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1、原版英语口语情景对话第0154集:介绍建房经历Rob被雇为建筑设计师,有了这样的经历,他希望以后有机会能建造自己的房子。Todd: Rob, when you first came to Japan you said you did construction.Rob: Yes, I was hired as a framer for 2x4 types of homes, so the same style of homes that are built in Canada or America.Todd: OK, so what do you mean by frames?Rob: Fram

2、ing, the actually frame of the house so, we start from the foundation, we lay down the sub-floor, we build the walls, a second floor, more walls, square everything up, and then add in the windows, the exterior wrap, and on some occasions we will finish the roof.Todd: How long does it take you to mak

3、e a house?Rob: Our job would take around two to three weeks, with three guys, a team of three, we able to frame a house, shingle the roof, install the windows and the doors in less than three weeks.Todd: Oh, wow. Now when you work, do you work with a Canadian crew or Japanese?Rob: Actually, it was q

4、uite mixed. Our boss was from Seattle, Washington, and we had people from Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and some Japanese workers.Todd: Wow, thats cool. What it a good experience?Rob: Yeah, it was a very good experience. I hope one day maybe to be able to build my own house with some friends. Its possible to save money and its the enjoyment of building something for yourself.Todd: OK, where would you build this house?Rob: Thats a good question. Im thinking, maybe back in Canada, but maybe not in the East Coast. Itd be possibly in B.C. or maybe in another country. Who knows?2


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