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1、http:/ MBA/MPA/MPACC备考QQ群94192717 考研英语大作文答题思路及技巧分享文笔不好,没什么华丽辞藻,但是哥很注重实用性,请务必耐心看完。那么,我今天接着来谈谈英语大作文怎么去写。其实大作文无非就是考察三段式。第一段,就是考察我们描述事件的能力,第二段是关于事件的分析能力,第三段也无非就是对事件的看法或者评价又或者是解决方法。其实这三段内容就是我们以后入研究生之后,需要用到的一种能力。以后看专业学术书,又或者写论文时能用上。进接着话题,我们第一段,就是描写图片怎么写?不要想太多,你想太多反而无从入手,就按部就班,图上什么样,你就简单的描述。你想得太复杂,反而写不出来。这

2、里点播一下大家,我们要背的不是作文的整个模版或者整篇文章,因为那既不可能也没必要,背的是自己认为好用的句子,这种句子就是要用很强的兼容性,放之四海而皆准的。然后背多了,写作文时就一定要给我想办法用上去。作文不是为了写作文去写的.,而是为了我们以前背过的句子,想办法在文章中把他很好地使用出来,想办法把他套上去。并不是我们为了论证一个东西,去编一个什么句子,而是用我们以前背过的大量句子去组织,说得简单点,你写这句话的目的,就是因为你以前背过,你就是要写这句话,所以你才套上去的.明白了吗?大量的事实证明,你只要背过很多兼容性的句子,到时候顺手一堆句子。开头很简单,基本就是As is vividly

3、depicted in the picture.there stand a .,a .one,.ing.it is not difficult to deduce that the cartoonist intends to show us a(n) . message/emerging problem that.however,this phenomenon or problem has stirred a heated discussion among the people all over nation.或者,this phemomenon has caused wide public

4、concern.就这么套,图片简单描述,图片简单说明,马上要说明这个图片反映的是什么现象和趋势,一定是现象,问题或者趋势,不可能很狭隘,就图片而图片。中段就是说明问题,中段写的方式有很多,基本上可以分为三个层次,特别注意论据,英文写作论据并不要求很好的证明观点,本质是看你句子表达能力,已经三层式的结构组织。你只要从三个不同方面来组织,用出要的句子结构,就是高分,不用去管三个论据有没有逻辑关系,或者递进,并列,根本不用去考虑,关键是每个层次里面是否有符合句子。千万别用first,second,third,这种傻忽忽的词,给大家一个规范用词first of all/to begin with/ab

5、ove allin the second place/in the second instancelast but not least/in summary注意论据三点有时一下子想不出来,你就可以举例,可以说some expert pionts out that./take . in instance./according to the investigation conducted this year indicates that./some statistics expose that.最后结论In a word,we can safely draw the conclusion that

6、.下面是我自己整理归纳的句子,有很大的兼容性,你只要背熟,自己选自己说着顺口的,不一定全要背出来,到考试的时候,为了展示这些句子,就写出来,写作文的容易一定是我们背过的句子把大展示出来,不是让你就作文写作文,一再强调!1.as far as . be concerned 就.而言2.has/have unpleasant association with sth.对.没好感3.an increasingly number of.越来越多的.4.point out.指出5.contribute (directly) to sth.(直接)有助于.6.proper measures should

7、be taken to/great efforts should be made to应采取适当的措施/当努力去做7.be questioned by.受到质疑8.no one can deny the fact that.不可否认9.a recent investigation indicated that.最近一项调查表明10.tend to have favourable attitude towards sth.受到欢迎11.turn a blind eye to/turn a deaf ear to视而不见/聪而不闻12.pay a heavy price to do sth.为做某

8、事付出巨大代价13.the most significant aspect of sth.最重要的是14.make it possible for sb to do使某人做某事成为可能15.be obliged to admit the fact that不得不承认16.spare no effort to do不歇余力做某事17.the information Ive collected for many years lead me to believe that.从我这些年所收集的信息使我相信18.pose a tremendous threat to sth.给 .造成巨大威胁19.pr

9、oduce a far-reaching influence on sth.对.产生巨大影响20.live under illusion/down to the earth生活在幻想中/脚踏实地或面对现实网友版范文(网友原话:“原创内容,欢迎互相学习,进步!恕我浅薄,如过错误欢迎指正。”)2010考研英语作文范文:From the picture above,we can see a spical hotpot ,which contains many unique ingredients,stand for LAO SHE,KONG FU,Decompostion and some thin

10、gs to that effect.At the bottom of the picture,a sentence stands there extremely prominent,which can be brielf interpreted by this way:culture hotpot is not only good tasting but also strongly good for ones health. A bit exggerating picture is,however,through careful observation,we may discover that

11、 behind this strange senario,what the cartoonist intends to show us is extremely obvious:the significance of integration between Chinese culture and other countries culture.With the implementation of the Chinas reform and opening up,an emerging tendency is that more and more foriegners are getting f

12、ascinated with our Chinese culture.They come to China to learn Chinese language,taste delicious Chinese foods,make friends with Chinese people, and etc.All these make them pretty comfortable and agreeable.At the same time,however,this phenomenon also stirred a heated dated in our society,so,how to r

13、ender the other countries culture be more compatible with our Chinese culture has caused wide public concern.As far as I am concerned,before giving my opinion I think we should take closely look at the cultures function widely.Policymakers should be more aware of that culture integration not only be

14、nefits to our making a further development but exerts a great contribution to the world peace.2009考研英语作文范文:As is vigorously shown in the photo,we can see some people sitting in front of their disks and being absorbing in controlling their computers.The expressions in their faces look pretty agreaabl

15、e.However what the picture intrigue me is that they were separated from each other by a spider web,which is the metahpor of the internet web.At the bottom of the picture,a sentence stands there prominent,which can be briefly interpreted by this way:internet contributes to both connecting and isolating each other.A bit exaggerating the picture is,but from observation seriously,we m


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