试论英汉对比分析在高中英语教学中的应用 硕士毕业论文

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《试论英汉对比分析在高中英语教学中的应用 硕士毕业论文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《试论英汉对比分析在高中英语教学中的应用 硕士毕业论文(47页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、试论英汉对比分析在高中英语教学中的应用目 录致 谢i中文摘要iiAbstractiii1.引言12.英汉对比分析在高中英语教学中应用的理论基础42.1文献综述42.2英汉对比分析的基本观点52.2.1对比分析的概念52.2.2对比分析的心理学基础62.2.3对比分析的作用72.3 英汉对比分析在高中英语教学中应用的条件92.3.1高中生的认知特点92.3.2高中英语教材的特点102.4英汉对比分析在高中英语教学中实施的手段113. 用英汉对比法分析高中生英语表达中的“汉式英语”现象133.1词汇层面的“汉式英语”133.1.1词的形态上的“汉式英语”133.1.2词的含义上的“汉式英语”153

2、.2句型层面的“汉式英语”173.2.1五种基本句型183.2.2复合句与并列句213.3语篇层面的“汉式英语”253.3.1整体连贯263.3.2语篇衔接293.4语用层面的“汉式英语”304. 英汉对比分析在高中英语教学中应用的实验344.1实验目的344.2实验对象344.3实验设计344.3.1 词汇“英译汉”翻译设计344.3.2 句型“英译汉”翻译设计354.3.3 语篇“英译汉”翻译设计364.3.4 语用“英译汉”翻译设计374.4实验过程384.4.1自变量384.4.2因变量384.5实验结果分析385.结论40参考文献42中文摘要对比分析理论于1947年由美国语言学家Ch

3、arles Fries在他的 Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language 一书中提出。1957年美国语言学家Robert Lado出版的Linguistics across Culture ,将对比分析理论付诸实践。而我国英汉对比研究从1898年马建忠的马氏文通算起,到目前已成为一门独立的学科,如:冒国安(2004)主编的实用英汉对比教程列入本科英语专业课程教材之一。对比分析以心理学的迁移理论为基础,通过把两种语言体系进行比较,发现它们的异同,解释“母语负面干扰”的现象,为教材的选择和教学大纲的编排提供依据,为语言学习者预防和排除母语



6、与控制班的期末武汉市统考成绩进行比较,其结果表明实验班的英语整体水平比控制班的英语整体水平有明显的提高,因此证明在高中英语教学中运用英汉对比法的可行性和有效性。关键词: 对比分析; 汉式英语; 高中英语教学; “英译汉”翻译AbstractThe theory of contrastive analysis was first posited by Charles Fries, an American linguist, in his book Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language published in 1947. Ten

7、years later, another American linguist Robert Lado wrote Linguistics across Culture and put the theory of contrastive analysis into practice. On the other hand, a contrastive study on English and Chinese began with Ma Jianzhongs 马氏文通(1898). Over 100 years up to present, it has been an independently

8、specialized subject. For example, Mao Guoan (2004)s A Practical Course in Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese is listed among textbooks series for tertiary English majors. Contrastive analysis based on psychological transfer theory compares the linguistic systems of two languages in order to

9、discover their similarities and differences and explain the phenomena of negative transfer of the native language. Its basic purposes are to provide basis for the selection and grading of teaching materials and for the organization and designing of syllabuses, and at the same time to help the Englis

10、h learners predict and overcome the bad effects of their native language on English. Thus, they will form the mode of thinking like the native speakers of English for successful across-culture communication when they are learning English through contrast and comparison between English and Chinese.Co

11、nsidering that the brain of senior high school students (1518 years old) has nearly developed to the brain of the adults and that they have become accustomed to Chinese thinking stereotype, the writer thinks it is rather difficult to eliminate “interference of Chinese” in the way of numerous and rep

12、eated pattern drills in class, which possibly leads to the fact that the more work is done and the more time is taken but the result is not so good. It is still discovered that negative transfer of Chinese results in lots of Chinglish phenomena in the students English expression. For example, in voc

13、abulary, the Chinese language, a typical isolating language, causes the students to ignore the changes in the word forms; According to the Chinese explanations, they take the word-to-word equivalences between Chinese and English meanings for granted. In sentence patterns, with Chinese parataxis in m

14、ind they write down many sentences lacking in conjunctions. In text, spiral thought pattern of Chinese brings out too many theme breaks in the students compositions. In conversational pragmatics, its easy for the westerners to misunderstand that the Chinese students are rudely inquiring their privac

15、y during the daily conversation, while Chinese regard knowing the others age, income, health and marriage as a way to care for each other. So the writer collects a great number of such examples and analyzes them contrastively. Whats better, from the angle of the interlanguage development, he argues that the “C/E translation” exercise is an effective measure to act out the contrastive analysis in English teaching. Besides, the writer started to do an experiment on applying contrastive analysis to senior English teaching in Class One of Senior Grade One in Wuhan No.68 High School in September,


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