天 去极乐世界 痛苦结束了 闭上了眼睛 安息 成为死者的一员 去见老祖宗 入土 归天、去西天,四、婚姻,询问婚姻状况的误区与正确表达方

14、式:,你结婚没有? Have you married?,Are you married?,(),(),四、婚姻,辨析下列句子:,Have you satisfy her? Are you satisfied with her ? Have you prepared for the test? Are you prepared for the test?,你满足她的要求没有? 你对他满意吗? 你考试准备好了没有? 你考试有思想准备吗?,五、宗教,不欢而散的宴席,“We are appreciated that Chinese friends have offered us so many cou

15、rses of delicacy. But its a great regret that there are 13 courses of dishes at the banquet. The number “13” means misfortune and shame in the West.,五、宗教,英美人害怕的数字,13,Friday,五、宗教,英美人喜欢的数字,one in a thousand thank a million one hundred and one thanks have one thousand and one things to do,百里挑一 万分感激 十分感谢、万分感谢 日理万机,Thank you!,


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