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1、2016年6月大学四级,听力专题,听力考题大纲(2016年起已改革),全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会自2016年6月考试起将对四、六级考试的听力试题作局部调整。 四级听力部分各项占比:短篇新闻7%,长对话20%,听力篇章20%;六级听力部分各项占比:长对话8%,听力篇章7%,讲座/讲话20%。听力分值占比15%。 1)四级对话部分(Listening Conversations): 对话部分共25题,包括短篇新闻,长对话和听力篇章。均采用多项选择题的形式进行考核,每段对话均朗读一遍。 短篇新闻:有3段,共7题,每题1分;分值占比7%。 长对话:有2篇,共8题,每题1分;分值占比8%。 听力篇章

2、:有3篇,共10题,每题2分;分值占比20%。,六级听力改革,2)六级对话部分(Listening Conversations): 包括长对话,听力篇章和讲座/讲话。均采用多项选择题的形式进行考核,每段对话均朗读一遍。 长对话:有2篇,共8题,每题1分;分值占比8%。 听力篇章:有2篇,共7题,每题1分;分值占比7%。 听力篇章:有3篇,共10题,每题2分;分值占比20%。,长对话解题技巧,长对话在早期的四级考试是不存在的,改革后出现。长对话是短对话和短文的兼并,由一男一对一来一往对话,考察的是人与人的交流,对考生要求重点是是否能记住对话的内容。 解题的关键在于如何做好笔记!,常规解题技巧:,

3、1、更多单词或短语被读到的选项就是正确选项 2、原文经常会把正确选项的词用同义词来替换 3、第一题经常对应原文第一句或第一回合 4、顺序出题,边听边做,不等问题。 以上是长对话和短文听力的常规解法,但进行了大量练习考生可能会发现,有些题目不止被读到一个选项,在原文听不太懂的情况下就困惑了,干扰选项大多出现在正确答案之后的位置,所以如果在听到两个选项又不敢确定的情况下,选择先听到的可能更容易做对,长对话解题技巧基本解题思路,A. 预览选项判定题型 (15秒) B. 分析选项之间的逻辑关系(相同排除,相反取一;具有概括性的、深刻性的、表达委婉语气的选项往往是正确 答案;与其他三个选项比较是另类的要

4、排除。) C. 找出不同提干下相关联的选项(实词) 从3道考题12选项中可以看出对话中心不同题干 选项之间的逻辑上的漏洞。 D. 听音时注意把握第二重心(偶数)原则比1.3.5.7重要。 女士原则 E. 做好笔记 F. 听清问题 G. 所听非所得,2015年12真题 (一),9. A) It is used by more people than English. B) It is more difficult to learn than English. C) It will be as commonly used as English. D) It will eventua

5、lly become a world language. 10. A) Its popularity with the common people. B) The effect of the Industrial Revolution. C) The influence of the British Empire. D) Its loan words from many languages.,2016年12月真题(一),11. A) It has a growing number of newly coined words. B) It includes a lot of words from

6、 other languages. C) It is the largest among all languages in the world. D) It can be easily picked up by overseas travellers.,2016.12 真题一( Questions 12 to 15),12.A) To place an order. B) To apply for a job. C) To return some goods. D) To make a complaint. 13. A) He works on a part-time basis for th

7、e company. B)He has not worked in the sales department for long. C) He is not familiar with the exact details of the goods. D) He has become somewhat impatient with the woman. 1,2016.12 真题一( Questions 12 to 15),14. A) It is not his responsibility. B) It will be free for large orders. C) It depends o

8、n a number of factors. D) It costs 15 more for express delivery. 15. A) Make inquiries with some other companies. B) Report the information to her superior. C) Pay a visit to the saleswoman in charge. D) Ring back when she comes to a decision.,9. A) From the wanted column. B) From some of her friend

9、s. C) From a telephone directory. D) From a television commercial. 10. A) She received full-time education abroad. B) She graduated from an open university. C) She finished her secondary school. D) She studied in a vocational colledge.,2015年12月真题(二),2015年12月真题(二)12 to 15,12. A) It provides him with

10、career opportunities. B) It helps enlarge his customer network. C) It has been off and on for ten years. D) It was interrupted for four years. 13.A) Individualized service. B) Traditional setting. C) Home-made beer. D) Social games.,2015年12月真题(二),14. A) The quality of beer. B) The atmosphere. C) The

11、 owners attitude. D) The right location 15. A) It is a rather tough job. B) It is a profitable business C) It helps old people kill time D) It makes retirees feel useful.,2016年12月真题(三),9. A) Arranging the womans appointment with Mr.Romero. B)Fixing the time for the designers latest fashion show. C)

12、Talking about an important gathering on Tuesday. D) Preparing for the filming on Monday morning.,2015年12月真题(三),10. A)Her travel to Japan. B)The awards ceremony. C) The proper hairstyle for her new role. D) When to start the make-up session. 11.A) He is Mr. Romeros agent, B) He is an entertainment jo

13、urnalist. C) He is the womans assistant. D) He is a famous movie star.,2015年12月真题(三),12. A)Make an appointment for an interview. B) Send in an application letter. C) Fill in an application form. D) Make a brief self-introduction on the phone. 13. A) Someone having a college degree in advertising. B)

14、 Someone experienced in business management. C) Someone ready to take on more responsibilities D) Someone willing to work beyond regular hours.,14. A)Travel opportunities. B) Handsome pay. C) Prospects for promotion. D) Flexible working hours. 15. A) It depends on the working hours. B) It is about 5

15、00 pounds a weeks. C) It will be set by the Human Resources. D) It is to be negotiated.,2015年12月真题(三),短文听力,短文听力共考核三段,题型无变化,共10道题,分值今年改革由以往的10%变为20%,是听力中拿分的重点的重点。 最大的特点在于语速快,一篇短文250词左右,大约一分钟朗读130词,高峰时达到160词,也即一篇文章一分多钟就读完了。童鞋们最大的难点在于跟不上,记不住,没反映过来就完了。因此此类考题答题技巧尤为重要。,短文听力的命题特点,1. 形似阅读理解,难度相差悬殊。听力短文在形式上与

16、阅读理解基本相同,都是根据材料所包含的信息回答后面提出的问题,但听力短文材料的难度比阅读理解小得多,只相当于一般的口语材料。因此考生完全没有必要被其外在形式吓倒。 2. 短文播放时间固定,但有弹性时间可利用。虽然短文播放的时间及回答问题的时间是固定的,但播放听力录音之前有大约90秒的试音时间,且在播放短文之前要播放本题的指令部分(directions),这些时间都是可以利用的。,短文听力的命题特点,3. 短文体裁较为固定,为做出正确判断提供了语境依据。听力短文多为说明文或叙述性小故事,材料较为通俗易懂,这使提前根据所给选项推断材料内容成为可能。 4. 选项已知,可作为推断短文内容的依据。虽然材料的内容只播放一遍,但每小题的选项是提前给定的,考生可以根据选项所提供的信息,利用前面提到的弹性时间进行推断,为充分获取短文信息创造更加有利的条件。 5. 各小题类型相对固定,有助于总结答题规律。多年来听力短文的试题类型是相对固定的,主要包括细节题、推断题、态度题、数字题、主旨题等。这给我们正确解题 提供了启发和思路。,短文解题技巧,解题思路: 1、预览选项,判定文体 通



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