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1、2017-2018学年第二学期教 学 笔 记 2016-2017 学年度第 二 学期 英语 学科 五 年 班任课教师 中心小学课题预备课教学目标1.英语学科要求2.复习旧知识教学重、难点1. 英语学科要求 2. 复习旧知识 教具、学具准备单词卡教学课时数 1课时教学过程耕耘手记一、Revision1.Review the lettersA. Show the letters and read together. Ask someone to read them.B. Recite the letters together and ask someone to recite the letter

2、s.2.Review the wordsA. Show the cards and read together, ask someone to read it.Game: Listen and spell them.3.Free talk:自我介绍二、新学期要求1、课时安排:每个单元三节课:Part A, Part B, Part C 2、要求:(1)上课纪律:安静、注意听,踊跃发言,积极参与等,纪律表现好,发言两次以上得印章一枚(2)作业: 笔头作业以活动手册为主及时上交,有错误及时订正,作业完全正确,书写漂亮得A,有错误得B,需订正正确,再盖pass印章。 口头作业课文的背诵家长签字,写在

3、书本课题旁(3)装订小测本20页一本,加封面。(4)磁带自己购买,人手一份,一定要有。三、Talk show 情景一:谈论交流你的假期生活情景二:谈论新学期的计划Homework1.准备好录音磁带、小测本、包书皮2.预习Unit 1 Part A课题Unit 1 Winter Vacation Part A教学目标1.能听说读写单词:was,were,went,China等。2.会运用句型:How was your winter vacation? It was wonderful. I .谈论寒假生活。教学重、难点1.能准确使用动词的过去式讲述过去发生的事情。2能用英语说一说自己的寒假生活。

4、教具、学具准备1. 单词卡片2. 录音机、磁带教学课时数 1课时教学过程耕耘手记一、Warming up1.Greeting2.Free talk3. Title(1)教师说: “Winter vacation is in . Today lets talk about the winter vacation.”根据学生的回答板书:go to Beijing,visit the Great Wall,watch TV,go swimming,do my homework(2)揭示课题并板书: Unit 1 Winter Vacation Part A二、Presentation(一)学习单词A

5、ustralia和China1.教师出示Peter的图片并贴在黑板上,然后提出问题:“Who is he? Where is he from?”根据学生的回答,板书Peter和Australia,巩固单词Australia。2.教师出示Lily的图片,提出相同的问题:“Who is she? Where is she from?”根据学生的回答,板书Lily和China, 教单词China(二)根据课文情景,学习如何讲述过去发生的事情(简单教学do与did,I did my homework.和 I will do my homework.)1.教师指着Peter和Lily的图片说:“Pete

6、r and Lily are talking about winter vacation. What are they talking about? Please listen and watch.”2. Listen carefully.3.教学如何讲述过去发生的事情。(1)教师在黑板上寒假时间的上方板书:How was your winter vacation?出示was的单词卡片,告诉学生该单词是am和is的过去式,动词的过去式是描述过去发生的事情时使用的。(2)请学生看黑板上的线段图,帮助学生理解何为过去发生的事情。然后教was和were。(3)看图片,对比过去和现在,练说:I was

7、. Now I am. You were . Now you are.教学过程耕耘手记(4)教师提问:“How was Lilys winter vacation? How was Peters wintervacation?”请学生自读课文找出答案,教师根据学生的回答把答案写在黑板上寒假时间的下方。(5)教师指着黑板上的线段图说:“寒假已经过去了,所以我们讲述寒假里发生的事情要用过去时。(三)详读课文对话1. Listen and repeat.2.学习句子:It was wonderful.3.学习句子:Were you in China? No,I wasnt.(1)学习在一般过去时中,

8、be动词的一般疑问句形式。(2)出示一些句子,请学生读一读,如:Were they in the supermarket? Yes,they were./ No,they werent.Was he in Beijing?Yes,he was./ No,he wasnt.4.学习句子:How was the weather there? It was hot. It was summer there.(1)请学生读一读句子。(2)教师提出问题:“It was hot. It was summer there. Why?”学生根据已有的知识来说一说。教师总结:“因为南半球和北半球的缘故,一月和二

9、月中国是冬天,而澳大利亚是夏天。”5. Listen and repeat.6. Read together. Act it out.(四)Practice1. Ask and answer. Page 3(1)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。(2)同桌根据图片内容练习对话。(3)请几位学生展示对话。(4) 总结动词:go-went, visit-visited, watch-watched2.全班同学说问句How was your winter vacation? 数遍,直至教师将一朵花放在学生A的桌子上,全班学生一起提问:“How was your winter vacation,A?”学生A

10、根据自己所写的内容回答问题。3.Talk show: my winter vacation (1) Talk with your partner.(2) Talk show.教学过程耕耘手记三、Homework1. Listen, read and recite.2. Do some exercises in Activity Book.3. Talk about your winter vacation.板书设计:课题Unit 1 Winter Vacation Part B教学目标1.能听读写词汇:parents,hometown,took,tour,Sun Moon Lake等。2.会问

11、答句型:How was your winter vacation? I went to Taiwan with my parents.I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake.3.功能:谈论寒假生活。教学重、难点1.能准确使用动词的过去式描述过去发生的事情。2.能用英语说一说、写一写自己的家乡。3.能用英语介绍自己与家人或朋友的寒假生活。教具、学具准备1.单词卡片2.录音机教学课时数1课时教学过程耕耘手记一、Warming:1. Greeting.2. Free Talk: 3. 揭示课题并板书:Unit 1 Winter Vacation Part B二、Rev

12、ision1.教师出示Lily和Peter的图片问:“How was Lilys winter vacation? How was Peters winter vacation? Do you remember?”2.学生回答后,教师板书如下:visited the Great Wall went to Australia3.教师说:“上节课,我们学习了如何讲述过去发生的事情。讲述过去发生的事情,需要用到动词的过去式,现在让我们来复习一些动词及其过去式。”(1)教师出示单词卡片am,is,are,visit,go,do等,请学生在作业本上写出它们的过去式。(2)教师简要介绍动词过去式的构成规则

13、。教师出示amwas,arewere,gowent,dodid等单词,告诉学生这些动词的过去式的变化是没有规律的,需要记忆。而很多规则动词的过去式,直接在动词词尾加ed即可,如:visited,played,watched,wanted等。4.游戏唱反调。游戏规则:教师说动词原形,学生说出其过去式,教师说动词的过去式,学生说出其原形。如:T:Go. S:Went.教学过程耕耘手记T:Were. S:Are.T:Watched. S:Watch.三、Presentation(一)整体感知课文,学习本课新词与新句型1.教师出示Wang Tao的图片,贴在句子How was your winter

14、vacation?的your下面,提出问题:“How was Wang Taos winter vacation? Please listen and watch.”2. Listen carefully.3.教单词parents和句子I went to Taiwan with my parents. (1)教单词parents,告诉学生mother and father称为parents,而grandmother and grandfather可以称为grandparents。(2)教句子I went to Taiwan with my parents.并在Wang Tao 的图片下板书went to Taiwan with his parents。请学生根据实际说出几个类似的句子,如:I went to the park with my grandfather.I went to Beijing with my parents.I went to the museum with my classmates.4.教单词hometown和句子Is


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