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1、爱情也有诀窍:让男生爱上你的20个小技巧2013-02-16 19:00:03来源: 沪江英语1. BE YOURSELF做自己 All of my tips will give you tricks and ideas, but I mean for them all to be enhancements of who you really are, not make you into someone youre not. If youre fake, it doesnt matter if you get a guy to fall in love with you, because he

2、 wont really be in love with the real you. So, my first idea is to always be myself, no matter what, so a guy likes me for me。这些建议能提供给你一些技巧,不过我希望它们对你来说是改善自己的建议,而不是让你变成另外一个人。不过你不够真诚,那么不管哪个男生爱上你就都没有意义了,因为他爱上的不是真正的你。所以,我的第一条建议就是无论何时永远做自己,这样男生才会因为爱你而爱你。2. OPTIMIZE YOUR APPEARANCE精心打理自己Whenever Im trying

3、 to be more attractive to someone, I always optimize. Now, this doesnt mean I starve myself to look thin, buy tons of new clothes, or get a dramatic hair cut. Instead, I just try to make myself look my best. This means a cute outfit that emphasizes my best features, combed and fixed hair, a little m

4、akeup, a clean bright smile, and a spritz of light perfume。当我想要在某人面前显得有魅力时,我总会精心打理自己。不是为了减肥让自己饿肚子,不是买一大堆新衣服,也不是剪一个夸张的发型,而是努力让自己看起来最好。我会选一套漂亮的衣服突出我的特点,梳理好发型,化一些淡妆,保持笑容灿烂,再洒上一些香水。3. LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN倾听,倾听,倾听Guys love to talk about themselves, and they think a girl who actively listens to them is

5、so charming. So, I always listen more than I talk when I was trying to attract a guy. Talk about yourself, current topics, news events, etc about 20% of the time, and let him control the conversation about 80% of the time。男生喜欢说自己的事,他们觉得认真听他们说话的人非常有魅力。所以,当我试图去吸引男生的时候听的总比说的多。用20%的时间谈谈你自己,最近的热点话题,最新发生的

6、事件,让他们控制80%的谈话时间。4. LAUGH A LOT经常笑Guys are drawn to girls with a great sense of humor, and I think humor always begins with a lot of laughter. So, I always tried to laugh a lot and be easy to please when I was trying to attract a guy. If I want a guy to fall in love with me, I make sure to laugh and

7、 all his jokes!男生会被有幽默感的女生吸引,而我认为幽默感的第一表现就是展现笑容。因此当我想吸引男生时,我会经常笑,表现得容易相处。当我想要男生爱生我的时候,我会确保他每讲一个笑话我都会用笑声回应!5. HAVE A GREAT ATTITUDE态度积极In my experience, guys like girls with cheerful, sunny dispositions. No one likes to hang out with a pessimistic, negative person. So, I always try to look on the bri

8、ght side of life and be a “glass half full” person when Im trying to catch a hot guy. People always tend to look my way more often and gravitate toward me when Ive got a smile on my face!根据我的经验,男生喜欢性情开朗的女生。没有人想要和悲观的人一起出去玩。因此当我想要吸引很不错的男生时,我总是试图从好的一面看待生活,而不是从悲观的角度看待问题。当我的脸上挂着笑容时,我的回头率会更高,人们会更容易被我吸引。6.

9、 BE SWEET亲切Sometimes, I can be catty all girls can be. When Im with my girlfriends, well gossip or trash some other girl for being rude or trashy, but thats not a nice way to act. And, let me just tell you, Ive learned that this kind of behavior doesnt attract guys. Boys are drawn to girls who are s

10、weet and dont gossip, so keep cattiness and snotty comments to yourself around your new guy。有时我是一个爱对人说三道四的女生所有女生都是这样。当我和女性朋友在一起时,我们会一起鄙视那些粗鲁的女生,不过这样对人其实并不好。让我告诉你吧,我发现男生不喜欢这样的行为。吸引男生的是不在背后说三道四的亲切的女生,所以在刚开始约会男生面前不要发表这些恶毒的评论,放在自己肚子里就好了。7. FLIRT调情Some of my friends used to think flirting was beneath the

11、m, but Im telling you it works. Guys just love to be showeredwith attention and treated like a king. Toss your hair a little bit, throw your head back and laugh, grin a lot, and look up and him from under your eyelashes. Even those these old tricks might seem tried and true, theyre tried and true be

12、cause they actually work!我的一些朋友曾经对调情很不屑。不过告诉你,调情其实很管用。男生喜欢别人给他大量的关注,把他当成国王一样看待。摸摸你的头发,把头发向后一甩然后对着他微笑,歪着头看他。虽然这些看起来很老套,不过之所以老套是因为这个方法真的有用!8. BE DIFFERENT与众不同Trying to be unique and different is a way Ive always tried to interest guys. I dont want him to think that Im just like all the other girls out

13、 there instead, I want to be seen as charming, witty, and smart. So, I dont talk about all those same old topics, like school gossip. Ask him about how he feels about current events or newsworthy stories and show him youre worldy!表现得与众不同,这是我经常用来吸引男生的方法。我不想让他用看待其他所有女生的眼光来看待我,我希望他把我看成一个有魅力、风趣聪明的人。因此我不

14、会谈论那些已经被说烂了的话题,例如学校里的八卦等等。问问他对最近的热点事件有什么想法,有什么有新闻价值的事件,让他知道你是个关心时事的人!9. BE WITTY风趣As I said before, guys like a girl with a sense of humor. The best way to show you value humor is to laugh at his jokes, but I always try to crack a few jokes myself, too. Guys are drawn to girls with a funny side, and

15、 theres nothing that draws two people closer than sharing a laugh. So, I always bust out a few comments or funny one-liners when Im trying to draw a guy to me。如刚才我所提到的,男生喜欢有幽默感的女生。显示你有幽默感的最好方法就是用笑来回应他说的笑话,不过我也经常试着自己讲几个笑话。男生喜欢懂得幽默的女生,另外也没有什么比一起大笑更能拉近两人距离的事情了。10. INITIATE PHYSICAL CONTACT主动身体接触Guys lo

16、ve physical touch, and touching someone is a quick way to develop intimacy. When Im trying to attract a guys attention, I will look for ways to bring physical touch into play. For instance, I touch his arm lightly when Im laughing at a joke, or Ill slap him on the knee playfully if he says something funny, or Ill touch his hand while Im explaining something。男生喜欢身体接触,身体上的触碰能够让两人更加亲密。当我想要吸引男生注意力的时候,我就会想办法发展一些身体接触。例如,当我听


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