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1、臺北縣三重市二重國民小學 98 學年度 上 學期 六 年級 英語 領域課程計畫 設計者:彭曉瑩、本領域每週學習節數(2)節,補救教學(2)節二、本學期學習目標:1. 能聽懂、說出、辨識並抄寫以下35個單字或片語:(1) spider, ant, bee, butterfly, ladybug, grasshopper (2) monkeys, koalas, lions, tigers, bears, pandas,(3) do my homework, clean the room, wash the dishes, read a book, watch TV, draw a picture

2、,(4) singing, dancing, crying, laughing, cooking, eating (5) walk my dog, listen to music, fly a kite, ride a bike, take a trip, play computer games (6)。 2. 會聽、說、讀與抄寫各課句型。3. 能以正確的語調說出問句、答句和直述句。4. 能聽懂、各單元歌謠和韻文的主要內容並能吟唱和朗讀歌謠韻文。5 .能熟悉並分辨下列子音之發音規則並能拼讀相關單字(1 )cl-與gl-(2) pl-與bl- (3)br-與pr-(4) tr-與dr-(5) c

3、r-與gr-。 6. 能運用There is an ant.和There are many ants的句型表達單數和複數的句子。7. 能運用in the grass, on the flower, under the tree等介係詞表達物件與所屬位置的相對關係。8. 能運用There is a lion under the tree.和There are three lions under the tree.的句型表達單數和複數的句子。9. 能運用Is there a lion under the tree?問問題,並且能以Yes, there is.和No, there isnt.回答。1

4、0. 能運用What are you doing?/ What is he/she doing?問別人正在做什麼,並能以I am watching TV.和He/She is watching TV.等句型回 答。11. 能運用Are you listening to music?以及Is he/she watching TV?問問題,並且能以Yes, I am. / Yes, he/she is.或No, I am not. / No, he/she isnt.回答。12. 能運用What are you doing?以及What are they doing?問別人正在做什麼,並能以We

5、are singing.和They are singing.等句型回答。13. 能運用Are you crying?以及Are they crying?問問題,並且能以Yes, we are. / Yes, they are.或No, we are not. / No, they are not.回答。14. 能運用What do you do on the weekend?問別人週末在做什麼,並能以I walk my dog.等句型回答。15. 能運用Do you fly a kite on the weekend?問問題,並且能以Yes I do. I fly a kite on the

6、weekend.或No, I dont. I dont fly a kite on the weekend.回答。16. 能瞭解外國主要節慶感恩節的由來與相關英語表達方式。17. 能樂於參與課堂的學習活動。三、本學期課程架構:紅色:自編課程 、 橙色:融入校本社區特色課程 、藍色:改編教材。 黑色:彩虹7版本單元名稱句型應用字彙認識字彙發音Unit 1Look! Bugs!Theres a/ an _.Theres a _.There are many _.Theres a/ an _ _ the leaf.There are many _ _ this leaf.bee, butterfly

7、, come, day, flower, grasshopper, great, ladybug many, much, spider, there is, time , treeaway, back ,box, bug, garden ground, head, leaf, rock, say. web cl-clap, class, clean, ,gl-glad, glass, glueUnit 2Lets Go to the ZooHow many _ are there?There are _ _.Is there a/ an _ _ ing the grass?Yes, there

8、 is.No, there isnt. Theres a/ an _ in the grass.bear, five, funny, koala, home, lions, monkey, panda, tiger, very, zoo always, animals, black, cute, give, MRT, nice, of course, tonight, visit, whitepl-plum, planet, playground bl-black, blue, blocksUnit 3Hurray For the WeekendWhat do you usually do o

9、n the weekend?I _.Do you _ on the weekend?Yes, I do. I _on the weekend.No, I dont. I _on the weekend.go swimming,hurray, listen to music, me, play computer games , ride my bike, school, start,sure, take a trip, tell, usually, walk my dog, weekendfree, hip , know, out, park, sometimes, soon, study, t

10、omorrow, waitcr-crab, crane, crowgr-grass, grapes, greenReview 1 複習1-3單元所學內容Unit 4What Are You Doing?What are you doing?I am _.What is he/she doing?He/She is _.Are you_?Yes, I am. /No, I am not.Is he/she _ ?Yes he/she is. No, he/she isnt.about, clean my room, do my homework, draw a picture, read a b

11、ookwash the disheswatch TVbe, busy, call, finish, hang on, phone, really, should, sorry, talk, thingpr-prince, price, printerbr-bridge, broom, breadUnit 5The Girls Are DancingWhat are you/they doing?We/They are _.Are you/they _?Yes, we/they are.No, we/they are not. We/They are _.cook, cry, eat, ever

12、yone, laugh, make, think , upalmost, alright , down, ready, wrongtr-train, tree, treasuredr-dream, drink, dressHappy Thanksgiving Would you like some _?Yes, please.lot, please, wonderful, wouldcranberry, dear, gravy, pumpkin pie, sauce , squash, stuffing, sweet potato, thankful, Thanksgiving, try, t

13、urkey, Review2 複習4, 5及節慶單元所學內容四、本學期課程內涵:教學期程領域及議題能力指標主題或單元活動內容節數使用教材評量方式備註第一週第三週08/31-09/0609/07-09/1309/14-09/201-1-3 能聽辨課堂中所習得的詞彙。1-1-8 能聽懂簡單的句子。1-1-9 能聽懂簡易的日常生活對話。1-1-10 聽懂簡易歌謠和韻文的主要內容。2-1-3 能說出課堂中所習得的詞彙。2-1-5 能以正確的重音及適當的語調說出簡單的句子。2-1-10 能作簡單的提問、回答和敘述。2-1-11 能吟唱和朗讀歌謠韻文。2-1-12 能以簡易英語看圖說話。2-1-13 能根

14、據圖片或提示以角色扮演作簡單的對話。3-1-5 能辨識故事、韻文中的常用字詞。3-1-6 能看懂簡單的句子。3-1-11 能活用字母拼讀法(phonics)的規則讀出單字。4-1-4 能臨摹抄寫課堂中習得的句子。4-1-5 能拼寫一些基本常用字詞。4-1-6 能依圖示填寫重要字詞。4-1-7 能掌握英文書寫格式寫出簡單的句子。5-1-6 能依文字或口語提示寫出重要字詞。6-1-2 樂於回答老師或同學所提的問題。6-1-7 不畏犯錯,樂於溝通、表達意見。環境教育:1-3-1藉由觀察與體驗自然,以及以創作文章、美勞、音樂、戲劇表演等形式,表現自然環境之美與對環境的關懷。3-3-3能養成主動思考國內與國際環保議題(如:永續發展、全球變遷、生物多樣性、非核家園)並積極參與的態度。Unit 1Look! Bugs!Lets Talk 暖身活動由老師問學生最想到哪個郊區去玩,或直接在黑板上寫上最熟悉的郊區名字例如:陽明山。再將全班分成兩組,舉手說出可以在陽明山看到的東西名稱。例如tree, flower, dog.等。每一組另派一個代表在黑板前就位,將自己組員說出的名稱畫在黑板上,最後畫成一幅陽明山公園大圖。在限定


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