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1、1小学英语不规则动词的过去式am / iswas arewere gowentdo / does-did eatate seesaw have (has)had taketook say-saidreadread letlet putput hurt-hurt set-set cut-cuthit-hit cost-cost shut-shutcomecame become-became singsangmakemade forgetforgot drinkdrank getgot beginbegan buildbuiltbendbent givegave runran ringrang s

2、itsat swimswam riderode write-wrote begin-begandrive-drove shine-shone fall-fellflyflew grow-grew know-knewdrawdrewthrowthrew blow-blew cancouldshallshould willwouldmaymight meetmet meanmeant buybought thinkthought teachtaughtcatchcaught sleepslept sweepsweptkeepkept speakspoke stand-stoodfeelfelt l

3、earnlearnt/learned leaveleft hear-heard find-found choosechose2不同国家的单复数形式Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese Swiss-SwissAmericanAmericans CanadianCanadiansEnglishmanEnglishmen FrenchmanFrenchmenIndian- Indians Greek-Greeks Russian- Russians Australian- AustraliansItalian- Italians(意大利人) Swede- Swedes注

4、意:1.photo-photos piano-pianos radioradios zoo-zoos kilo-kilos kangaroo- kangaroos2.AmericaAmerican CanadaCanadianEnglandEnglish FrenchFrenchmanChina-Chinese Japan-Japanese 六年级英语下册测试题姓名: 分数:一 选择题。1. One of my classmates_from America.A. is B. are C. am D. be2.Amy with her parents _going on a big tip.A

5、. is B. are C. am D. be3._everyone here?-Yes,we are all here.A. is B. are C. am D. be4.Both Mike and I_ in the teachers office.A. is B. are C. am D. be5.There _a bike under the tree a moment ago.A. is B. are C. was D. were6._fine weather! Im going hiking with my parents.A. What B. What a C. How7.Wou

6、ld you like _the stamp show.A. going B.to go C.to go to D.going to8.I dont like_,my sister doesnt like_, _.A. singing;singing;too B.singing;singing;eitherC.sing;sings;too D.sing;sings; either9.Whats _with you?-I head a fever.A. matter B.trouble C.wrong D. the wrong10.Why not _ skating?A. to go B.go

7、C.going D.go to 二写出下列句子的同义句。1.Thank you very much.Thanks _ _.2. Whats the matter with Amy?Whats _with _?3. What time is it now?_ is it now?4. Its three fifteen now.Its _ _ _ _now.5. We often have classes at seven thirty.We often have classes at _ _ _.6. Whats the price of this coat?_ _ is this coat?7. Whats Amys age?_ _ is Amy?8. They went to Beijing by plane.They _ to Beijing .9. Im taller than my brother.My brother is _ than me.10. How does Lisa feel?How _ Lisa _?5


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