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1、買打折的衣服/ 买打折的衣服,小李只有在打折的時候才買衣服,一聽說哪家商店打折,就非去買不可。我說:打折的東西便宜是便宜,但是質量也差一些。小李說:衣服便宜可以多買幾件,質量差一點沒關係,穿壞了可以再買。 小李只有在打折的时候才买衣服,一听说哪家商店打折,就非去买不可。我说:打折的东西便宜是便宜,但是质量也差一些。小李说:衣服便宜可以多买几件,质量差一点没关係,穿坏了可以再买。,名牌兒,柯林買衣服只要樣子、顏色、大小、長短合適就行,不在乎是不是名牌。他的女朋友林雪梅覺得穿名牌的衣服質量好得多,穿起來更舒服。 柯林买衣服只要样子、颜色、大小、长短合适就行,不在乎是不是名牌。他的女朋友林雪梅觉得穿

2、名牌的衣服质量好得多,穿起来更舒服。,Not So Convenient,Little Zhang came to the United States from China in March last year. He has been living in New York State for more than a year, and hasnt had any authentic Chinese food for six months. Before he came to the United States, he heard that it was very convenient to

3、live in the United States. But now that he is in America, he doesnt think so. Since he doesnt have a car, he has to ask friends for help wherever he goes. He misses his parents very much and plans to return to China right after he finishes his exams in December.,My older brother plans to go to gradu

4、ate school after he graduates next semester. He says he will study either engineering or medicine. My parents hope that he will study computer science and make a lot of money in the future. They know that he can make even more money in the future if he chooses to go to medical school. However, they

5、dont want him to deal with patients all day long.,Academic Major and Career,My major is computer science. I am graduating next year. But I dont have any work experience, so Ive decided to intern at a computer company this winter break. Little Lin spent a lot of time preparing for exams and writing p

6、apers this week. He felt it was too much to bear. He hoped he wouldnt have to worry about studying this weekend and could relax a little.,不在乎累,小李是大學三年級的學生,因為他打算明年五月就畢業,所以每個學期都選六門課,每個暑假都實習。要是學分夠,他還打算拿雙學位。 小李是大学三年级的学生,因为他打算明年五月就毕业,所以每个学期都选六门课,每个暑假都实习。要是学分够,他还打算拿双学位。,他的指導教授覺得他課選得太多了,建議他少選一點,要不然太累了,對身體健

7、康沒有好處。小李說他希望早一點畢業,這樣他可以把大學第四年的錢省下來。至於累不累,他不在乎。 他的指导教授觉得他课选得太多了,建议他少选一点,要不然太累了,对身体健康没有好处。小李说他希望早一点毕业,这样他可以把大学第四年的钱省下来。至於累不累,他不在乎。,Magical Market Auntie: Juggles Dofu Like A Football Bus 44: A True Story,北京大學生公寓的宿舍,In this small village that can be run around in less than an hour, there live at least

8、around 100,000 recent graduates, and the majority here are university students. Here, most of the buildings are “tongzilou” provided specifically for us people who need cheap rental housing. The big units are under 20 square meters, while the small ones are only a few square meters. These units have

9、 no quality to speak of.,A lot of people come to Beijing with their dreams. There are also those who are in Beijing to attend university who, after graduating, decide to remain in Beijing to begin their lives. Whether it is because of their familys financial situation or the difficulty of finding jo

10、bs or other reasons, they can only choose this kind of pay-by-month and cheap dormitory style shared housing building.,This is Tangjiashans road. Every time after it rains, your shoes will become very dirty, and during the summer when there are heavy rains, if you are not wearing slippers or sandals

11、, you need to wear a plastic bag on your legs. No matter how clean you are, there is no need to wipe/clean your shoes, because when it does not rain, it is really dusty, so even the cleanest shoes will look like you just walked out of a dessert after a few steps.,Although the majority of people livi

12、ng here are all university students, there are also people from various parts of the country here to make a living. Only when seeing how much more bitter and difficult their living situation is can we find a shred of comfort in the deepest deepest part of our hearts, reminding ourselves that life is

13、 not easy so we must work hard! There are also people who call us:“The unkillable young stalwarts!”,This is a good example of where we eat; the prices are relatively cheap compared with other parts of Beijing. However, in Tangjiashan, only breakfast is in high demand, as most people choose to make t

14、heir meals in their cramped spaces, because this can save a “considerable” amount of money. For a single guy like me, it also means beginning to make ones own meals,I simply ate two boxes of instant noodles in a month. Ive heard of people who for one week only ate mantou, but here I want to remind e

15、veryone to pay attention to their bodies as a precondition to saving money, because only when your body is healthy can you work well, and only when you work well can you get closer to your ideals/dreams/hopes, so you must not let your body collapse/wear out.,This one, however, is simply like heaven.

16、 Looks like one definitely needs a woman in the house.,Tangjiashan is located on the fifth ring of Beijing, with the normal commute time to work being around 1-2 hours, but with this many people every morning waiting for the crowded busses to arrive at this stop, each bus on average can only board 4-5 more people. What more, there are even people specially assigned to push us into the bus doors, otherwise the bus doors cannot close!,


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