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1、Even the worst haircut eventually grows out.頭髮剪得再差,最後都會重新長長。Lisa Kogan作家Its a whole lot more satisfying to reach for the stars, even if you end up landing only on the moon.以星星為目標,即使最後只登上月亮,也比燕雀低飛好得多。 Kermit The Frog布木偶科米蛙The finish line is just the beginning of a whole new race.終點線只不過是另一場比賽的起點。Susan

2、 Saint James演員Success is falling nine times and getting up ten.成功就是九次跌倒之後第十次站起來。Jon Bon Jovi搖滾歌手Be open to learning new lessons even if they contradict the lessons you learned yesterday.新的事物即使和以往所學的相矛盾,也應敞開胸懷學習。Ellen Degeneres喜劇演員兼主持人A life of unremitting caution, without the carefree - or even, occ

3、asionally, the careless - may turn out to be half a life.一輩子小心翼翼,沒有絲毫的放鬆,甚至偶爾小小的放縱,人生就失去一半的意義。Anna Quindlen美國當代作家Temptation usually comes in through a door that has been deliberately left open.誘惑之所以能夠乘虛而入,是因為你存心不加防範。Arnold GlasowIn a nutshell(in a nutshell 简单地, 简约地), loving someone is about giving,

4、not receiving. 愛之道,簡言之,在施而不在受。 - NICHOLAS SPARKS作家 If youre going to do something, go start. Lifes simpler than we sometimes can admit.想做什麼事,就放手做吧。人生有時候,沒有我們說的那麼複雜。- ROBERT DE NIRO演員Men forget everything; women remember everything. Thats why men need instant replays in sports.男人什麼都記不住,女人什麼都記得牢,所以男人觀

5、賞體育節目,常要求鏡頭重播。- RITA RUDNER喜劇演員Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute.樂觀者和悲觀者對社會都有貢獻。樂觀者發明飛機,悲觀者發明降落傘。- GIL STERNBeing rich makes no difference. You can only spend so much. What are you going to do? Have two lunches?

6、有錢也沒什麼差別,花費就只有那麼多。有錢能怎樣?難道一天吃兩頓午餐?- NEIL DIAMOND歌手For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.欲緩解緊張,放慢節奏當可迅速見效。- CAROL I. L. CORYIt is not religion that is the root of all evil, it is certainty. 萬惡之源不在宗教,而在自以為是。倫敦獨立報作者Consensus is something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects. 共識的意思,就

7、是誰都不反對,但誰都不由衷支持。MARGARET THATCHER 英國前首相In the early years, you fight because you dont understand each other. In later years, you fight because you do. 爭吵最初肇因於彼此不了解,後來是因為已經了解太深。JOAN DIDION 作家Faith is the voice in the back of your head that tells you to listen to the voice in the back of your head. 信念

8、是一種發自內心的呼聲,讓你傾聽自己心底的聲音。DENNIS MILLER 演員You never really learn much from hearing yourself talk. 只聽見自己說話,絕不會有什麼進步。GEORGE CLOONEY 演員Real listening is a willingness to let the other person change you. 虛懷納言改變自己,才算真能聽取人言。Alan Alda 演員Sometimes the path youre on is not as important as the direction youre he

9、ading. 有時,你走什麼路不大重要,重要的是你朝什麼方向走。Kevin smith 演員The only reason some people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory. 有些人越思考越感迷惘,唯一原因就是平日不習慣思考。Paul Fix 演員In order to be big, you have to think big. If you think small, youre going to be small. 要有大成就,須從大處看。著眼於小事物,只會成為小人物。Emeril Lagasse 廚師A

10、 rich person should leave his kids enough to do something, but not enough to do nothing. 有錢人留給孩子的錢,應足以令他們有所作為,而不足以令他們無所事事。Warren Buffett 投資專家Getting fired is natures way of telling you that you had the wrong job in the first place(in the first place adv.首先). 被炒魷魚是老天告訴你,你根本就選錯了工作。Hal Lancaster 作家To s

11、ucceed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone. 人生要成功,有三樣東西不可缺少:願望、毅力、幽默。Reba Mcentire 演員及歌手Empathy is the most important thing in life. Its the point of life. So many people forget that. 人生最重要的是能體諒別人。這是人生要義,卻往往被人遺忘。RICKY GERVAIS 編劇及演員Friendship isnt something you lear

12、n in school. But if you havent learned the meaning of friendship by the time you leave, you really havent learned anything. 友誼不是課堂裡會教授的東西。但如果你離校時還未能領略友誼的真諦,你的書就白讀了。MUHAMMAD ALI 退休拳擊手Humor is a rubber sword - it allows you to make a point without drawing blood. 幽默是把橡皮造的劍:容許你刺中要害卻不流血。Mary Hirsch 作家If

13、you can do something with your eyes closed, its time to find something new. 假如你閉上眼睛都能做某件事,就該找點新的事情做了。Kathie Lee Gifford 演員Youve only given a little spark of madness. You mustnt lose it. 上天只給你一丁點兒瘋狂,絕對不能丟掉。Robin Williams 演員Happiness is the best facelift. 快樂是最好的美容術。Joni Mitchell作曲家The mark of a good b

14、ook is it changes every time you read it. 好書的特點,是每次閱讀時感受都不一樣。Anderson Cooper電視記者We never forgive in other people what we casually forgive in ourselves. We always forgive in others what we never forgive in ourselves. 有些事情,我們會輕易原諒自己,卻絕不會原諒別人。又有一些事情,我們總是原諒別人,卻絕不原諒自己。Richard Dreyfuss演員My father always s

15、aid, Education is the one cure-all for insecurity. 我父親常說:教育是治療沒有安全感的萬靈丹。Hugh Jackman演員Why does a woman work ten years to change a mans habits and then complain that hes not the man she married? 為何女人花上十年時間改變一個男人,然後抱怨他已非當年自己所嫁的人?Barbra Streisand演員Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up. 歷史每重演一次,代價就更高昂。Ronald Wright作家L


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