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1、地道英语零距离Chapter2节目内容整理20140211第6期节目习语例句拓展1. have a barrel of fun 很开心,玩得极其痛快A:You will be inspired by the beautiful scenery.You will also have a barrel of fun and meet lots of new friends.B:I cant wait.A:那儿的美景会给你灵感的。你也会很开心并认识许多新的朋友。B:我已经迫不及待了。For 15 years,area residents have been gathering there every

2、 Wednesday afternoon to meet friends and dance.They always have a barrel of fun.15年来,那里的居民每周三下午都在那边聚会,会会朋友跳跳舞。他们非常开心。2. get a (real) kick out of 从.中获得很大的乐趣A:Sandra is very careful about money spending.She is a thrifty woman.B:She says that she usually gets a kick out of window shopping.A:桑德拉花钱很谨慎,是个

3、节俭的女人。B:她说“橱窗购物”中就能得到很大乐趣。thrifty:节俭的 专四词汇我们之前讲过“show ones true colors”是“原形毕露”的意思,而不是“给某人点颜色看看”。之后有沪友问到“给某人点颜色看看”怎么说?因为要用到kick这个词,所以我在这里提一下吧“给某人点颜色看看”是中文特有的说法,英语里直译肯定是错误的,正确的说法是give/teach sb a lesson常规或者kick sbs butt非正式。3. thanks a million 感激不尽,千恩万谢,万分感谢A:It is so kind of you to give us a hand in th

4、is huge project.Thanks a million.B:Im glad that I can help.Let me know if you need more help.A:你真是太好了,在这个重要的项目上给我们帮助。万分感谢。B:我很高兴能帮上忙。如果还需要任何帮助,尽管告诉我。表达感谢的地道表达:I owe you one(我欠你一次。)I appreciate it.(我很感激。)I cannot express to you how grateful I am.(我无法向你表达我有多么感激。)I feel grateful for your timely help.(我

5、很感激你及时帮忙。)I lack words with witch to express my thanks/gratitude.(我无法用言语来表达我的感谢。)4.feast ones eyes on.对.一饱眼福A:You can feast your eyes on the fireworks from the five-star Marco Polo Hotel.B:I cant wait to have a look at that stunning view.A:你可以在五星级的马可波罗酒店观赏烟花。B:我已经等不及欣赏那壮丽的美景了。stunning:极好的,令人震惊的 I ca

6、nt wait to have a look at the stunning view.stunned:惊呆的,目瞪口呆的 I was stunned by the beautiful scenery.注意区分这两个词的用法20140212第7期节目习语例句拓展1. fly into a rage/fury 暴怒A:How did he respond after you told him the story?B:He almost flew into a rage and kept telling me that its none of my business.A:你告诉他之后他是什么反应?

7、B:他几乎大发雷霆,反复强调这不关我的事。Youd better stay away from her.She will fly into a rage at the slightest provocation.你最好和她保持距离。她动不动就大发雷霆。温习一个旧知识:mind ones own business 少管闲事;poke ones nose into 爱管闲事at the slightest provocation 动不动provocation nounpr-v-k-shn 挑衅,挑拨,激怒2. fly off the handle 大发雷霆A:Why isnt Thomas on

8、good terms with his father?B:His father really flew off the handle when he learned his son had dropped out of college without his permission.Ever since then,their relations have gone from bad to worse.A:托马斯为什么与他父亲不和?B:当父亲得知儿子未经他同意就放弃大学学业后大发雷霆。从那以后,父子的关系越来越僵。Fly off the handle too easily and you may

9、suffer long-term health problems.Conditions linked to chronic anger include high blood pressure,heart diseases,skin disorders,difficulties with the digestive system and headaches.经常动不动就发火会使你长期受健康问题的困扰。一些和经常发怒有关的疾病,包括高血压、心脏病、皮肤病、消化不良以及头疼。Be on good terms with 与.关系好From bad to worse 每况愈下,越来越糟3. out of

10、 sorts 闹情绪;身体不适A:Franks feeling out of sorts these days because he didnt get the promotion.B:I will call him tonight and tell him to take it easy.There might be prospects for him eventually.A:弗兰克因为没能升职,这些天来心情不好。B:今晚我会给他打电话告诉他想开点,总会有机会的。I will take a day off today.I feel a little out of sorts.今天我想请假。

11、我觉得不太舒服。4. have the jitters 忐忑不安,很紧张A:Tom is very likely to have the jitters when he faces a crowd of people in public,so it will be rather difficult for him to deliver a speech tomorrow.B:Lets see what we can do to relax his jitters.A:当汤姆面对人群的时候很容易紧张,因此对他来说明天的演讲是一件困难的事。B:让我们看看能做什么让他不那么紧张。20140213第8

12、期节目习语例句拓展1. get on ones nerves 使某人心烦A:My boyfriend sometimes gets on my nerves by talking and going out with other girls.B:You shouldnt be so narrow-minded.A:有时我男友和其他女孩说话并和他们出去,我真是心烦。B:别那么小心眼儿。How it gets on my nerves when I see you always sitting there with your nose in the book and never lift a fi

13、nger in the housework.看到你总是坐在那埋头读书,从不动手做家务,我是多么地心烦啊。narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的,小心眼的心胸开阔的就是open-minded or broad-mindedsitting there with nose in the book这个说法太形象了,我们看书的时候,离书最近的就是鼻子了,很像是把鼻子埋在书里一样,所以这个说法对应汉语里的“埋头苦读”太贴切了。lift a finger 举手之劳2. down in the dumps/mouth 无精打采的,垂头丧气的A:Jack has been down in the dumps l

14、ately.See if you can cheer him up.B:Let me first figure out where the shoe pinches.A:杰克最近总提不起精神来,看看你是否能让他振作起来。B:让我先看看问题出在哪里。Where the shoe pinches 困难所在,问题所在Pinch作动词,意思是“夹痛,使痛苦”,这个短语直译就是“鞋磨脚的地方”当然就是让你感到疼痛的地方,引申为困难所在,问题所在。常说:Thats where the shoe pinches.3. spine-chilling 令人毛骨悚然的A:Which movie would you

15、 recommend for the weekend?B:The Ring.A:Oh,no.I dont like horror movies at all.I cant stand those spine-chilling pictures.A:周末你推荐看什么电影?B:午夜凶铃。A:天哪,不要。我一点都不喜欢看恐怖电影,受不了那些令人毛骨悚然的画面。令人毛骨悚然有很多种说法,再如:make ones blood run cold orfreeze ones blood.4. cliff-hanger 扣人心弦的事情A:Is David going to end the chapter he is working on with a cliff-hanger?B:Yes.He mentioned it yesterday.I know there will be a huge cliff-hanger,but I dont know what it is yet.A:戴维是不是要用一个悬念来


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