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1、台中市市立立人國民中學97學年度第二學期第一次定期評量九年級英文科 題目卷 p1九年_班 座號 _姓名_I.文意字彙:20%1. Brownie is a famous b y near our school. Have you ever tasted its cheese cake? Its very delicious.2. Tommy, please write this s e three times. Then youll remember it easily.3. Eric is so smart and energetic that he wants to be a s l bu

2、sinessman in the future. 4. Dora: I am very t y. Is there anything to drink? Mom: Yes. How about juice?5. A r r is a kind of animal with two feet which wakes us up in the early morning every day.6. English is an international language. So it is convenient when you take a trip in a f n country.7. You

3、 spell the word wrong. Get an e r and write again.8. F n always work on the sea. The weather forecast(預測) is very important for them.9. Read the ds on the bag carefully before you take medicine.10. Harry Potter can make everything happen by waving his m c wand(杖). II.文法選擇: 20%1. Can you help me? I d

4、ont know .(A) what can I do it (B) how to do (C) what do I do (D) what to do2. I am wondering_.(A) what is wrong with him (B) what is happened to him (C) what wrong is with him. (D) what he happened3. J. K. Rowlings books _ in sixty-two languages.(A) sells (B) are selling (C) sold (D) are sold4. It

5、was too bad _ Karen couldnt get to the station on time. (A) to (B) for (C) that (D) whether 5. Hebe: Tommy _ jogging in the morning.Ella: You mean he usually went jogging in the morning before, but now he doesnt.Hebe: Thats right.(A) is used to go (B) used to go (C) was used to go (D) is used to goi

6、ng6. I am not sure _ Mickey can pass the final test this semester or not. (A) how (B) that (C) what (D) whether7. Jason: Mom, I am very angry because Tina has eaten _ of my birthday cake. Mom: Its OK. Ill buy you a new one.(A) two three (B) two third (C) second thirds (D) two thirds . 8. _ people we

7、re crazy about the baseball game. But unluckily, the Chinese team lost the game. (A ) Million (B) Millions (C) Two million of (D) Millions of9. You have to finish the science report as _ as possible, or it will be late.(A ) fast (B) quick (C) well (D) happily 10. Tim should give up _ , or he will ge

8、t sick easily.(A ) smoke (B) to smoke (C) smoking (D) smokedIII.填入適當的介係詞: 18%1. Mike:What is your brother good ? Maggie:He plays the piano well.2. Sharon won the race(競賽). And she was followed Jenny.3. I like to cut the steak small pieces before I eat it.4. Heat the cookies 150 degrees until they tu

9、rn light brown.5. Jay: Can I borrow some money you? Jolin: No way. 6. Before you ask your friends _ help , try to do it by yourself. 7. For Chinese, everyone is _ the animal of his year. So a Dog person is smart and hard-working.8. _ the other hand, exercise can keep me in a good shape.9. In America

10、, it is common to name their sons_ their fathers or grandfathers. P2IV.克漏字選擇10 % Kim:You look so sad. Whats wrong? Tim:Well, I didnt do well on the English test. Thats 1. I didnt look good.Kim:Too bad. Dont you know 2.?Tim:Yes, I do. Last night, I studied English for one hour and I also put the luck

11、y dog sticker on my English book.Kim:And then 3. will be easy to get good grades, right?Tim:You got it. A fortune-teller told me that we Dog people are going to be lucky in 2009.Kim:Come on, Tim. Dont be silly. You still dont understand 4. brings success. Tim:You mean I should study by myself 5. I w

12、ill be lucky or not. Kim:Thats right. ( )1. (A) how (B) why (C) what (D) when( )2. (A) how to study English (B) what you can study English (C) why did you study English (D) where you studied English( )3. (A) that (B) it (C) this (D) if ( )4. (A) work hard (B) hard-working (C) hard work (D) working-h

13、ard( )5. (A) it (B) if (C) that (D) whether V依提示作答: 15%1. Who is the girl in a red dress? I dont know. (合併成一句)2. Does Allen like country music? Iris isnt sure. ( 用whether合併成一句) 3. The coffee is too hot for me to drink. (用so.that 改寫)4. Who arrived first yesterday? They tried to find out. (合併成一句)5. Ge

14、tting good sleep is important for children. (用 It 改寫)VI中翻英 15%1 請你們自行取用籃子裡的幸運餅。2. 只有在比賽最後,我們才知道誰會贏。3. 你的夢想在不久的未來將會實現。4. 三個臭皮匠勝過一個諸葛亮。5. 至少,你知道如何加熱披薩。 VII閱讀測驗: 12%(A ) Do you want to know what your horoscope is ? Name sign date charactersjobSamPieces 02/2003/20Charming, kind, romantic,like dreams artist, poet, musicianTerryGemini 05/2106/21Good at speech, easy to make friends, love learning singer, managerJohnCancer06/2207/22Considerate, good memory,like family lifedoctor, teacherMarkSagittarius11/2312/21Smart, curious, outgoing, honest, energetic , li


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