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1、四六级冲刺突破阅读第六讲:作者的态度网友常用标签(共0个): 让我们首先看一篇文章:VIA.The shops of the border town are filled with many souvenirs, pottery, bullhorns and serapes(一种华丽的毛织布), all made from cheap material and decorated in a gaudy manner, which the tourist thinks is true Mexico folk art.The attitude of the author toward the so

2、uvenirs can best be described asA. positiveB. indifferentC. admiringD. contemptuous文章中bullhorns是指牛角,serapes是一种华丽的毛织布。再从cheap, gaudy(华丽而俗气)等词的运用,我们可以看出作者的态度是讽刺和藐视。所以答案是D. 可能的问题有:1. What is the authors attitude toward .?2. How does the author feel about .?3. Which of the following best describes the a

3、ttitude of the author toward .?4. The authors attitude toward . is _.5. The attitude of the author toward . can best be described as _.在解决该类问题时,应该注意以下几个方面:1 关注文章中的描写性段落和描述性语言;2 注意作者所用的直接表达感情或态度的词语,如上文中的cheap, gaudy3 通过论据的对比,重点倾向进行判断4 根据主题及作者对题材的选择进行判断下面我们来看一看具体如何运用VIB.We will not deny that tourism h

4、as an influence which is not always appreciated by everybody. Some people prefer to be left alone. They are not interested in the money which tourists spend in shops and hotels, as well as on taxis and coach tours. But the majority of ordinary people have far more to gain from tourism than have to l

5、ose.What is the writers attitude toward tourism?A. he is against tourismB. he is not at all interested in tourismC. he is in favor of tourism.D. We cant tell from the passage.这篇文章有两个论据,分别是第二句和第四句,通过比较,我们发现作者很明显倾向于第二个论据,有but为证,所以答案应选C. VIC.I disagreed then as now with many of John Smiths judgments, b

6、ut always respected him, and this book is a welcome reminder of his big, honest, friendly, stubborn personality.A. he dislikes him but agrees with his ideas.B. He considers him to be a disagreeable person.C. He disagrees with his ideas but respects him.D. He disagrees with him then but agrees with h

7、im now.作这道题,只要抓住两个词:disagreed & but, 再结合big, honest, friendly, stubborn就可轻松选出C. 最后一题供你们练习:VIDWhile we may be interested in the possibilities of social harmony and individual fulfillment to be achieved through non-traditional education, one cannot help being cautious about accepting any sort of onesi

8、ded educational program as a cure for the worlds ills.How does the author feel about nontraditional education?A. He believes that it has no possibility of success.B. He doubts that it can cure the world ills.C. He feels that it is a cure for the worlds ills.D. He believes it will bring social harmony.


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