英语:仁爱版七年级下unit7《the birthday party》topic 3 we had a wonderful party section c(学案)

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《英语:仁爱版七年级下unit7《the birthday party》topic 3 we had a wonderful party section c(学案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语:仁爱版七年级下unit7《the birthday party》topic 3 we had a wonderful party section c(学案)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 The Birthday PartyTopic 3 We had a wonderful party Section C课型:阅 读 课 主备人:孟 瑛 审核:七年级英语备课组学 案教 案一.课标告诉我们:1. 学习并检测新单词:each,sit,silent,blow,blow out,breath,everyone,had,delicious,funny.2. 复习一般过去时,学习一些动词过去式的不规则变化.3. 谈论生日庆典。 这节课应该学会: 学习一些动词过去式的不规则变化.学会如何运用一般过去时简单介绍生日庆典情况.二.我会做(我也敢做,我更能做,让我来试试哦!)1.口

2、语热身:What did you do yesterday ?来源:xyzkw.Com I went to I washed my hands I missed the chair and fell down. I played games2.哈哈, 我会写出这些动词的过去式,来哦!来看我的咯!miss isam are do dance perform play recite sing fall wash can hurt go talk lose 3.听录音1,我能够说出和写出这些单词和词组哦!每个; 坐; 无声的; 呼吸; 每人,人人; 有,吃,喝; 美味的; 有趣的,滑稽可笑的; 手工

3、做这些贺卡 ;一口气 ;坐在蛋糕周围 ;默默许个心愿 ;吹灭蜡烛 ; 4.我能够回答这些问题哦!When was Kangkangs birthday? What did the children bring for Kangkang ? Did Kangkang like the birthday cards? How old is Kangkang ? What did Kangkang do before he blew the candles out? 5.再次快速浏览1,并划出不规则动词的过去式。我也能够写出来哦! have buy give make is Sit blow sin

4、g bring dodoes 6.我会判断这些句子的正误哦!This Tuesday is Kangkangs birthday.His parents cooked lots of food and drinks for him.His friends bought the cards.This was the twelfth birthday of Kangkang .They danced ,but didnt sing and play games at the party.7. 我会找出关键词哦!We a birthday party for Kangkang yesterday.H

5、is parents lots of food and drinks.来源:xyzkw.ComWe the cards .There was a big birthday cake with on it.Kangkang a ,and then he the candles in .We danced , and games .Everyone a .8.我会独立完成2和3.三.我质疑:1. 你能总结出动词过去式的变化规则吗?2.你知道blew the candles out 有另外的说法吗?3.你知道了food 和drink的用法了吗?4.你知道了each of 的用法了吗?5.by han

6、d 的意义你明白了吗?6. 7. 8. 9. 四.我明了:1. 我能总结出动词过去式的变化规则哦.1) 2) 3) 来源:xyzkw.Com4) Look play Live use stop plan study worry 来源:xyzkw.Com2.我知道了blow out 表示 blew the candles out 的另外的说法是 若接人称代词的宾格就只能放在blow out的 .3. food 在此用作 名词,表示食物的总称,而drink表示不同种类的饮料时可以加 . 4.each of us 表示“我们每个人。”each of / every one of 后接复数名词或代词,

7、当它们做主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。如:Every one of them good at playing basketball.5.by hand 亲手,亲自,独自地 同义词是 和 .6. have a good time“玩得高兴”,是一个固定短语,a 不能省略;意思相当于 和 .7.We made the cards by hand ;He can sing in English ;We write with pens.在这三个句子中,by,in和with都表示 .by表达使用的 .in表达使用的 ,后面常常跟有关语言和材料的词语.with表达使用的 , 后面常常跟有关工具的词语.五.比

8、一比:一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. Jane made a s_ wish at her birthday party.2. She ate two apples in one b_.3. We had a w_ party, and we had a good time.4. I b_ a present for him last Sunday.5. Lets sit a _ the table and have a cup of tea.6. E_ in the party should perform.7. The wind is b_ heavily.8. The food

9、is very d_. I like it very much.二、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1. 今天公园里有许多人。There are _ _ people in the park today.2. 我们亲自动手做了一个飞机模型。We made a model plane _ _.3. 晚饭准备好了,全家人都坐在桌子周围。Supper was ready, the whole family _ _ the table.4. 玛丽许了一个愿,然后一口气吹灭了蜡烛。Mary _ _ _ _ and then she _ _ the candles .5. 昨天我们在动物园玩得很高兴。Yesterday we _ _ _ _ in the zoo.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. She _(have) supper late last night.2. My mother _(give) me a bike for my birthday.3. Jim _(bring) us a new book this morning.4. The teacher _(teach) us English last term.5. He _(hurt) his leg. He couldnt


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