云南省仁爱版七年级下册英语导学案:unit 8 topic 1 what is the weather like in winter section c

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《云南省仁爱版七年级下册英语导学案:unit 8 topic 1 what is the weather like in winter section c》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《云南省仁爱版七年级下册英语导学案:unit 8 topic 1 what is the weather like in winter section c(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 The Seasons and the WeatherTopic 1 What is the weather like in winter?Section C编写人:陈书银审核:谢佐晶来源:学优高考网来源:学优高考网gkstk1、 学习目标1、重点单词和短语(1)假期_ (2)雨伞_来源:学优高考网(3)冰_ (4)短裤_(5)旅行_ (6)太阳_(7)澳大利亚_ (8)树叶_(9)better_ (10)shine_(11)most_ (12)wind_(13)wear_ (14)later on _(15) had better_ 2、能读懂有关旅游的短文3、谈论旅游相关事项

2、二、重点难点来源:学优高考网单词:if, had better, umbrella, go out, Australia, remember, wear, sun, shine, brightly, sunglasses, shorts, suddenly, later on短语:had better, go out, later on, take an umbrella, remember to do, wear, warm clothes 句型:Summer holidays are coming. Youd better know the weather in different are

3、as in August. You need to take an umbrella when you go out. So its the best time to go there. Please remember to wear warm clothes. Sometimes it rains suddenly. And later on ,it may get fine again.来源:gkstk.Com三、自学质疑1、 学习新单词2、 翻译下列句子(1) If you plan to travel on your holidays, youd better find out the

4、 weather in different places in August._(2) It often rains and sometimes it rains heavily. _3、理解1a,独立完成1b四、合作探究1、 小组合作谈论1a(一人问问题,其他组员回答)2、 和你的同伴谈论你暑假打算去哪里旅游?为什么?(练习1C) 3、 小组合作完成2a4、remember to do sth. 记得做某事 翻译:我们记得放学后打扫教室。 remember 还可以接doing sth. 探讨:remember to do sth.与remember doing sth.的区别5、You ne

5、ed to wear warm sunglasses , a T-shirt and short. 句中的wear 意为:穿,戴;put on也表示“穿、戴”,你知道它们的区别吗? wear: _ put on:_五、当堂检测 练习:( )1. -I had a trip with my friends last week. -We all enjoy _ . A. oneself B. myself C. ourselves ( )2. Its raining hard outside. Youd better_ out until the rain stops. A. go B. not

6、go C. not to go ( )3. Its raining now, so you need _ an umbrella with you. A. to taking B. takes C. to take D. taking ( )4. -How do you like the weather in Beijing? -Its quite different_ that in Hainan . Its too cold. A. from B. to C. of ( ) 5. -Where does Tom plan _ for his summer holiday? Beidaihe. A. go B. goes C. to go D. going6. Look at the sky. Its c_. I think its going to rain. 7. Winter is coming, so we all wear w_ clothes. 8. Its _ (wind) today. Youd better not go out for a walk.


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