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1、1山西省 2017 届高三模拟英语试题第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 60 分)第一节(共 1 5 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 45 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAmazing Facts About Elf OwlsThe elf owl is mostly found in the southwestern parts of the United States and Mexico. During the spring and summer seasons, it moves to Arizona and Ne

2、w Mexico. It returns to Mexico for the winter. The elf owl doesnt build its own nest. It lives in tree holes.The elf owl is a yellow bird with dark wings. Its eyes are bright yellow and its feet are large. It is the smallest owl of the species, only about 12.5-14.5 centimeters long. It is also the w

3、orlds lightest owl, weighing not more than forty grams. In general, female elf owls weigh more than male ones. The female usually lays three eggs at a time. After the young elf owls are born, their mother will feed them with worms for up to three to four weeks. After 10 weeks, the young ones are ful

4、ly grown and ready to take flight.The elf owls are not aggressive birds. When danger comes, they will fly away in the other direction, rather than staying and facing the danger or their enemies. Besides flying, the elf owl can also walk and climb like a parrot. The elf owl is most active after dusk,

5、 during the night and just before dawn. It can produce many different kinds of sounds. It can live for three to six years in the wild. If they are kept in cages, they can live for ten to fourteen years. The elf owls are now in danger because of the loss of habitat. Cutting down trees will result in

6、lack of places for them to live in.21. According to the first two paragraphs, the elf owl may _.A. live in Mexico in winter.B. have yellow wings.C. have big and dark eyes.D. build its nest in trees.222. What can we learn from the text?A. The female elf owl lays one egg at a time.B. The elf owl can l

7、ive no longer than six years.C. The elf owl sleeps at night and searches for food during the daytime.D. The female elf owl provides her young with food for three to four weeks.23. What is a characteristic of the elf owl?A. It prefers to live in cages.B. It has a gentle character.C. It is not- good a

8、t climbing.D. It is most active during the day,24. Where can we most probably find the text?A. In a science fiction.B. In a tourist guide.C. On a shopping website.D. In a wildlife magazine.BEvery year, billions of kilograms of fresh produce are wasted in the United States. Meanwhile, millions of poo

9、r Americans go hungry, without access to healthy, affordable meals.Evan Lutz is enthusiastic about correcting that social injustice: And he combines that goal with enthusiasm for business. Lutz is CEO and founder of Hungry Harvest, a business which collects and sells “ugly” produce. These are fruits

10、 and vegetables that most food companies would throw away. More than six billion pounds are wasted each year due to surface imperfections.“So Ill give you an example.” Lutz says, “If you go to a grocery store you will see all the produce lineup shiny, perfect, of the same size and color. But on a fa

11、rm, everything doesnt grow the same way. So all that stuff that doesnt grow the same way often gets thrown out. And what we do is take all that normally gets thrown out because of its odd size or shape, box it up and deliver it to our customers once a week.”For Evan Lutz, giving back to others came

12、from his upbringing.3“When I was growing up my parents taught me the values of giving back, and giving is a lot more powerful than receiving. We sell produce with a purpose and that doesnt just mean we reduce food from going to waste. We hire people that were formerly in prison or were formerly inju

13、red or sick living in homeless shelters. They really wanted to get back on their feet for a second chance in life.”Evan Lutz is really happy to be realizing great mission that he thinks can really revolutionize the food industry in America.25. The social injustice in Paragraph 2 refers to the fact t

14、hat _.A. vegetables and fruits that dont taste good get wasted.B. much produce gets wasted while many Americans starve.C. grocery stores only sell produce of the same size.D. poor Americans can not afford healthy food.26. What business does Hungry Harvest mainly do?A. Deliver food for free.B. Raise

15、money for the poor.C. Collect “ugly” produce and sell it.D. Buy “ugly” produce and process it.27. Why does Evan Lutz hire those people mentioned in Paragraph 5?A. To lower labor costs. B. To increase productivity.C. To offer them a job. D. To enjoy a better reputation.28. What can be a suitable titl

16、e for the passage?A. Creating More Jobs for the Less Fortunate.B. Putting Healthy Food on Dinner Table.C. Making Profits from Shiny Produce.D. Giving Unused Produce a Purpose.CAs the train started to move, I looked around in the car from my seat. Small bags hung from the luggage shelves,swinging from side to side along with the moving of the train. The lights were weak. The smells of oils, sweat,tobacco, socks and toilets filled the car. The window 4curtains s



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