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1、全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计一、教案背景1、面向学生: 中学 小学 学科:英语2、课时:13、学生课前准备:布置学生预习词汇,课前利用各种途径搜集和查阅尽可能多的有关水果和蔬菜的英文单词。4、教师课准备:准备有关水果的英文歌曲和小游戏。准备和搜索大量的水果和蔬菜的图片并归好类别。制作教学多媒体课件。二、教学课题Module 5 Healthy food Unit 1 Have we got any oranges? Junior 1 , New standard English三、教材分析内容分析: 本模块的话题是健康饮食,是学生比较感兴趣的话题。随着人们生活水平的

2、提高,人们所吃的、了解的食品也越来越多,一些国外的食品等也为中国学生所熟悉。饮食话题符合学生的年龄特点,而且针对学生中普遍存在的不良饮食习惯,也非常有必要对他们进行正面的教育和积极引导,让他们更多地了解健康饮食方面的知识,培养他们健康饮食的习惯。学情分析:1知识基础:学生们在小学学过简单的有关水果和蔬菜的英文单词,但是一些常用的单词还需要老师进行扩充。2思维能力:有较强的记忆力和模仿能力,有待培养知识的扩展运用能力。3认知心理:水果和蔬菜是同学们生活当中接触最多的东西,也是他们比较感兴趣的话题,有较强的求知欲和表现欲,但是部分学生存在不自信,可能存在羞于表现等思想顾虑。 学习目标:1知识目标:

3、 掌握有关水果和蔬菜的词汇和词组。healthy, orange, drink, fruit, vegetable, beef, carrot, chicken, juice, melon, milk, onion, pork, potato, tomato,have / has got2能力目标: 培养听说读写能力,尤其是听说的能力。能就饮食话题在模拟的场景中,用所学过的词汇和句型,进行简单交际并能独立表达个人思想观点,为将来的写作打下良好的基础。3情感目标: 通过介绍自己了解的健康饮食,掌握更多的健康饮食相关知识。并能够根据所学的知识,为自己确立合理的饮食习惯。知道中西方的简单饮食文化区别

4、,了解中西方用餐习惯。教学重难点:重点:1. 如何使用地道的英语介绍饮食情况.。礼貌的进行日常对话。2. have / has got句型 表示“有”的肯定,疑问与否定形式。难点:1. some 和any 的用法。2. 名词的单复数。四、教学方法基于课程改革的理念及“第二语言习得论”,培养实现人的可持续发展和人的主体精神的自我完善和发展所必需的能力和素质,运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务,开展和谐愉悦的课堂活动。五、教学过程教 师 活 动学 生 活 动活 动 目 的教学流程教学流程1.复 铺习 垫问 新答 课5分钟Todays topic is about food and veg

5、etables. We can talk about them freely.S1: Whats your favorite food?S2: My favorite food isS1: Do you like bananas?S2: Yes, its my favorite.温故而知新,为导入新课奠定基础,同时让学生意识到交际语言的重要性。2.设 导境 入激 任趣 务3分钟Let the students listen to a song, then answer the following question.http:/ kind of fruits do they like?The s

6、tudents watch the flash and answer it. The little rabbit likes apple, the monkey likes pear, the bear likes orange and the sheep likes watermelon.学生通过百度链接的一首有关水果的英文歌曲,回答小动物们都喜欢什么水果,既锻炼了学生的听说力又激起了他们学习的兴趣。3.呈 实现 施新 目知 标15分钟Task one: Game time1. Fruit guessing: Magic basket There are many fruits in the

7、 basket. Can you guess what I have got?2. Vegetables guessing:*Rabbits like them very much. Theyre orange. And theyre full of nutrition . (carrots)*They are round. When you cut it, it may make you cry.(onions)*Theyre red,and they look like red apples. Theyre not fruit, but a kind of vegetable. (toma

8、toes)*Theyre grown in the field. They can be made into chips. (potatoes)3. Funny pictures Look at the funny pictures and guess what have Betty and Lingling got.4. Story timeTell a story and then answer the question according to the story. Task 2: Learning to learnhttp:/ melonstomatoespotatoesonions

9、fruit vegetables meat food Task 3: Learn more words about fruit, vegetables and drinks. And then lets relax ourselves.http:/ 4: Listen and check the food and drink theyve got. Task 5: Watch the flash and underline the correct answers.The teacher explains the differences between some and any.Task 6:

10、Work in pairs, ask and say what they have got. Example:A: Have you got anyB: Yes, I have got some No, I havent got anyC: He/She has got somebut she/ he hasnt got anyS: Have you got any?T: Sorry, I havent.S: Have you got any?T: Yes, I have.We divided our students into 7 groups. Ten points for every c

11、orrect answer. At last, lets look at which group gets the most points. The winners can get the fruit that they like best. S: Have they got any meat/pork/beef/chicken?T: Yes, they have. / No, they havent.S1: What have they got? S2: They have got a bottle of milk, a bottle of water and some juice. Fam

12、ily juicemilkwaterchickenbeefpork drinkFruit: watermelon, pear, grapepineapple, strawberry, peachmango, cherryVegetables: cucumber,green pepper ,eggplantMeat: mutton, fishDrink: Coke, green tea, black teaThe students tick what they have got.1.Theyve got some juice /milk.2. They havent got any carrot

13、s / meat.3. Have they got any melons? Yes, they have. / No, they havent.4. Have they got any apples?Yes, they have. / No, they havent.在词汇的讲解过程中设置了大量的游戏和竞赛环节,分别通过不同的方式呈现给同学们:水果词汇是教师有一个魔法篮子,让学生猜里面有什么水果,要用“Have you got any?”句型反问。在玩的过程中学生很容易得掌握和巩固了本节课的重点句型。蔬菜词汇,是给出描述该蔬菜特征的英文,猜是什么蔬菜。培养学生的信息处理能力。肉类词汇是从百度搜索了一些有趣的图片,让他们有一种新鲜感和刺激感,维持他们的兴奋点。饮料词汇是让学生根据图片和提示词讲一段英文小故事,锻炼学生英语思维能力。通过填写文字图表,培养了学生总结和概括的综合思维能力。介绍词汇分类记忆策略,培养学生学习策略。教师从百度链接了两个有关水果的在线小游戏。学生从游戏中不但强化了单词的记忆还从中体味到了学习的快感。让学生感觉到学习英语是一件快


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