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1、跨文化交际实训,ISBN:978-7-81134-892-7 2010年11月 第1版,Chapter 8 Intercultural Market Communication,Learning Objectives In this chapter, you should be able to Understand definition, ingredients of a brand and some branding globalization strategies. Recognize definition, ingredients of marketing and basic inter

2、cultural advertising strategies. Analyze certain aspects of culture affecting marketing and advertising. Grasp cultural dimensions affecting marketing and advertising. .,What is a brand? What are the elements comprising a brand? What are the factors to consider when advertising a product to a global

3、 market? Describe one advertisement or brand name that impresses you most.,Warm-up,I. Intercultural Brand Marketing 跨文化品牌营销,Definition and Ingredients of a Brand 品牌的定义和构成 A brand is an entity of name, term, sign, symbol, trademark, logo, sound, color, or package and product design, which distinguish

4、 its product and services from others. However, a brand is much more than the product or service. The value of a brand may worth millions or even billions of RMB. A brand can be a promise to make, an attitude to follow, a personality to present to the consumers.,I. Intercultural Brand Marketing 跨文化品

5、牌营销,Definition and Ingredients of a Brand 品牌的定义和构成 There are three elements consisting of a brand, brand name, brand mark, and trademark. A brand name is the name given to a product by the company that produces it. Elements indicating a brand other than words, like symbols or designs are called bran

6、d mark. A trademark is a legal designation symbolizing the owner has exclusive right to use a brand or a part of a brand, and others are prohibited by law from using it.,I. Intercultural Brand Marketing 跨文化品牌营销,Branding Globalization Strategies品牌全球化策略 When launching a product into global markets, th

7、e brand may adopt the same brand logo, or at least a part of the same logo, rather than a completely fresh one. This allows customers to identify the brand at first sight when traveling in different countries. Therefore, it is advisable for a far-sighted company to choose an eye-catching brand with

8、proper words and images to publicize itself and maintain competitiveness.,I. Intercultural Brand Marketing 跨文化品牌营销,Establishing a brand team 建立品牌团队 Companies may globalize their brands by establishing a global brand team with participants from different countries and regions by selecting brand team

9、leaders to manage and supervise the brand extension by nominating a global brand manager responsible for coordinating the globalization process.,I. Intercultural Brand Marketing 跨文化品牌营销,Pursuing adaptability and standardization 追求适应性和标准化 The best brands tend to achieve a high degree of standardizati

10、on in their brand identity world wide. This consistency allows customers to enjoy the same quality across the world.,I. Intercultural Brand Marketing 跨文化品牌营销,Establishing brand image 树立品牌形象 Once a positive brand image is established in customers minds, they will be loyal to the products the brand of

11、fers. Consumers buy not only the product itself, but also the image associated with the product, such as social status, wealth and beauty. Brand images can be reinforced by activities such as packaging, advertising, promotion, customer service, word-of-mouth and other forms of brand communication. B

12、rand naming should be brief, novel, readable, and distinctive.,I. Intercultural Brand Marketing 跨文化品牌营销,Promoting brand extension and brand stretching 推动品牌延伸和品牌扩张 Brand extension is defined as the use of a successful brand name to launch a new or modified product in the same market. A successful bra

13、nd enables a company to launch into new product. Brand stretching refers to the use of an established brand name for products in unrelated market. categories more easily.,Key Terms,Brand 品牌 品牌是用来识别产品,并区别于竞争对手产品的名称、标识、商标、颜色、符号等的组合体。品牌构成的三要素有名称(brand name)、标志(brand mark)和商标(trade mark)。 Brand name品牌名称

14、 品牌中可以用语言称呼该产品的部分,如耐克、阿迪达斯、宝马、星巴克等。 Brand mark品牌标志 品牌中易于识别与记忆,但无法用语言称呼该产品的部分,也称标识(logo),包括符号、颜色、图案等。如耐克的勾图标识、标致汽车的狮子形标识等。,Key Terms,Trademark品牌商标 附加在商品上的、具有显著特点的,将一个企业的产品或服务与另一企业的产品或服务区别开的标记,商标持有人享有专用权。 Multinational companies跨国公司 跨国公司指由两个或两个以上国家的经济实体所组成,并从事生产、销售和其它经营活动的国际性大型企业,又称国际公司或多国公司。跨国公司最早在16

15、世纪形成,现已成为世界经济国际化和全球化发展的主要组成部分和重要推动力。 Brand Identity品牌认别 品牌识别是品牌营销者希望创造和保持的,能够引起人们对品牌产生美好印象的联想物。这些联想物暗示着企业对消费者的某种承诺。品牌识别将指导品牌创建及传播的整个过程,须具体一定的深度和广度。,Key Terms,Brand Extension品牌延伸 是指在已有相当知名度与市场影响力的品牌基础上,将原品牌运用到新产品或服务以期望减少新产品进入市场风险的一种营销策略。品牌延伸具有能增加新产品的可接受性、减少消费行为的风险性,提高促销性开支使用效率,满足消费者多样性需要等多项功能,因而在广告与品

16、牌营销中得到广泛应用。 Brand Stretching 品牌扩张 品牌扩张是一个具有广泛含义的概念,它涉及的活动范围比较广,但具体来说,品牌扩张指运用品牌及其包含的资本进行发展,推广的活动,也具体指品牌的转让、品牌的授权等活动。是指现有品牌进入完全不相关的市场。 。,Glossary,Glossary,Discuss the differences among brand, brand name, brand mark and trademark. Distinguish the brand, brand name, brand mark and trademark of Coca-Cola. What are the tangible and intangible parts of a brand image? What are the key elements to launch a brand into a global market?,Comprehension Questions,II. Intercultural Adver


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