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1、句法基本知识;疑问句,祈使句和感叹句。句法基本知识第一点:句子的种类:简单句、并列句、复合句、简单句:Tom has a book.并列句:Tom has a book and Mary has a pen.复合句:Tom has a book whose name is Big Ben.第二点:简单句:没有连词,由基本机构(主+谓+宾)及其变形形式构成。一:主语+谓语(vi,不及物动词) The sun is rising.二:主语+谓语(vt,及物动词)+宾语 I have a book.三:主语+谓语+双宾语(人或物)I give Peter a book. I give a book

2、to Peter.四:主语+谓语+复合宾语(宾语+宾语补足语)I have a book to read. (to read是对宾语a book的补充说明)五:主语+系动词+表语(系动词包括be动词和感官动词)I am a student. This food tastes delicious.补充说明:动词分类一:(1)行为动词 有实际意义动词,可单独做谓语,后用副词修饰。run fast(2)情态动词 后常接动词原形,must/should/may等+do(3)系动词 包括be 动词和感官动 ,后常接形容词,taste/smell/sound/feel/look/touch+good动词分

3、类二:(1)及物动词 用于“主+谓+宾”结构,及物动词可以直接跟宾语 I have a book.(have,vt)(2)不及物动词 不及物动词不能直接跟宾语,需要加介宾结构 The sun rises from the east.第三点:并列句由and,but,or,while(然而)等连接的两个简单句Im a teacher and youre a student.I am not good at mathes while John is good at it.(while在这里是然而的意思)第四点:复合句补充知识:句子成分:主语,谓语,宾语,表语(主干) 宾补,定语,状语,补语(修饰)用

4、一个句子替换一个词做上述成分的时候,就形成相应的从句。疑问句一般疑问句:1)当谓语是行为动词一般现在时和一般过去时时,在句首加助动词Do,Dose或Did,句中的谓语要动词原形,在句尾加上问号。2)当谓语动词是连系动词be、行为动词的其他时态和there be的句型的时候,只要颠倒主谓语的位置,在句尾加上问号。3)have的用法(1)当have意为有的时候,加助动词或颠倒词序。They have some computers.Do they have any computers ? / Have they any computers? ( 2 )当have作为行为动词时,一定要用助动词Do,D

5、oes,Did,不能颠倒词序。have作为行为动词的词组有:have a rest have a meeting have a lesson have a lecture have toDo you have a maths lesson every day? Yes,I do. No,I dont.Does he have to sit here? Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.(3)have作助动词(构成完成时)只能颠倒位置。Have they learned 6,000 words? Yes,they have. No,they havent.选择疑问句:1)一般疑

6、问句+or?Do you like English or Chinese?I like English./I like Chinese.I like both.I like neither.Are you going to America or to France tomorrow?Im going to America tomorrow./Im going to France tomorrow.2)特殊疑问句A or B?Which subject do you like better,English or Chinese?I like English./I like Chinese./I

7、like both./I like neither.Which subject do you like best,Chinese,maths,or English?特殊疑问句1)向主语提问公式:疑问词+谓语动词+其他Mr Smith teaches you English.Who teaches you English?Something is wrong with your watch.What is wrong with your watch?2)向宾语,表语,状语和谓语提问公式:疑问词+一般疑问句Mr Smith teaches us English this year.对谓语teach

8、提问,What does Mr Smith do this year?对间接宾语us提问,Whom does Mr Smith teach English this year?对直接宾语English提问,What subject does Mr Smith teach you this year?对时间状语提问,When does Mr Smith teach you English?反意疑问句: 1反意疑问句的构成: 用“陈述句+简化的一般疑问句”构成。 如果前半句是肯定式,后半句用否定式;如果前半句用否定式,则后半句就用肯定式。 1 ) 前肯后否 2 ) 前否后肯 3 ) There b

9、e句型疑问句部分仍用there ? There is a hill behind our school , ist there ? 4 ) dislike是like的反义词(不是否定词),仍属肯定陈述句。 He dislikes swimming,doesnt he? 2 复合句的反意疑问句,都向主句提问 He said he was ill then , didnt he ? If you go there,he will go there,too , wont he ? 但I/We think/believe/suppose that一定要向宾语从句提问。 I think that you

10、 are wrong,arent you ? I dont believe that he will come tomorrow , will he ?3 并列句的反义疑问句,向第二句提问。 He isnt ill , but he doesnt work hard , does he?其他特殊用法:1 must做必须讲的时候,用neednt 构成后面的反意疑问句。2 used to后面有两种构成反意疑问句的形式:didnt / usednt3 Lets后面的反意疑问句形式为shall we , 而let us后的反意疑问句形式为 will you.4 前面有表示愿望的wish作谓语时,反意疑

11、问句用may.课堂练习:( )1 She could hardly see it,_? A couldnt she B could she C didnt she D can she( )2 Mr Black and his students werent in the classroom , were they? _. A Yes,they were not B No,they were C Yes , they were D No,they werent( )3 I dont think John can finish the letter,_? A do I B cant I C can

12、t he D can he( )4 Dont smoke in the room,_? A do you B can you C will you D could you( )5 I wish to go home now,_? A cant I B may I C do I D have I( )6 I dont think you have met John before,_? A havent you B have you C do I D dont ( ) 7Beer bottles can be recycled,but they need cleaning thoroughly,_

13、they? A dont B mustnt C neednt D cant( )8 You dont think that he is likely to succeed this time,_? A do you B dont you C is he D isnt he( )9 She said she was well already,_? A was she B wasnt she C did she D didnt she( )10 Clever boys need never work very hard,_? A neednt they B dont they C do they

14、D need they祈使句:在语言交际中,经常要请求别人做某一件事情,或要求别人买一样东西,或者命令对方或第三方做某件事情。这类句子叫做祈使句。祈使句总以原形动词开头,主语你或你们要省略,否定句都要以Dont 开头。Please sit down. / Sit down,please.Let us go home. / Lets go home.Let作谓语时,其宾语后面的动词必须省略to.有时也可用Could组成祈使句,以表示讲话人的语气婉转,回答时仍用can.Could you please help me? Yes,I can.特殊句型:1 祈使句+will you? / shall we? Let me go home, will you? Lets go home, shall we?2 祈使句+and+陈述句 Study hard and you will make great progress. =If you study hard,you will make great pro



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