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1、新人教版高三英语词汇学案七、情感(预习学案)【预习导学】这些高考必会单词你都掌握好了吗?高兴:delight, delighted/-ing, happiness, laugh (at), laughter, pleasure, cheer (up), enjoy, excite, excited, cheerful, happy, merry, pleased (to do)悲伤:blow (to), sad, sadness, sorrow, tear, cry, scream, weep, sob, bitter, sorry, unhappy感动:affect, strike, tou

2、ch, move, moved, moving惊奇:surprise, amaze, amazing, amazed (at/by/to do), astonish, shock, shake, curious忧虑:anxious, anxiety, pressure, stress, tense, tension, worry, worried/worrying, bother (about/to do), concern, concerned/concerning, blue, upset满意:satisfy, satisfaction, satisfied (with), please,

3、 pleased (with) , content (with/to do)遗憾:pity, shame, regret (to do/doing), ashamed (of), sorry恐惧:afraid (of), fear, frighten, panic, scare, terror, terrify, terrible, horrible失望:disappoint, disappointed, disappointing, discourage, letdown, bore, boring, bored, desperate, depressed, frustrated, tire

4、d (of)其他: puzzle, confuse, comfort, feel, mood, sympathy, embarrass(-ing/-ed), hesitate, guilty, innocent, annoy, proud, pride, patient, nerve/nervous, calm, grateful, admire, envy【预习检测】认真完成下列练习,看看自己在知识上还存在哪些遗漏?一、选出能描述说话人情感的最准确的词语。anxious, moved, shocked, sad, puzzled, delighted, content1. Everythin

5、gs going very badly and Im very upset.2. I cant wait to go on holiday! Its going to be great!3. Everything is fine at the moment. I have no worries at all.4. No! It cant be true! Thats terrible! I need to sit down.5. Im really worried about Marie. I do hope shes all right.6. We all cried when seeing

6、 the movie about saving the ill-treated animals.7. I dont understand why they didnt take her advice.二、选出适当的单词,并用其正确的形式填空(一词可多用)。amaze, anxious, please, satisfy, puzzle, curious, upset 1. I was terribly about the children when they didnt come home from school.2. The children have never been to any na

7、tural museum before and they are about everything.3. Were so that youre able to come to the wedding.4. We offered them 100, then 150, then 200, but they still werent .5. Dont yourself about it lets just forget it ever happened.6. He often his grandmother with questions that she could not answer.7. H

8、e was at how wealthy and powerful Mr. Lee truly was. It was beyond his imagination.frighten, disappoint, annoy, confuse, embarrass8. Im getting with him, because hes always late.9. It is even to think of the horrors of nuclear war.10. With a look on his face, Tony asked, “Pardon? I dont get it.”11.

9、Feeling about her body shape, she decided to go on a diet.12. Lisa told her professor that hard work would not her.13. Should you choose to join us, we know that you will not be !14. I always John with his brother; they are very much alike.15. The weather was bad and the food terrible. Altogether th

10、e holiday was very .三、选出适当的单词,并用其正确的形式填空(一词可多用)。scare, mood, fear, upset, discourage, scream, disappoint, embarrassDavid: Hes not happy at the moment. Hes feeling a little 1. over what has happened. Hes really 2. _ with his wife. Hes not in a good 3. _. He wants to 4. out all his 5. , but he 6. _ it

11、 might not be a good idea.Linda: Tonight shes really 7. _. Usually she does not 8. _ easily, but her friend has brought over a ghost movie. This movie is really 9. _. She is 10. _ whether she could finish the movie. Shes 11. _ to let her friend know fort, upset, tear, anxious, cry, sadnessWhen Susan

12、s cat was killed by a car she burst into 12. _ and began to 13. _ so loudly that the neighbors next door heard her. She was heartbroken by the loss. Her mother was 14. _ and tried to 15. _ her but Susans 16. _ was so great that it was three days and three sleepless nights before she began to recover

13、 enough to eat normally. Even then she talked to no one and was silent and 17. _ for weeks. I think shell always miss her pet.【预习反馈】通过预习,你觉得自己还有哪些单词没掌握好?我还有哪些单词读不准音?我还有哪些单词不会拼写?我还有哪些单词不知道汉语意思?我还有哪些单词不会运用?济钢高中高三英语词汇学案七、情感(课堂导学)【补偿训练】预习中发现的问题都已经解决了吗?一、选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. _ and happy, Tom stood up and accepted the prize. A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprised2. We all like her lecture, because she can _ the audience with her jokes.A. upset B. annoy C. delight D. surprise3. If it is _ to you, I will visit you next Tuesday.A. comfortable B. easy C. convenient



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