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1、听力教程新闻部分答案和文本UNIT 1 Item 1 Vocabulary: jury 陪审团condemn 谴责Background information: Anderson served as Enrons auditor (审计员) for more than a decade, approving the companys financial statements even while off-balance-sheet partnerships (帐外合作伙伴) hid billions in debt and pumped up profits.Exercise A: Liste

2、n to the news item and complete the following summary.Arthur Andersen Company is charged with _ in the Enron case.Arthur Andersen Company is charged with blocking investigation in the Enron case.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.1

3、. Arthur Andersen Company was energy company Enrons business partner.2. Arthur Andersen destroyed important documents.3. The Arthur Andersen Company did not agree with the charges.1. F2. T3. TIn Houston Texas, a federal investigating jury has charged the Arthur Andersen Company with blocking efforts

4、 to seek justice in the Enron case. Arthur Andersen employees kept financial records and provided advice to the failed energy company Enron. The charges say Arthur Andersen destroyed tons of documents while an investigation was taking place after Enrons failure. The Arthur Andersen Company condemned

5、 the charges as a serious misuse of government power.Item 2Background information: Zhukovskiy is a city about 50 miles southeast of Moscow.Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.This news item is about _.This news item is about a model of the 1st space vehicle designe

6、d for pleasure trips.Exercise B: Listen to it again and complete the following blanks.Possible time: _Vehicle size: _Special experience: _Length of the trip: _Cost: _Possible time: in three yearsVehicle size: can hold a pilot and two passengersSpecial experience: three minutes of zero gravityLength

7、of the trip: one hourCost: $100,000Russian engineers and an American company have presented a model of the 1st space vehicle designed for pleasure trips. They presented the full size model in Zhukovskiy, Russia. They say the space plane should be ready in 3 years. Travelers would experience 3 minute

8、s of zero gravity during a one-hour flight. The vehicle would hold a pilot and two passengers. A flight would cost about $100,000.Item 3Background information: Mr. (Alejandro) Toledo was elected president of Peru in June 2001.Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.Thi

9、s news item is about _.This news item is about a UN conference on financing for development.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1. Where was the UN conference held?a. In Peru.b. In Mexico.c. In Europe.d. In the United States.2. What

10、 is discussed in the UN conference according to the passage?a. World peace.b. Fighting against terrorism.c. Financial aid to the poor countries.d. Social development of the poor countries.3. How much does the UN want the industrial nations to increase their foreign aid?a. $100,000,000.b. $1,000,000,

11、000.c. $10,000,000.000.d. $100,000,000,000.4. How much does the UN want to reduce the number of the poor by 2015?a. By 15%.b. By 25%.c. By 30%.d. By 50%.5. When did the bombing in Lima take place?a. On Wednesday morning.b. On Wednesday night.c. On Thursday morning.d. On Thursday night.1. B2. C3. D4.

12、 D5. BWorld leaders at a United Nations conference in Monterrey, Mexico, have urged wealthy nations to increase their foreign aid. Peruvian president spoke Thursday at the UN conference on financing for development. Mr. Toledo said terrorism could grow if poor countries do not receive help. He retur

13、ned home earlier because of the bombing in Lima. Economic leaders and political activists told the conference that poverty is a major threat to world peace. The United Nations wants 22 industrial nations to increase their foreign aid by 100,000 million dollars. The goal is to reduce by half the numb

14、er of the poor by the year 2015.President Bush says a bombing near the United States Embassy in Lima will not stop him from going to Peru on Saturday. The attack Wednesday night killed at least 9 people and wounded many others. Mr. Bush says he is sure Perus president will do everything possible to make Lima safe for his trip. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.


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