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1、Lesson 3 Paradoxes of Translation (continued)Activity 1 QuizTask 1 Translation from Chinese to English1. soft money(纸币) soft answer (温和委婉的回答) soft goods(毛织品) soft heart(易感动之心,慈心)a hard blue (一种刺目(眼)的兰色) hard evidence(确凿的证据/铁证)sophisticated electronic device (高度精密的电子装置) run to seed不修边幅2. Did you at l

2、east total the guy that hit you?对那个揍你的家伙,你至少已经向他报复了吧?Some Americans pop across the border simply to fuel up on flavorful Mexican food and beer.一些美国人越过国境,只是为了吃点可口的墨西哥食物,喝点墨西哥啤酒。But his attack was always repulsed by a kick or a blow from a stick.但是他每冲一次,不是让人一脚踢了回去,就是让人一棍子打了回去。At this stage there is on

3、ly soft intelligence about the enemy intention. We should not shoot him from the hip.在目前,关于敌人的意图还只有不太充分的情报,我们不能卤莽行事。Task 2 Translation from English to Chinese1 下策(an unwise decision/ a stupid move) 下旬(the last ten-day period of a month)上当to be taken in 上相to come out well in a photograph; to be photo

4、genic上任to take up an official post 上台to come to power (女孩子写给男友的)绝交信 a “Dear John” letter 表扬信(客人对于受到款待的感谢信)a bread and butter letter 2. 知人者智, 自知者明。 胜人者有力, 自胜者强。 知足者富, 强行者有志, 不失其所者久, 死而不亡者寿。He who knows others is wise;He who knows himself is clever;He who conquers others is forceful; He who conquers h

5、imself is strong. He who knows contentment is rich;He who perseveres is a man of will;He who does not lose his root can endure;He whose Tao survives him is long-lived.Activity 2 Questions based on Eugene Nida.1. For many people the need for human translators seem paradoxical in this age of computers

6、. Since modern computers can be loaded with dictionaries and grammars, why not let computers do the work?(1)Computers can perform certain very simple tasks, providing (conj.倘若) there is sufficient pre-editing and post-editing. (2) But the results of machine translating are usually in an unnatural fo

7、rm of language and sometimes just plain weird (adj.怪异的). (3) The human brain is not only digital and analogic (adj.类似的, 类推的), but it also has a built-in system of values which gives it an incalculable advantage over machines. Human translators will always be necessary for any text which is stylistic

8、ally appealing and semantically complexwhich includes most of what is worth communicating in another language.2. In your view, what type of texts are the most difficult to translate?You might think that the most difficult texts to translate are highly literary productions. However, those texts which

9、 say nothing, i.e. the type of language often used by politicians and delegates to international forums (论坛,讨论会), prove to be more difficult to deal with than literary writings. At least this is what a group of professional translators at the United Nations headquarters in New York have insisted. Th

10、e next most difficult type of text is one filled with irony or sarcasm. 3. Some people imagine that the greatest problem in translating is to find the right words and constructions in the target language. What do you think?The most difficult task for the translator is to understand thoroughly the de

11、signative and associative meanings of the text to be translated. This involves not only knowing the meanings of the words and the syntactic relations, but also being sensitive to all the nuances (n.细微差别) of the stylistic devices. As one struggling (adj.奋斗的, 努力的, 苦斗的) translator summed up his problem

12、s, “If I really understood what the text meant, I could easily translate it.”4. Do you think that a person who knows two languages well can be a good translator or interpreter?Knowing two languages is not enough. It is also essential to be acquainted (adj.有知识的, 知晓的) with the respective (adj.分别的, 各自的

13、) cultures.Activity 3 Translation Skill: Changing the Positions of Some PhrasesDuring last class, we took a look at one point on which Chinese and English differ, namely the meanings and connotations of some words. We have also had a taste of the impact this difference has on translating between the

14、 two languages. Since Chinese and English belong to two different language families and present a lot of differences in their grammar, lexicon, discourse structure, etc., one of the problems we cant avoid while translating is how to make the translated version sound as smooth and natural as possible

15、. To achieve this, there are certain translation skills we can follow. In this activity, we examine one such skill, namely “ change the positions of some particular phrases”. Task 1 Comparing the two versionsEach of the following five English sentences has two versions of Chinese translation. Which do you think sounds more natural(B)? And why? Your attention is called to the positions of the italicized parts.1. Not having children after getting married is not yet widely acceptable in a family-oriented society.A 不要孩子,在结婚以后,尚未普遍被人接受,在一个注重家庭的社会中。B 婚后不要孩子在一个注重家庭的社会中尚未普遍被人接受。2. In Hong Kon


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