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1、成都高尔夫俱乐部球场合同书 一.合同双方 成都高尔夫俱乐部有限公司 (以下简称甲方) 香港高尔夫工程有限公司 (以下简称乙方)二.合同宗旨根据中华人民共和国经济合同法,甲方现将成都高尔夫俱乐部球场整体施工委托给乙方。为明确双方的权利、义务和经济责任,经双方协商,特签订本合同。三.工程概况1工程名称:成都高尔夭俱乐部18洞国际标准高尔夫球场2工程地点:成都武侯区童家溪镇3本工程执行双方确认的施工技术规范,并将其作为工程验收标准。四.工期要求1本工程应于2000年6月30日前交付使用。2如遇以下情况工期可顺延:a.甲乙双方认定的工程设计重大改变;b.人力不可抗拒的自然灾害。五.承包方式本工程为整体



4、担违约贡任。九.附则1本合同一式四份,甲乙双方各执二份;2本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效;工程全部竣工验收并保修期满结算情款项后失效;3本合同条款及术语根据中华人民共和国经济合同法及其它相应法律规定解释;4. 本合同未尽事宣,经双方协商后修改或补充,补充合同与本合同具有同等法律效力,补充合同与本合同内容发生冲突时,以补充合同为准;5在执行合同过程中若发生争议,双方应本着实事求是的原则协商解决;协商不成时,可提交项目所在地权威机构仲裁。甲方:成都高尔夫俱乐部有限公司 乙方:香港高尔夫工程有限公司代表: 代表:一九九八年 月 日三本推荐书(川外超星图书馆)v 1)实用商务英语阅读 (高等学校商务英

5、语系列教材)v 丁丽军 许丽芹 电子工业出版社 2005v 2)实用商务英语阅读教程王祖兴 耿广利 河南人民出版社 2004v 3) 新编商务英语翻译 梅德明 高等教育出版社 2005Contract on Construction of the Golf Course of the Chengdu Golf ClubI. The two contracting PartiesChengdu Golf Club Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Party A)Hong Kong Golf Engineering Co. Ltd. (hereinaft

6、er referred to as Party B)II. Purpose of ContractIn accordance with The Law of Economic Contracts of the Peoples Republic of China, Party A is now entrusting the construction of the golf course of the Chengdu Golf Club to Party B. After consultations the two Parties have agreed to conclude and sign

7、this Contract in order to define the rights, obligations and economic liabilities of each of the two Parties.III. General Description of Project1. Name of project: the 18-hole golf course of international standard in the Chengdu Golf Club;2. Location of project: Tongjiaxi Township, Wuhou District, C

8、hengdu.3. The Project shall be carried out in conformity with the construction technical standards agreed upon by both Parties, and these shall be the standards for examination and acceptance upon completion of the Project.IV. Time Limitl . The Project shall be completed and available for use by Jun

9、e 30, 2000.2. Deadline for completion of the Project may be postponed in case of a) major change(s) in the design of the Project agreed upon by both Parties, or b) natural calamities beyond human control.V. Mode of ContractingThis Project shall be a package contract project. That means, the Project

10、referred to in the present Contract shall be regarded officially completed only when Party A considers that all the facilities and the whole Project meet the requirement for the normal operation of the golf course when the construction is completed.VI. Payment and Settling Account1. The total fixed

11、amount of money for the Project is 55 million yuan RMB.2. After the signing of the Contract Party B shall submit to Party A a letter of guarantee for completing the Project within the time limit, and the letter is to be provided by a bank of the provincial level. In case Party B fails to complete th

12、e Project within the time limit, Party A shall be entitled to claim from the said bank a guarantee fund of I .5 million yuan RMB.3. Within seven (7) days from the signing of the Contract, Party A shall pay Party B 550,000 yuan RMB as advance charge, which is equal to l% of the total amount of money

13、for the Project.4. During the time of construction of the Project Party B shall make monthly report in writing to Party A on the progress of the construction work. and Party A shall make monthly payment to Party B for construction of the Project.5. Upon the total completion of the Project and the ex

14、amination and acceptance of the Project by both Parties, Party A shall have paid 90% of the total cost of the ProjectKeeping the remaining l0% of the total as the quality deposit which shall be paid by Party A to Party B in a single payment after one year of trouble-free operation beginning from han

15、ding over of the completed Project by Party B to Party A.VII. Examination and Acceptance of Completed Projectl. Party B shall notify Party A in writing of the date for examination for acceptance fifteen (15) days in advance. In case the completed Project fails to pass the examination for acceptance, Party A shall notify Party B of this in writing. When this situation happens. Party B shall take remedy mea



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