毕业论文外文翻译 会计诚信

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《毕业论文外文翻译 会计诚信》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《毕业论文外文翻译 会计诚信(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外文翻译文献中文部分 摘要:会计诚信是经济社会发展的客观要求,是和谐社会建设的重要组成部分。然而,近年来发生的会计造假事件,已经严重的影响了社会经济秩序的正常于心和会计职业的信誉,使会计诚信缺失成为我国社会经济生活中的一个突出问题。诚信是会计的立身之本,本文针对会计诚信的问题,提出了会计诚信缺失的危害、原因,以及对会计诚信缺失的解决对策进行了探讨,以维护和提高会计诚信的水平。会计诚信之本-不做假账会计是诚信行业。会计的本质归根结底是一个字:“真”,会计的衰亡也是一个字:“假”!如果会计失之诚信,弄虚作假,欺诈舞弊,会计得以存在的基础就会随之崩塌,会计业的生命力也就随之完结。因此,“不做假账”,







8、规则,笃做真账,让“不做假账”成为广大会计人员的自觉行动。外文文献翻译英文部分Accounting integrity is the objective requirements of economic and social development, harmonious society is an important part. However, recent accounting fraud incident occurred, has severely affected the normal economic order of society and the accounting pro

9、fession in the heart of the credibility of the accounting integrity and lack of a social and economic life of a prominent issue. Credibility is the foundation of the accounting, accounting for the integrity of this problem, a lack of accounting integrity hazards, causes, and the lack of accounting i

10、ntegrity are discussed countermeasures to maintain and improve the level of accounting integrity. Accounting credit of this - do not do false accountsAccounting is the integrity of the industry. Ultimately the nature of accounting is a word: true, the decline of accounting is a single word: false! I

11、f the accounting loss of integrity, fraud, fraud, fraud, the accounting will follow the basis of the existence of failure, the accounting industrys vitality along with it the end. Therefore, do not do cook the books, should be the integrity of the accounting, accounting practitioners should be our m

12、otto. On the point of this article OpinionModern accounting My father Mr. Pan Xulun said: Ericsson, is the accounting of the present; no credit, there is no accounting. Credibility is the cornerstone of the market economy is the lifeblood of accounting, it is shelter for the accounting professionals

13、, Liye the base. Makes false accounts and ensure the quality of accounting information, accounting integrity of this.Comrade Zhu Rongji has warned the World Congress of Accountants: All accounting and auditing must be honesty, personal integrity, adhere to standards, do not do accounting fraud. Adhe

14、re to an independent, objective and fair principles, never yield to any pressure and meet and unreasonable demands, not to his position to gain of private interests, not to provide false information. This requires the accounting officers in dealing with accounting matters, must be objective, true an

15、d fair reflection of the economic business, do not do false accounts, accounting information from the source to ensure the authenticity and reliability.First, strictly original documents and approval from the source to prevent false accountsOriginal certificate is to obtain economic and business occ

16、urs documentary evidence to prove that the only legitimate transactions occurring evidence. As in the practical work of the three no invoice more (no date, no economic content, not managers), some white striped collar, according to, some false invoice, so should accountants financial laws, regulations and systems based on , carefully examine the original documents. In the audit should be the f



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