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1、A:a student B:As sister C:As father D:As motherScenes 1(morning,A accepted the information that he wasnt be applied by any university. He went up to his sisters bedroom for comfort)A:I cant believe I didnt get into any university! I chose the school,It was my safety school, my fail-safe!B:Maybe your

2、e just too average.A:Too average?OkOkRemember who I am,Im your brother! I didnt have to go to gym class for a whole year cause I claimed to strive for studying! Or what about the time I got the note from doctor saying I was nocturnal and I was allowed to study in my dreams? I mean , that was pure ge

3、nius.B: Maybe you need do some exercise and be cute.A: Well, its true. You know? I dont have a clue what I want to do with the rest of my life.B:Mom and dad are gonna kill you.A:Of little faith to me.Theyre not gonna kill me.B:Uh-huh?A:I just have to spin it and put it in terms they can understand.S

4、cenes 2(at dinner)C:I dont understand.D: I dont understand either.A: Okay, I figure it like this. The average cost of college is, what, 20000 yuan a year? (Passing the paper materials to everyone.) Some beyond senior high school can expect to make about 20000 yuan a year in the current job. Now, tha

5、t being said, you could either spend 80000 yuan or I could make 80000 yuan.(Smile)C: Are you saying you dont want to go to college?A: No, Im saying that is fascally irresponsible for me to go to college. You know?C: Are you fever?A: Oh, god. No!D: Are you drink?A: No, Im not fever, and Im not stoned

6、. Im very fine. In fact, Im more clear than Ive clear than Ive ever been.C: Ok, society has rules, and the first rule is you go to college.D:Mm-hm.C: You want to have a happy and successful life? You go to college. If you want to fit in, yougoto college.A:Well, you know what? Maybe I didnt get into

7、college.D: What do you mean?A: I didnt get accepted anywhere.D: Oh, my god!C: Oh, shit!D: I knew he shouldve stated preparing for college in junior high school like his sister.B: (Proudly) Ive got a shot.D: (Nodding) Shes got a shot.A: Listen, guys, There are plenty of successful people who didnt go to college. Einstein, you know, Lewis never went to college. Both Clark and Bill, they had a great run.D: I need to go check on the cobbler.A: “check the cobbler”, HaHaC: You know, I really dont care what they did or didnt do, Youre goin to college.B: I told you so.A: You were adopted.


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