基于j2me手机拼图游戏的关键技术研究与实现 附测试代码

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《基于j2me手机拼图游戏的关键技术研究与实现 附测试代码》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《基于j2me手机拼图游戏的关键技术研究与实现 附测试代码(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、本 科 毕 业 设 计 设 计 题 目 基于J2ME手机拼图游戏的关键技术研究与实现 姓名(学号) 系 别 专 业 通信工程 导 师 姓 名 基于J2ME的手机拼图游戏的关键技术研究与实现作 者指导教师摘要: 在21世纪的信息时代,随着通信技术的高速发展,移动网络终端性能的不断提高与完善以及手机的高普及率,人们对手机终端应用开发的需求在不断增大,其对手机的需求已不仅仅是把作为一款简单的通讯工具,而是渐渐习惯于手机作为新的娱乐工具,因而手机越来越多的应用到人们的生活中,特别是手机游戏的推出受到了人们热烈的追捧,而我所设计的这款手机拼图游戏对于人们的智力开发有一定的帮助。在拼图游戏中用到的关键技术

2、主要有手机游戏的图像和按键处理、多线程的使用等关键技术及解决方案。在手机游戏图像处理这一块用了Canvas类的子类GameCanvas进行游戏画布,通过算法计算图形界面的尺寸。在按键事件处理方面也是通过Canvas类中的三个方法进行设置,包括按键按下的时候,按键长按的时候以及按键释放的时候。为了使玩家一边玩游戏的同时可以听到动感的声音,所以在这个拼图游戏中使用了多线程,由于多个线程之间可能会共享内存,而多线程的机制实际上相当于CPU交替分配给不同的代码段来运行,因此安全问题就成了重要问题。在这一方面也做了安全处理,在代码中增加了关键字synchronized ,使线程同步,如果其他线程要想调用

3、这个资源就需要等待,保证了机制的安全运行。在异常方面,抛出的各种各样异常也做了相应的处理。经过以上技术处理基本解决了手机拼图游戏的运行及安全工作。关键词:J2ME插件;拼图;手机游戏。Jigsaw puzzle based on the J2ME mobile phone key technology research Abstract:With the rapid development of communications technology in the 21st century information age, the high penetration of mobile networ

4、k terminal continuously improve the performance and improvement, as well as mobile phones, the demand for application development of mobile terminals in increasing demand for mobile phonesnot just as a simple communication tool, but gradually accustomed to the phone as a new entertainment tool, and

5、thus the phone more and more to peoples lives, especially the introduction of mobile games has been the enthusiastic pursuitI designed this phone jigsaw puzzle with the help of peoples intellectual development.The key techniques used in the jigsaw puzzle mobile games, images and buttons, multi-threa

6、ded use of key technologies and solutions. This one with a subclass of the Canvas class GameCanvas game canvas, by the algorithm to calculate the size of the graphical interface in the mobile game image processing. Three methods in the Canvas class in the button event handler is set when the button

7、is pressed, the button a long time, as well as the button is released. In order to make the players while playing the game while you can hear the voice of the dynamic multi-threaded, so in this jigsaw puzzle, may share memory between multiple threads, multi-threading mechanism is actually equivalent

8、 to the CPU alternately assigned to different section of code to run, security has become an important issue. Safe handling, in this keyword the synchronized code, so that the thread synchronization, if the other threads in order to call this resource need to wait, to ensure the safe operation of th

9、e mechanism. In the unusual aspects of a variety of abnormalities were also thrown the appropriate treatment. After basically solve the above technical processing of the operation and safety of the phone puzzle.Key words:J2ME plug-ins; puzzle; mobile games. 目录1 引言.11 .1开发研究背景及意义.1 1.1.1 开发的目的和意义.1 1

10、.1.2 该课题领域的开发及应用现状分析.2 2 需求分析.2 2.1 系统描述.2 2.1.1本游戏的设计规则.2 2.1.2游戏实现通过位置的计算.3 2.2 运行环境.4 2.2.1 J2ME体系结构介绍.4 2.2.2 JDK的安装及作用.5 2.2.3 Wireless Toolkit 2.4.2的安装及配置.6 2.2.4 Eclipse,Eclipse Me整合WTK.73 系统原理.8 3.1 系统原理分析.8 3.2 系统原理功能分析.9 3.3 系统原理用例图.10 3.4 系统原理图. .11 4 详细设计.12 4.1 系统模块操作.12 4.1.1 图片分割模块. .13 4.1.2图片分割后重组模块.14 4.1.3键盘控制图片移动模块.16 4.1.4 辅助模块.18 4.1.5结果分析模块.20 4.2用户操作模块.22 5 系统测试.26 总 结.33致 谢.33 附件:参考文献1 引言1.1 开发研究背景及意义 1.1.1 开发的目的和意义实现J2ME手机拼图游戏的关键技术;随着智能手机的逐步普及,手机游戏也日益流行起来。利用J2ME手机应用平台,利用J2ME的移动开发MIDP架构,设计和开发了一款拼图游戏。在游戏中融入了图片拆分



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