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1、第一单元一、英译汉1. On university campuses in Europe, mass socialist or communist movements gave rise to increasingly violent clashes between the establishment and the college students, with their new and passionate commitment to freedom and justice. Suggested answer:在欧洲的大学校园里,大学生以新的姿态和激情投入到争取自由和正义的事业中去,大规模

2、的社会主义或共产主义运动引发了他们与当权者之间日益升级的暴力冲突。 2. These days political, social and creative awakening seems to happen not because of college, but in spite of it. Of course, its true that higher education is still important. For example, in the UK, Prime Minister Blair was close to achieving his aim of getting 50

3、 per cent of all under thirties into college by 2010 (even though a cynic would say that this was to keep them off the unemployment statistics). Suggested answer:现在,政治、社会和创造意识的觉醒似乎不是凭借大学的助力,而是冲破其阻力才发生的。当然,一点不假,高等教育仍然重要。例如,在英国,布莱尔首相几乎实现了到2010年让50的30岁以下的人上大学的目标(即使愤世嫉俗的人会说,这是要把他们排除在失业统计数据之外)。 3. I neve

4、r hoped to understand the nature of my generation or how American colleges are changing by going to Lit Theory classes. This is the class where you look cool, a bit sleepy from too many late nights and wearing a T-shirt with some ironic comment such as Been there, done that and yes, this IS the T-sh

5、irt. Suggested answer:我从没指望通过上文学理论课来了解我这一代人的特征,或了解美国大学在如何变化。这门课是让你在课堂上扮酷的带着一丝熬夜太多的困劲儿,穿着一件T恤衫,上面印着“去过那儿,干过那事儿,对,这就是那件T恤衫”,或诸如此类带有揶揄意味的俏皮话。 4. Were a generation that comes from what has been called the short century (19141989), at the end of a century of war and revolution which changed civilizations

6、, overthrew repressive governments, and left us with extraordinary opportunities and privilege, more than any generation before. Suggested answer:我们这一代人来自所谓的短世纪(19141989),生于其后期。这个世纪充满了战争和革命,它改变了人类文明,推翻了强权政府,给我们留下了非同寻常的机会和特权。我们所得到的机会与特权比从前任何一代人都要多。二、汉译英1. 政府采取的一系列措施不但没有化解矛盾,反倒激起更多的暴力冲突。反对党联合工会发动了一次大罢

7、工,最终导致政府的垮台。 (give rise to; form an alliance with; launch; bring about) Suggested answer:Instead of resolving contradictions, the series of measures taken by the government gave rise to more violent clashes. The Opposition formed an alliance with the trade unions and launched a general strike, which

8、 ultimately brought about the downfall of the government. 2. 如今,大学与现实世界的距离越来越小,学生也变得越来越实际。从前,大学是一个象牙塔,学者追求的是学问本身而不是把学问作为达到目的的手段,但这样的时代已经一去不复返了。(shrink; gone are the days; a means to an end) Suggested answer:Nowadays, the gap between the university and the real world is shrinking and students are bec

9、oming more and more practical. Gone are the days when the university was an ivory tower in which scholars pursued knowledge as an end rather than a means to an end. 3. 我从未指望靠上课来学好这门课。但我确实去听课,因为在课上我能了解这门课的重点,学会如何组织材料、如何推理。(hope; the place where) Suggested answer:I never hoped to learn the subject wel

10、l by attending those lectures. But I did go to lectures, for it was the place where I could get the important points of the course and learn how to organize materials and how to reason. 4. 我一直想方设法解决这个难题,但就是找不到满意的答案。可是当我去厨房喝饮料的时候,我突然间灵机一动,意识到解决问题的方法实际上可能很简单。(work out; click) Suggested answer:Although

11、 I have been trying every means to solve the problem, I cannot work out a satisfactory solution. But when I went to the kitchen to get a drink, something clicked and made me realize that the solution might be quite simple.第二单元一、英译汉1. Such motor mimicry, as it is called, is the original technical sen

12、se of the word empathy as it was first used in the 1920s by E. B. Titchener, an American psychologist. Titcheners theory was that empathy stemmed from a sort of physical imitation of the distress of another, which then evokes the same feelings in oneself.Suggested answer:这种所谓的运动神经模仿就是“同感”的原始技术含义,而“同

13、感”这个词于20世纪20年代由美国心理学家E.B.铁钦纳首次使用。铁钦纳的理论是:同感发自对他人痛苦的一种身体模仿,这种模仿继而在自身引起同样的心理感受。2. He sought a word that would be distinct from sympathy, which can be felt for the general plight of another with no sharing whatever of what that other person is feeling. Motor mimicry fades from toddlers repertoire at ar

14、ound two and a half years, at which point they realize that someone elses pain is different from their own, and are better able to comfort them.Suggested answer:他当时在寻找一个与同情有所区别的词;同情是针对他人的一般困境而发的,无须分担他人的任何感受。小孩两岁半左右就渐渐不再有运动神经模仿行为,那时他们会意识到别人的痛苦与自己的不同,会更有能力安慰别人。3. I also love the split-second shocked e

15、xpression on the new people, the hasty smiles and their best imitations of what they think of as their normal faces. If they do the ritual well enough I turn my head ever so slightly and tuck my hair behind one of my ears, whichever ones closer to them.Suggested answer:我也喜欢生人脸上那瞬间的震惊表情、匆忙的微笑和他们竭力装出的

16、“正常脸色”。如果他们这套仪式做得够好,我就会微微转过头,把头发掖到离他们较近的那只耳朵后面。4. I mostly just read lips because it was easier to pick up than signing, although thats not the only reason I was staring at your lips, I told him. He laughed. We talked more, and then the host upped the music volume and dimmed the lights for the dance floor, and I had to lean in much, much closer to be able to continue reading his lips in the se



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