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1、Week 8 (1) or and (2) = has which has elapsed(3) gave made(4) Instead Moreover / Additionally(5) and but(6) (7) sizes size(8) neverever(9) = at speed at which it(10) between among(11) later latter(12) / = the(13) pulled drawn(14) = were were built, but(15) (16) existed existing(17) establishment con

2、struction / creation(18) = not are not able to(19) when which(20) A. Reference version for C-E translation:Water splashing is the main activity of the Dal peoples New Year when the local people wash off the dust of the old year and bless the new. Water is either splashed gently or fiercely. Gentle s

3、plashing is to the elders - people ladle some water and, uttering good wishes, pour it inside the collar down an elders neck. The one being splashed accepts it with good grace. Fierce splashing has no fixed pattern - people can run after each other and use ladles, basins or even buckets to splash or

4、 pour water over each other. The more one is splashed the happier one is for the many blessings he gets.B. Reference version for E-C translation:有的人说做梦很重要,能预言将来的不幸和快乐,又说梦见的妖魔鬼怪都是象征心里最深的焦虑和畏惧。也有人说做个恶梦却不一定意味着不好的事情。比如说,梦见自已死亡,这个梦好象十分可怕,能使人从梦中惊醒,吓出一身冷汗。其实,这个梦并不是意味着死亡,而是生命中的一个转折点,前途无量,能取得圆满成功。反之,梦见找到钱,可能

5、意味着你会丢失什么东西。但是也不能说做个好梦就是不好的,做个不好的梦就是好的,要看情况而定。比如说梦中遇到水,清澈的水可能是财富的意思,而浑浊的水可能是争论的意思;如果梦见热水的话,就要警惕没料到的危险。E-C translation现在特别要注意经济发展速度滑坡的问题,我担心滑坡。百分之四、百分之五的速度,一两年没问题,如果长期这样,在世界上特别是同东亚、东南亚国家和地区比,也叫滑坡了。世界上一些国家发生问题,从根本上说,都是因为经济上不去,没有饭吃,没有衣穿,工资增长被通货膨胀抵消,生活水平下降,长期过紧日子。如果经济发展老是停留在低速度,生活水平就很难提高。人民现在为什么拥护我们?就是这

6、十年有发展,发展很明显。假设我们有五年不发展,或者是低速度发展,例如百分之四、百分之五,甚至百分之二、百分之三,会发生什么影响?这不只是经济问题,实际上是个政治问题。所以,我们要力争在治理整顿中早一点取得适度发展。C-E translation:Recently in the west more and more people have become vegetarians.This phenomenon has been caused by new ideas, both at the level of the society and at the level of the individu

7、al. Increasingly doctors and other relevant professionals have emphasized that we must pay serious attention to protecting and improving our health, and stress that prevention is better than cure.Many people have been deeply influenced by these kinds of pronouncements, and have gradually begun to ch

8、ange their way of life as a result.They are exercising more, have given up or cut down smoking, and have also begun to eat more healthily.On the one hand doctors warn that eating too much meat is a cause of heart disease and high blood pressure, and on the other say that eating vegetables and fruit

9、helps to sustain health. Many people have given up meat and become vegetarians for this reason.However other people have given up meat as a matter of principle. Some believe that it is wrong to kill living things, or believe that because raising animals needs more land than growing vegetable crops,

10、it is a waste of the worlds scarce resources to eat meat.Yet other people become vegetarians simply to follow fashion. Generally speaking these kind of people will start to eat meat again after a time.Go into any average provincial town and the last thing you will find is a decent book-shop. More th

11、an one great industrial town of a population of over a hundred thousand has only one such shop, and that is generally kept going by the sale of school-books.(1) It is because we cannot afford to buy books. We (1)(2) spend six hundred million pounds a year on the beer, (2)(3) but we certainly do not

12、spend six hundred million pence (3)(4) on literature. Many people can afford to but (4)(5) motor-cars with anything from seven hundred pounds (5)(6) would be ghastly at the idea of spending a single (6)(7) pound occasionally on a book. Yet, merely like (7)(8) furniture, books are cheaper and better

13、decoration (8)(9) than blue chinas or e1ighteenth century chairs. They (9)(10) are better because they put out the stamp of (10)(11) individuality upon a house. The desire of eighteenth (11)(12) century chairs and blue china may represent not as a (12)(13) genuine personal. taste for beautiful thing

14、s, but an (13)(14) artful passion for rare and expensive ones. On 14)(15) the other hand, a column of books will give a house (15)(16) character and meaning. It should tell you about its (16)(17)owner. A house without books is a unmindful and (17)(18) characterless house, and no matter how rich the Persian (18)(19) rugs and how elegant the settees and the ornaments. (19)(20) The Persian rugs not only tell you that the owner has (20)got money, but the books will tell you whether he hasgot a mind as well.2


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