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1、第四章 侵犯公民人身权利、民主权利罪 Crimes of Infringing upon Citizens Right of the Person or Democratic Rights,1客体:人身权利和民主权利 2客观方面:非法侵犯公民人身权利、民主权利的行为 3主体:一般主体,特殊主体 4主观方面:大多数是故意,1、故意杀人罪 Crime of Intentional Homicide 犯罪客体:生命权(生命的开始与结束) 客观方面:行为方式 犯罪主体:年龄 主观方面:直接故意或间接故意,Whoever intentionally commits homicide shall be s

2、entenced to death, life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years; if the circumstances are relatively minor, the offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than ten years.,2、过失致人死亡罪 Crime of Negligently Causing Death,Who

3、ever negligently causes death of another person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than seven years. If the circumstances are relatively minor, the offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years. Where this Law

4、 has other provisions, such provisions shall prevail.,3、故意伤害罪 Crime of Intentional Injury (1)客体:他人身体健康的权利 (2)客观方面:行为方式 (3)主体:一般主体 (4)主观方面:故意,Whoever intentionally inflicts bodily injury upon another person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention

5、 or public surveillance.,Whoever, by committing the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph, causes severe bodily injury to another person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than ten years. If he causes a person”s death or causes severe bodily

6、injury resulting in severe deformity to another person by especially cruel means, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years, life imprisonment or death. Where this Law has other provisions, such provisions shall prevail.,故意伤害罪的认定 与一般殴打的界限 重伤与轻伤的界限 属于重伤的几种情况 (1)使人肢体残

7、废或者毁人容貌 (2)使人丧失听觉、视觉或者其他器官机能 (3)其他对于人身健康有重大伤害的,故意伤害致死与故意杀人既遂的界限 故意伤害与故意杀人未遂的界限 故意伤害致死与过失致人死亡的界限,举例重伤情况: -面部损伤: 单条疤痕长5cm, 两条长8cm, 三条长10cm。 单块块壮疤痕4cm, 两块7cm, 三块9cm。 -手指损伤: 任何一手拇指缺失超过指间关节。 一手除拇指外,任何3指缺失均超过近侧指间关节;或者两手除拇指外,任何4指缺失均超过近侧指间关节。,4、过失致人重伤罪 Crime of Negligently Injuring Another Person and Causin

8、g Severe Injury 过失致人轻伤罪() 过失重伤致人死亡罪(),Whoever negligently injures another person and causes him severe bodily injury shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention. Where this Law has other provisions, such provisions shall prevail.,5、强奸罪 Crime of Ra

9、pe 客观方面: 暴力:使其不能反抗 胁迫:使其不敢反抗 其他方法:使其不能、不知反抗,Whoever rapes a woman by force, threat or other means shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than ten years. Whoever has sexual relations with a girl under the age of 14 shall be deemed to have committed rap

10、e and shall be given a heavier punishment.,Any of the following categories of persons who rapes a woman or has sexual relations with a girl shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years, life imprisonment or death: (1) those who rape a woman or have sexual relations with a

11、 girl with flagrant circumstances; (2) those who rape several women or have sexual relations with several girls; (3) those who, in a public place, rape a woman in public; (4) two or more persons who rape the same victim in succession; or(5) those who cause severe bodily injury or death of the victim

12、 or cause other serious consequences.,-对强奸罪的处罚:“处3年以上10年以下有期徒刑,有下列情形之一的,处10年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑或者死刑: 1、强奸妇女情节恶劣的; 2、强奸妇女多人的; 3、在公共场所当众强奸妇女的; 4、二人以上轮奸的; 5、致使被害人重伤、死亡或者造成其他严重后果的。,“行为人明知是不满14周岁的幼女而与其发生关系,不论幼女是否自愿,均以强奸罪定罪处罚,确实不知是幼女的,双方自愿发生性关系,未造成严重后果,情节显著轻微的,不认为是犯罪。”,6、强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪 Crime of Acting Indecently Agai

13、nst or Insulting a Woman 犯罪客体:妇女的性羞耻心。 客观方面:以暴力、威胁、其他方法,强制猥亵或侮辱妇女。 聚众或在公共场所当众犯罪的,属于加重处罚情节。,Whoever acts indecently towards or insults a woman by force, threat or other means shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention.,Whoever, by means of gatherin

14、g a crowd or in the public place and in public, commits the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years.,Whoever acts indecently towards a child shall be given a heavier punishment according to the provisions of the preceding t

15、wo paragraphs.,侮辱罪和强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪的区别: 1、客体:前者为人格权、名誉权;后者为妇女的性羞耻心。 2、客观方面:前者为公然;后者不一定公然。前者为暴力、文字或言辞方式;后者必须为强制方法。,3、主观方面:前者有毁坏他人人格、破坏他人名誉为目的;后者出于流氓动机,寻求刺激。 4、对象:前者对象不局限于妇女,但应为特定对象;后者只针对妇女,但可以针对不特定的对象,如在公共汽车上。,7、非法拘禁罪 Crime of False Imprisonment 持续犯 处罚原则 -从重规定(手段、结果、主体三种情况) -转化犯规定,Whoever unlawfully detain

16、s another person or deprives another person of his personal freedom shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance or deprivation of political rights. If circumstances of hitting or insulting another person exist, the offender shall be given a heavier punishment.,Whoever, by committing the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph, causes severe bodily injure to another person shall be sentenced



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