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1、Module 3 Journey to space Unit 1 Has it arrived yet?,区一中 董彦彬,New words:,地球 n. 火星 n. 已经,早已 adv. 刚刚 adv. 模型 n. 感到恐慌 v. 最近的,最新的 adj. 最近的 adv.,几个,数个 adj. 月 n. 发现 v. 展示,给看 v. 多于 prep. 航天飞机 太空站,Earth,Mars,already,just,model,space station,panic,recently,several,month,discover,space shuttle,show,over,latest

2、,秘密,秘密的 真实的,真正的 两次 勘探,探测 任务 不载人,secret,real,twice,explore,mission,unmanned,Language points: What are you up to? 你在忙什么? I havent started it yet. yet 与 already 的区别。 She hasnt finished the homework yet. Have you cleaned the room yet? ( yet用于否定句和疑问句中) I have finished reading the book already. (already 用

3、于肯定句) 3. Dont panic! 不用恐慌! 4.Send (sent,sent)to/ send up/ send for I want to send this postcard to my friend.( 邮寄) We have sent up many satellites.(发射) Jack is ill ,please send for a doctor.(派人去请),1. What are you up to? 你干什么呢? up to “正在干,从事着” (非正式场合) eg: The children are very quiet , what are they u

4、p to ?,Important and difficult points,2. the latest: adj. 最近的,最新的 e.g. the latest fashion : 最新款的时装 the latest news 3. 现在完成时表示动作的延续,结果或经历, 不能与表示单纯过去时间的状语(如two weeks ago, last year等)连用, 而常与下列状语连用: already, yet, ever, never, lately, recently, up till now, in the past few years(days).,5. Arrive/ reach/

5、get to到达 Arrive in/at When does the train arrive in London? We arrived at the airport by taxi. What time does the plane get to New York? They reach school at half past six in the morning. 6. Life 生活/ 生命 This makes life difficult.( 不可数) More than 2000people lost their lives.(可数) 7. there and back. (往

6、返) 8. What for ? (为什么)= Why. 9. They have gone to Shanghai on business. 他们去上海出差了。,A: Hi, Tony. What are you _ to? B: Hi Daming, Ive just _ this model _ the spacestation. What do you think? A: Its _. Is this _ your space travel homework? I havent started it _. B: Dont _. Ms James wants it next week.

7、Have you _ the _ news? Some scientists have _ a spacecraft _ Mars. It has _ several months _get there. A: Has it _ yet?,B: Yes, it has. Thats _ its _ the news. A: And _ the astronauts discovered life _ Mars? B: No, not _. There arent _ astronauts _the spacecraft. A: But astronauts have _ _ _ the moo

8、n. B: Yes, but no one _ been _. But _ _ astronauts have worked _ the space station. They _ the space shuttle, and go there and _.,B: But I hear theyve _ to Shanghai _business. A: Oh, theyre coming _ this evening. Id _to _ it _ them. B: All right, you can _ it. But _ it _ tomorrow.,A: You know a lot

9、_ space travel. Can I show your space station _ my parents?,现在完成时态(二) 1.I have just made this model of the space station. 我刚刚做完这个太空站的模型。 2.I havent started yet. 我还没有开始呢。 3.Some scientists have sent a spacecraft to Mars. 一些科学家已经往火星发送飞船了。 4. Astronauts have been to the Moon already. 宇航员们已经到过月球了。 表达“刚刚

10、做完某事”、“已经做完某事”时也同样可以用现在完成时态。,Complete the sentences with the the words and phrases in the box:,Astronauts take the _to go to the _. They havent _ any _ on Mars yet. The _ of the space station isnt Damings, and he only wants to _ it. Astronauts havent been to the moon _. The last time was over 30 yea

11、rs ago.,borrow discover life model recently space station space shuttle,space shuttle,space station,discovered,life,model,borrow,recently,1986年1月28日, “挑战者”号航天 飞机在肯尼迪航 天中心发射升空 不久后爆炸。,1968年12月27日, 阿波罗8号-第一 次载人的月球行 动,在完成了历时 6天的历史性航行 之后,安全返回地 球.,现在完成时还与介词for引起的时间状语连用,动词必须表示持续性的动作或状态 Mary has joined the

12、navy for three years. Mary joined the navy three years ago. He has come here for 2 hours. He came here 2 hours ago. She has gone home for 3 days. She went home 3 days ago,been in,been,been,have / has been in (to) have / has gone to,曾经去过” (经验 ) “到去过了” (完成),I have been to Japan twice. 我曾去过两次日本 (已回来),I

13、 have been in Japan for 3 years. Where is Tom? He has gone to Shanghai.,注意 : 在have (has) been in (to) 的句子中in (to)后面跟的是名词,如果是副词here , there , home, abroad则不用to, in。,We have been here for the whole morning Have you been there? He has gone home .,A test: Fill in the blanks,The sun is a _ in the solar s

14、ystem. The Earth is a _ and it goes around the Sun. Although there are_ planets around the Sun. There are more than 200 billion stars in _. There are many galaxies in the _. We have sent lots of spacecraft to _, but we _on other planets.,star,planet,8,our galaxy/ the milky way,universe,the other pla

15、nets,havent discovered any life,Language points: 1。Scientists think that there has been life on Earth for millions of years . 科学家们认为数百万年以前已经有生命存在了。 Millions of 数百万的. Hundred of 上百的 后面跟可数名词复数 Thousands of 上千的 2。None of them has an environment with air. 他们中没有一个有空气的环境。 None 用于表示对三者或三者以上全部否定的不定代词, 意思是没有什么人或没有什么东西,做主语时谓语动词可用单数 也可用复数。None 可以与of 连用,回答how many/much 的问题。 No one 只表示没有人,只回答用who 提问的句子。 None of us is / are interested in the story. -who are you speaking to ? -


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